Monday, May 13, 2013

Happy Birthday Robert Pattinson, your ASTROLOGY chart predictions from Tara Greene

Happy Birthday Robert.
Actually your real birthday, your SOLAR RETURN  was yesterday, the precise moment the Sun returns to the actual degree it was at when you were born, 22 degrees 15 minutes of Taurus.
Robert Pattinson astrology Tara greene
I know you like Astrology, which is so fabulous because ordinary fans will take it more seriously. I found out that you had given Kristen an Astrology chart reading  for her birthday three years ago from Astrologer Diana Brownstone.  She is also giving you Astrology charts for this birthday its been reported. The PR got it mixed up and said Numerology with Astrology which may be both but most people don’t know the diff between numerology astrology and tarot.
YOU have been going through the quadruple whammy of world transpersonal transits. I salute you for taking on this task in so public a manor. Thousands  of people are also going through it.
 May 13 TRANSITS and your progressed planets
Robert Pattinson Astrology Tara Greene
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The transits
learning, travelling, FEELS GREAT YEAR
JUPITER, Mr. feel good and expansion is just crossing your Natal VENUS in GEMINI- {ambiguous love,}
EXACTLY at 20 degrees Gemini in your natal 12th house of the closet, the shadow, the unconscious, spirit.
You keep your emotions private although you cant help express them. A bit ambiguous you are.
Jupiter had healed the wounds from the past as it crossed your Chiron the wounded healer recently @ 13 degrees GEMINI. Gemini in the Tarot is the LOVERS, the unified split.
Jupiter is also opposite your Natal URANUS at 21 degrees Sagittarius & square to your Natal Jupiter in your 10th house of career at 17 degrees PISCES.
Jupiter has triggered your natal Jupiter which rules PISCES – you are forgiving, compassionate, deeply romantic, an illusionist, very dreamy and spiritual. You need to watch out for addictive behaviours. You are a chameleon,creative, poetic,wear rose-coloured glasses,
JUPITER expands your work this year – you need to take creative risks, think outside your comfort zone.  Spirituality, beauty, self-sacrifice are big themes in your life and work now.
Jupiter will move through your NATAL 12th house all year releasing the ghosts from the past. That’s the good stuff.
falls right on your PLUTO @ 5 degrees of SCORPIO
close to your Cancer Moon and in your 9th house
This is a blessing of overflowing emotional soul learning, travelling, philosophy.
Jupiter in your 12th house opposite NEPTUNE July 21
This is a super dreamy romantic time for you. Your spirituality  is deepening, you may meet a teacher on the spiritual path who helps you. You may start collecting beautiful things, art, jewellery. You are feeling charitable,and may want to initiate projects which help others.  But you are also foggy. Your perceptions may be extremely psychic now, watch your dreams carefully. Be careful with money. Very creative time for all actors artists writers.
August 10 Jupiter conjuncts your NATAL MOON.
then Retrograde back over it turning Direct near your natal Moon around March 6 2014. Old emotional dreams or illusions may come up to be dealt with again during this time. Your relationship with your Mother is primary to you. You idealize her.Very emotional time. Deep down you need emotional security.
and begins a brand new you for the next 12 years. Jupiter will turn Retro and cross back over your Ascendant in the middle of January and stay there to finish off any old unfinished business till around April 25 2014. Everything is the new you at that point. THAT’s the GOOD STUFF.
SATURN  conjunct Your PLUTO in the 5th house of Love affairs
You have been tested by Saturn, and have come out more mature and serious. YOU are ready to commit. The wild ride with Kristen from last year was due to outer planets Uranus and Pluto transiting your natal NEPTUNE. Uranus is chaos and Pluto is karmic soul destruction and resurrection.You crave deep intense emotions, the drama. You need intense intimacy and can be very possessive and obsessive.
Now URANUS, planet of rebellion in your 10th house of career is SQUARING YOUR MOON
You are following your own path, being your own individual emotionally. Relationships and career may still be chaotic, wild, and crazy with unexpected twists and turns for you. Freedom is your middle name right now. Be true to yourself no matter what. A higher conscious perspective is calling your name. You are growing emotionally and releasing your old fears.
URANUS and PLUTO  are moving up to form the squares which will rock your world a year from now May 2014 as they sit and square your ASCENDANT -your persona & DESCENDANT house of marriage and committed partnerships.
NEPTUNE is beginning to Square your SATURN in your 6th house of work for the next year
This is about building and making your work and dreams come true. You are a hard worker and will take it seriously. Neptune rules HOLLYWOOD, film. You may want to direct. NEPTUNE will be sitting on your MIDheaven in the next year. You could be bringing in a very important spiritual message in your career. You could also be disillusioned by HOLLYWOOD, the glamour and illusion and want to escape the paparazzi.
This is a once in a lifetime emotional soul retrieval which happens to be connected to your work and public image. The hurt and embarassment you went through because of the PR around Kristen’s infidelity was KARMIC and meant to heal your wounds. Usually this transit  breaks up existing relationships and it did. You have been honest with yourself, then you will see the Higher side and follow your soul’s guidance. If you are on the right SOUL PATH then you will receive the world’s riches and acclaim.
CHIRON the wounded healer has just crossed your MIDHEAVEN of worldly career
you are being the wounded healer for the world Robert. forgiveness and compassion are beautiful ideals and you have been a great influence on millions of young women and men. Chiron will be still squaring your moon for the rest of this year. Counselling may be needed on an ongoing basis.
The Partial Lunar Eclipse of April 25 fell on your PLUTO in SCORPIO
changing emotions and depth of soul commitment
the SOLAR ECLIPSE which just happened May 9/10 fell on your Sun in the 11th house
WISHES HOPES And dreams are being smiled upon.
The next SAGITTARIUS LUNAR ECLIPSE falls May 24/25 at 4 + degrees
is on Saturn in your 6th house of work. Be careful of stressing emotionally this can affect your health. The eclipse falls opposite your NATAL LILLITH in the 12th house. Old fears of being abandoned, may still linger and surface once again.
Lunar Eclipse Oct 18 @ 15 Aries
falls close to your NORTH NODE  in the 11th house
change in emotions and feelings about your highest direction
directly opposite your MERCURY in the 11th
Huge changes in the depth of your sou’sl communicating, to the world.
SATURN will be opposite your natal Mercury in October
Serious conversations, writing, mature thinking.
By mid January- MARCH  2014. This is a 14/15 year opposition and is a  new turning point. Saturn restricts, binds, and sets a new 7 year starting point for you. I believe this is a make it or break it time for you in term of serious commitments, Saturn is in your 5th house of love affairs. Saturn will Retrograde past your SUN and oppose it once again in October of 2014. This transit lays the groundwork for the next 15 years.
You are still in for one heck of  a ride Robert.
Living as a movie star is an archetypal job so you are living out everyone’s experiences.
I will write about your Progressions and solar return separately.
Thanks for bringing your interest in astrology into the public.

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