Friday, December 25, 2015

Psychic Tarot Astrology Forecast 2016 by Tara Greene

 Crystal Ball Forecast 2016 by Tara Greene International Lightworker, psychic, astrology, tarot, women's spirituality

Friday, September 18, 2015

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

A day in the Life of a Torontonian: Cameron House Art Exhibit at MOCCA

A day in the Life of a Torontonian: Cameron House Art Exhibit at MOCCA

The 10 ants adorning the Cameron House from 1984 were the brainchild and work of artist Napoleon Brousseau who resied there for ten years. New ants were commissioned to adorn the MOCCA for the 2011 This is Paradise show until recently in 2015 as the Mocca is moving from Queen Street West. 

The original 10 red ants were refurbished and replaced with white ants and a Queen with a crown during Nuit Blanche in 2009. 

You may see other ant sculptures created by Napoleon around town  which collectors buy. 

see for more of his art works. 

Thursday, April 30, 2015


It's Beltane to all the Wiccan, witches and wizards, pagan celebration of male sexuality. The night of the Sacred Marriage of the Goddess and the green man, the wild hunter, light hte Bel Fires, rejoice the Fairy queen rides out tonight

Friday, April 24, 2015