Thursday, January 31, 2013

Groundhog Day/ St. Brigid's Day/ pagan Imbolc Light the fire

Groundhog Day Imbolc

Groundhog Day/ ST. Brigid’sDay Candlemas/Imbolc

Copyright 2002-2015 Tara Greene – All Rights Reserved

Feb. 1 and 2nd, We are half way to SPRING in Northern Hemisphere

Not just I GOT YOU BABE for INFINITY but it’s a Traditional Irish and Pagan Holiday Celebrations

The song would more aptly be LIGHT MY FIRE- by the Doors, of course.

Groundhog Day was and is celebrated in the Modern Irish Calendar as Saint Brigid’s Day,or Bride’s Day, both a Catholic and Pagan Celebration of an ancient Goddess tradition,.

Known as Imbolc to Wiccans/Pagans, Christians overlaid the Ancient Goddess worshipers’ holiday renaming it Candlemas or the fest of the Purification of the Virgin. This celebration also relates to the midpoint between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox.

It is a “cross-quarter” day in the 8 rounds of the Wheel of Time in the Solar based year. Since the Celtic Year was based on both lunar and solar cycles, it is most likely the holiday would be celebrated on the Full Moon nearest those 2 midpoints, when early spring flowers would begin to rise and snakes would come out of the ground.

The SNAKE is the precursor of the Groundhog, which the Romans replaced with a Hedgehog, which we… On Feb. 2nd.

Ancient peoples of Ireland kept this day as very sacred. At the Megalithic and Neolithic sites in Tara, Ireland, the inner chambers of the passage tombs are perfectly aligned with the rising sun of both Imbolc and Samhain attesting to the value placed on this day.

Triple Goddess/Saint Brigid/Bride’s Sacred Day

In the Scottish Highlands where she was known as Bride, every morning the fire was kindled with an invocation to Bride:

“I will build the hearth
As Mary would build it.
The encompassment of Bride and of Mary
Guarding the hearth, guarding the floor,
Guarding the household all.”

The 10th-century Cormac’s Glossary states that Brigid was the daughter of the Dagda, the “Great God” of the Tuatha de Danaan – “woman of wisdom…a goddess whom poets adored, because her protection was very great and very famous.” Since poetry, filid, was interwoven with the aspects of divination, the vates, Brigid was seen as the inspiration behind divination and prophecy.

You can see Brigit above the south western door of the tower on Glastonbury Tor milking a cow.


“Dear Saint Bridget of the Kine
Bless these little fields of mine,
The pastures and the shady trees,
Bless the butter and the cheese,
Bless the cows with coats of silk
And the brimming pails of milk,
Bless the hedgerows, and I pray
Bless the seed beneath the clay,
Bless the hay and bless the grass,
Bless the seasons as they pass,
And heaven’s blessings will prevail,
Brigid – Mary of the Gael”

According to Robert Graves,she is the most Ancient Triple Goddess worshipped since time out of mind. The Goddess rules over scholars and poets. She is the Goddess of fire and inspirations in Ireland, the Goddess of poetry, creativity, smithcraft and healing. She also rules healing with water, and divination. She is said to rule over people who work with cows and chickens, brewers, fugitives, midwives, infants, printers, sailors, travelers, New Zealand, & Irish nuns.

This day symbolizes a time of transitions, initiations, new beginnings, of planting seeds that will sprout later. Brigid/Birgita represents the light half of the year,Her power brings the people out of the dark season of winter into spring, so, it is a very important time of the year.

She is the Goddess of Augury

In the Druidic tradition, poetry and augury were associated. She is patron of prophets and seers.

Celtic seers divined by looking into deep water and into flames. This is a great time to do divination.

Triple Goddess

She has two sisters with the same name. One aspect of her carries a blacksmith tongs and a sword, because she is also patroness of war; another aspect holds 2 healing snakes, from which the modern Doctor’s symbol is derived, the caduceus, the third aspect carries a wand with a crescent moon and a tablet.


Brigid rules the Waters. Many healing springs are dedicated to Brigid. Natural bodies of water also signify Her presence, particularly where three streams joined together. She also rules Fire, so it is customary to make candles for the coming year and bless them on this day.

Protecting Goddess

In her aspect as Brigantia, she carries a spear, an orb of victory, and wears a war crown. She symbolizes protection of the country from invaders and slavery.


As Patroness of Midwives, she was invoked at the door of the home where the woman was giving birth, by the midwife. Who speke:

Bride, Bride, come in! Thy welcome is truly made, Give thou relief to the woman, And give thou the conception to the Trinity.

Brigid is the guardian of every newborn, their cradles protected with a woven Brigit’s Cross, an equal armed cross. Upon a safe delivery, the infant was blessed or “sained” by the midwife, with 3 drops of water on the child’s forehead, dedicating the Child to the Triple Goddess.

The “Holy Trinity” in its modernized Christian aspect, was just an overlay of the Goddess Triple Aspect since time out of memory. A candle was carried ‘round the bed sun wise three times. As Brigid is a Solar Goddess. We think of the Sun as masculine but originally all aspects of the Universe were considered Feminine.

Brigid Ruler of the Hearth

Especially in Gaelic Scotland, Brigid’s dolls are placed near the hearth on her Feast Day. The doll is usually dressed in white. A white wand is placed in her bed as a fertility charm. As she is patroness of agriculture, pastures, livestock, and abundance. An offering is made to her of dairy products. The Brigid doll is kept throughout the year near the hearth hung on a wall, or by a door, as a talisman of protection, then burnt the next year.

Light a Candle and Invoke the Goddess at this time-

I kindle this candle in the name of Brighid, Goddess of Smiths,

I sain this house in the name of Brighid, Goddess of Healers,

I smoor this candle in the name of Brighid, Goddess of Poets.

One folk tradition still continues in both Christian and Pagan homes on St. Brigid’s Day is that of St. Brigid’s Bed. Girls and young unmarried women create corn dollies to represent Brigid, these are adorned with ribbons, baubles shells or stones. A bed is made for the doll to lie in. On St. Brigid’s Eve Jan 31, the girls gather together in one house and stay up all night with the doll, are are later visited by all the young men, who ask permission to enter the home, and then treat the young maidens and the dolly with respect. The next day the girls carry the doll through the neighbourhood from house to house, where she is welcomed with great honour. Adult women stay home to welcome the Brigid procession and offer snacks and coins to the young girls and maidens.

Brigid is said to walk the earth on Imbolc eve. Feb 1st. Before going to bed, each member of the household may leave a piece of clothing or strip of fabric outside for Brigid to bless. The cloth are brought inside the next morning, believed to now have the powers of healing and protection.

BRIGID is alive and well.

The name “Britain” is a derivation of Brigit’s name. Britain was named for an ancient Celtic tribe, the Brigantes, who were the largest Celtic tribe in the country in pre-Roman times who worshipped Her as their Deity.

The tribe originated from an area now called Bregenz in Austria near Lake Constance. The word “brigand” comes from this tribe of fierce warriors. Her symbol is a flaming spear. Her worship spread, leaving behind places named in Her honour-Brittany in France, Brechin in Scotland, the name Brent, in England, any name containing Bride.

Britain’s symbol, the Goddess Brigantia, still found on their 50 cent coin is Brigid in her aspect as Goddess of the Land. In Old German/Yiddish the word “Fabrent” meaning burnt, honours this Ancient Goddess.

Britney Spears is carrying the modern archetypal literal name of Brigid, and strangely enough one of Brigid’s symbols is a flaming spear!

Britney Spears
Britney Spears her name literally is St. Bridgit
A Sample of prayers used at St. Bridgid’s Day

Light 1 candle-

We gather together in this time of darkness. We look to the return of the light.

We look to the first light of Spring.

(Light two more candles.)

Goddess Midwife: Healer, Nurturer, and Herbalist.

Goddess Poetess: Bringer of Wisdom, Guidance and Prophesy.

Goddess Smithcraft: Keeper of Fire, Craftswomen, and Transformation.

Maiden, Mother, and Crone – A Triple Goddess.

read more -

THE PLAYLIST – hey do you like this? send me your suggestions.


FIRE- Bruce Springsteen





Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Death Valley Beautiful inspiring landscape in paintings and film

Badwater, Death Valley by Napoleon Brousseau 1998 

Death Valley is a beautiful awe inspiring place. My husband Napoleon Brousseau turned me onto it. He used to go quite often and camp before it was a National Park. The landscape is varied, with names like "Devil's Cornfield." There are mesmerizing salt flats,feels like you are walking on the Moon. Surprisingly there is also water and a species of tiny fish that thrive in the super salinated waters. Death Valley is a misnomer- it was intended to keep prospectors away as it was believed there was gold there. There is a lot of silver and abandoned silver mines litter the valley. Borax- you know 20 mule train borax- was mined from Death Valley. It is a flame retardant and cleanser.  Nowadays there are modern hotels, date palms an dlotsof tourists. The night skies are amazing as no inerfering city lights.
For an artists view of Death Valley- see Napoleon's contemporary landscapes at

Zabriski Point-  Painting by Napoleon Brousseau

and also this wonderful film.

Behind the lens: Star trail time-lapse over Death Valley

Journeys to the Deepest Worlds | Stuart Wilde | The Official Author Website

Journeys to the Deepest Worlds | Stuart Wilde | The Official Author Website

Mars in Pisces, All fogged up, sex is sublime

“So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”- Mathew 20:16
The Gospel Truth is, Mars planetary ruler of “the first” sign Aries enters “the last” sign Pisces Feb 1 – March 11/12
Your intuition, telepathy, sensitivity to others’ feelings will be steamy because
Mars activates
Pisces’ watery soulful depths.
Mars- the action planet is the God of WAR, a powerful BUCCANEER sailing Pisces oceanic world.
Mars in Pisces Tara Greene Astrology

PISCES is Bliss territory, Sacred pools, pure white swans, delicacy, soul-stirring,
You will feel all fogged up! Especially Aries’ who usually get right down to it.
PISCES can be whiny, poor me, self- fuck ups, like being martyrs. See it for what it is- and let it go.
Mars’ libido will be watered down,WIMPY! but if you can find a water-bed it’d be great or at least romantic Oceanside
Merman Merlady remember ATLANTIS in your cellular memories, it’s all there in your Pisces 12th house
everybody’s got one- check your chart for where Pisces is- that’s where the self-indulgence poor me whining will be coming from.
ESCAPISM will run rampant, denial, delusion, false prophets,
Row row row your boat gently down the stream of consciousness,
imagination is vivid
Use the time to be creative, go to art galleries, learn to appreciate art, write poetry, make music,
we are all naturally creative as children it is part of our essential humanity.
movies,photography are all in Pisces’ realm
FYI the 85th Academy Awards happen Feb 24 with Sun Mercury Retrograde and Mars in Pisces
DO be very careful with drinking and drugs as Mars’ influence is to act like a tough soldier
in Pisces it is all too easy to get addicted to under dog rooting for, denial,illusion, delusion,
Mars in Pisces is Sponge Bob Square Pants but seriously
Mars in Pisces IS about being a big psychic sponge.
You will notice if you feel uncomfortable in your office,
in a relationship, about your own perceptions around someone else, do something about it.
You will feel ultra sensative to the 30,000 children dying every day from various causes.
The pain and suffering of humanity may feel overwhelming and your heart may feel too full.

Luckily Venus enters Aquarius-She is the warrior now

on the same day as Mars, and the two planets are the masculine
and the Feminine.
Macho gets his first Baptism in Pisces Feminine spiritual womb.
Venus is all detached, analytical and ready to work for the collective well-being of all.
Venus in next article
SOUL MATE ALERT! Feb 4- will write more soon
MARS and SATURN will Trine each other Feb 16 a very positive influence for deep diving
a. sexaully
b. psychologically
changes in understanding power and control issues.
if you need to get a diagnosis for any physical ailment this influence creates false positives or negatives as
conditions are very difficult to detect. Wait till Mars exits Pisces to get a good assessment.
Get a reading to check out MARS AND VENUS through your chart
What the Water Gave Me- Florence + the Machine -
Into the Mystic Van Morrison
Come Away To the Water- Maroon 5- The Hunger Games
And It Stoned me- Van Morrison -
Help Me- Joni Mitchell -
Waterfall – ENYA -
HOw Deep is the Ocean- Peggy Lee

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Jupiter goes direct Jan 30, Happy days are here again,

FAST RELIEF is 5 days away. Your best laid intentions gone nowhere? Your sex life bombed? Didn’t get the raise?

Been having a harder time sticking with your diet? Conquering an addiction or life just feels like my 14-year-old daughter says.


seem’s like you’re an upended turtle that nada is moving forward?

BLAME IT ON JUPITER’s RETROGRADE motion since Oct 5, 2012 that’s why. Just like Mercury Retrograde, Jupiter does that nasty too.

It’s hard to get ahead when Jupiter/ THOR is Retrograde.

Thor/Zeus/Jupiter astrology

THOR in Viking mythology is a personification of Jupiter, aka Zeus, throwing lightning bolts to the Greeks.

THOR, the BIG hammer guy, is popping up as a cultural hero again. SUPER HERO for our age

Jupiter is MR. BIG, ruler of sign Sagittarius and Pisces traditionally. Jupiter rules OPTIMISM. Good humour, luck, abundance,honesty

Ask yourself

Have things been more serious while Jupiter is Retro in your life? Has your sex life bombed?

What do Retro Gods do? Hang out in God caves, lounge with their sport buddies, tell big jokes and smoke big cigars, bowl,carouse,

RETROGRADE JUPITER holds back all the actions Jupiter rules- such as

Jupiter rules the LIVER, the largest organ in the body, therefore de-toxing,

arteries, pelvis, thighs, a euphemism for sex,cholesterol, gout, weight problems,cataracts, intoxication. sports, publishing, higher law, education, philosophy, travel, adventure, generosity, fertility, animals, gotta have it all, spirituality, religion, compassion, bliss,creativity, the arts.

Lawyers are Jupiter ruled, they are supposed to be honest; athletes, philanthropists, Santa Claus is a Jupiter type figure.

Didn’t get that expected raise lately?

Did you have a lean Xmas?

All you hard to hold down Sagittarius and floaty Pisceans are frothing at the bit for THOR to get Thundering again.

Check out where the damage has been in your natal chart- where are Sagittarius and PISCES in your natal chart. Houses? aspects?

You can go to ASTRODIENST – a very reliable free European site.

Jupiter in Gemini is weak as he is in the opposite sign of the one he ruled. THOR WEAK?

Jupiter turns DIRECT Jan 30 @ 3:37 am PST/ 6:37 am EST at 6 degrees 19 minutes of the TWINS

If you are SAGITTARIAN, a PISCES or a GEMINI you should feel THOR’s hammer start to rock with Thunder

and sparks of lightning beginning to fly!

It will take until April 25 for Jupiter to pass 16 degrees 25 minutes of Gemini where it left off last Oct.

So use the forward Jupiter action to work in the shadow period with full plans to BIRTH your new projects on that date and after in April.

Writers, artists, collective spiritual work, imagers, photographers, publishers,teachers the re-writing of laws are all in the agenda NOW.

Your usually optimistic bouncing ball, buoyant humored self will be back soon…


CANCER peeps it will be your BEST YEAR in 12, when Jupiter enters the MOST FEMININE motherly nurturing sign on JUNE 26.

more bout that later.

Get YOUR professional astrology chart reading from ME now-

I am a Sagittarius + Moon + Mercury there at the Galactic Center. My North Node is in Pisces so Jupiter rules a lot of my stuff.

I am totally honest, and my role is to be a spiritual guide, teacher and traveller.

I can’t wait to hammer the road ahead out.

JUPITER SONGLIST – do you like it? Got anything to add?


2. IF I HAD A HAMMER – Peter PAul & MAry 1963

3. DROPS OF JUPITER by Train 1998

4. JUPITER by Starlighter

5. JUPITER- by Earth Wind and Fire

6. JUPITER PLANETARIUM by Sufjan Stevens, Bryce Dessner, Nico Muhly-

7. JUPITER by Jewel

8. JUPITER’S V28 HRS Solfeggio and and Binaural beats

9. JUPITER and BEYOND the INFINITE from 2001 a Space Odyssey


11. JUPITER LOVE by Trey Songz -

12. Oh I by JUPITER

13. JUPITER by Katy McAllister Ft. Shannon McAllister – Jupiter (Original Song)

14. JUPITER by Free the ROBOTS

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Full Moon in Leo,Give Me Love, Astrology and songs

The first Full Moon of 2013 is 7 degrees+ Leo is INTENSE and serious

YOU know Leo right? Proud, self-centered, loud, leaders,strong willed, creative, passionate, self-expressive vain. “FEVER”

Everyone’s got LEO in their natal chart, in a house, a cusp, some planets?

LEO is related to the SUN, Gold, Source of Light and Life and traditionaly , the HEART, STRENGTH in the TAROT and naturally the 5th house

Where is your heart in your chart? ”Still Searching for a heart of Gold.”

the 5th house is also the house of children, love affairs, GIVING LOVE. ”I am woman hear me roar.”

Ed Sheeran Astrology

SUN is of course opposite in Aquarius and the 11th house of RECEIVING LOVE and the STAR #17 in the TAROT

MERCURY is close by the Sun in AQUARIUS with MARS, late in the same hi-wire arialist sign of Aquarius’s heavens.

Square to SATURN in SCORPIO at 11 degrees. Karmic, heavy, ponderous, depressing,

JUPITER is STILL RETROGRADE!!!! so that’s why it feels like Not much is happening.

Aren’t you at the end of your rope? or Heart Strings is more like it.

JUPITER FINALLY goes DIRECT Jan 30. Be patient just a teennsy weensy bit longer before springing into action.

“The Lion Sleeps Tonight”

URANUS the whoopee cushion planet- with a loud firecracker attached is Trining this Moon

early Sagittarians can expect a hot unexpected explosive love message

CHIRON is QUINCUNX to the Moon

so forget your wounded pride, “Pride in the Name of Love” about MLK by U2

Chiron also squares RETRO JUPITER – listen to

“Oh God please don’t let me be understood” by the Animals

Pluto also Quincunx the MOON -

deep soul desire and ego aren’t jibing together

this is good as it makes more deceit and lies, like Lance Armstrong etc. surface

Pluto in Capricorn in square to Uranus in Aries and the Moon

makes for incendiary times, yes danger from nuclear attacks, bombings,North Korea announcing rocket launch

conflict rising higher and people’s passions stronger re: gun laws, resisting repression Occupy, Idle No More

is running through people’s hearts. HEART POWER, “The power of Love”, Power to the PEEPS!

VENUS in late Capricorn is squaring ERIS the new planet of MISCHIEF and DISCORD

but you know that, aren’t you living it?

shout it back to me…. good time to sing, dance, party like it’s 1999,

song list for Moon in Leo

I Am Woman by Helen Reddy

You’re so Vain by Carly Simon

Heart of Gold by Neil Young

The Lion Sleeps Tonight by the TOkens

Fever by Bernadette Peters -

IN the Name of Love by U2

PLease Don’t let me BE MISunderstood the Animals

The Power of Love- Frankie Goes to Hollywood

1999 by PRINCE

and last but not least Give me Love by Ed Sheeran -

I’m gonna check out the Ginger kid’s astrology soon

Blessing TARA

Watch out Prince Harry Your astrology from Tara Greene

Prince Harry! Don’t you just love the Royal Ginger? He gets caught with his pants off in Vegas, .Now he shoots his mouth off about killing Taliban terrorists in Afghanistan and hey its just like a video game!
Prince HArry Astrology Tara Greene
But I’m sort of glad he’s home safe. In Canada where i now live, Independent since 1867 but Canada is still owned by and loyal to the Queen, since she is on all Canuck bucks- they call the $1 coin LOONIES, and the dollars are weirdly Polymer these days.
Remember the famous line from Mrs Robinson? to a young Dustin Hoffman some old man tells him I have one word for you- “Plastics.”
and I am off myself and running at the mouth speaking of Prince Harry. You gotta love him cause he seems real for a Royal.
But I wanted to check his Astrology chart for looming Terrorist troubles. As he indeed his remarks have taken his life into more danger from Taliban to the next level.
The ROYAL 3rd in Line chart -
Prince Harry Astrology Tara Greene
Prince Harry Astrology Chart
The handsome Royal Ginger is pretty earthy VIRGO SUN and Mercury, sensual Moon in TAURUS conjunct Ceres and The NORTH NODE
CAPRICRON ASCENDANT & Jupiter in goat land too.
three planets in SAGITTARIUS- loves to travel, foreigners, HOOF IN MOUTH DISEASE – he has Mars, loves pageantry, history, the military pomp, and Uranus and Neptune on the Galactic Center in Centaurville.
VENUS in LIBRA gives him natural charm, good taste, loves the finer things in life and born to it.
Pluto at ZERO degrees of SCORPIO makes him powerful,willfull,controlling.
SATurn at 12 degrees SCORPIO on his 17 degree SCORPIO MIDHEAVEN – his father has a very strong influence on him and his need for respecting authority, NOTE SATURN opposite the Moon in his chart right on the IC- roots, childhood, mother influence. His FAther and Mother Princess Diana in his chart shown as being totally opposites. I believe Diana was murdered.
Prince Harry is really emotionally very private about his real feelings, it’s all about his mom, especially with CERES conjunct his Moon,
the Prince is about to mature as he will have his 1st Saturn Return exactly on October 26 2013.As are all of the young men and women in his age group.
TALIBAN call Prince HArry Crazy and vow to kill him
then again Jan 3 2014,Retrograde again AUG 15 2014, Oct 30, 2014 for the last time.
THAt’s 5 hits!
Saturn Conjunct Saturn up in his oh so public sector is another danger to his life
Saturn crosses his MID HEAVEN M.C. on November 30 2013 and June 28 2014,
MR BIG MOUTH_ JUPITER STILL RETROGRADE SINCE Oct 4/5 2012 will turn DIRECT on JAN 30 @ 6 degrees 20 minutes GEMINI
Jupiter ruler of Foreigners, airplanes, religious fanatics, ruler of Sagittarius
crosses Harry’s CHIRON early MARCH- expanding the Wounded healer aspect. One can get wounded too.
CHIRON BY transit is now square to Harry’s NAtal CHIRON and his Natal URANUS IN Sagittarius too.
TRANSLATED AS – He is vulnerable through opening one’s mouth too much to a sudden attack by religious foreigners..
Jupiter opposes his natal URANUS in Sagittarius- Uranus is revolutionary religious fanatics, airplanes, atomic bombs etc. also in March.
JUPITER opposite his Natal Mars in Sagittarius in Late April -
Jupiter expands whatever it touches, opposite Mars is attack, anger, frustration
JUPITER ALso crosses Harry’s Descendant mid – August =he is in a JUPITER/PLUTO opposition on his horizontal Axis.
URANUS will also be moving up to 8 degrees Aries and also SQUARE HARRY”S ASCENDANT DESCENDANT.
Expect unexpected attacks! Harry has a lot of planets in the 8th house.
IN JUNE Neptune planet of spirituality, delusion, illusion, drugs, addictions moves up to 5 degrees PISCES and is exactly opposes his Natal MERCURY, He must be very careful with alcohol, also could be poisoning, or being gassed. AGAin being careful about his Communications which could easily be misinterpreted with Neptune there.
The 8th house itself is a Scorpio related House, of death, secrets, power struggles, inherited wealth, sex, control.
Many planets in the 8th house is supposedly a sign of sudden death in the old textbooks.
That’s a lot of power! Jupiter in Cancer is need for emotional security, home, mother- could also mean some very dark revealings about his Mother Princess Diana’s death which again I feel she was murdered by the Royal Family.
Harry could also fall deeply in love at this time Jupiter will square his Venus in Libra in September. He becomes an Uncle in the summer and this will expand his yearning and memories of his mother.
PRINCE Harry’s North Node at 29 Taurus is conjunct the Pleiades the 7 weeping sisters.
SOUTH NODE At 29 SCORPIO is very intense, he has seen a lot of death, destruction, torture, held power or been destroyed by those in power before. He holds those memories unconsciously.
He is very romantic deep down Neptune in Sagittarius square his Virgo sun.
Harry has no Retrograde planets except for Chiron,there is a freedom in that.
And he has his Saturn Return too! Whewh a very powerful fated year for the Young Prince Indeed.
Would someone please ship this blog post to the Prince to ease my conscience.
For your 2013 ANALYSIS BOOK A READING- best days, worst days, Timing is everything-

About Tara Greene

TARA GREENE I am a professional Psychic, Intuitive, Tarot Reader, Astrologer, Transformational Psychotherapist, Energy Healer, Dream Worker, shamanic healer, artist, writer, singer, dancer, women's spirituality workshop leader, ritual creator and Ceremonialist. I was born this way. My life's work is to assist people to more consciousness, healing,awareness using my innate intuitive skills. I am a teacher and inspirer. I remember being a High Priestess for many lifetimes. I love magik, the Great Mystery, my children and husband. I love travelling, music, writing, doing radio.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

aftermath next 4 years,this week Astrology, Cancer Leo Moon

Week of  Jan 21-27
he is the 44th President the Numerology is interesting 44 is a MASTER NUMBER like 11:11,22,33, 44 etc.
#44 is doubly masterful as the KING, the One who attains all power
The Emperor # 4 Tarot Trump
Tarot #4 Tara GreeneARTIST Francesco Clemente’s New YORK cITY tAROT dECK

with Moon in Gemini
youthful, Aquarian- freedom for all,
Gemini Moon conjunct Jupiter benefits all Sagittarius, Pisces and VIRGO born in first week of those signs 
JAN 22 The back lash begins…
A quixotic DAY Moon quincunx PLUTO in Capricorn, Saturn in Scorpio  and Venus in Capricorn
this is the DAY AFTER and the headaches and harangues begin
Republicans hate Obama’s leftist speech, pro gays, social innuendoes etc. 
That Gem of a MOON Trines MARS in Aquarius- mid of night
dream on, make your best wishes on this one
good for fertility,artists, hi romance
and be careful about getting too high- Neptune
Jan 24 MOON ASPECTS – 7 count’em
3 TRINE BLESSING DAY  WATER SIGNS – see above for first one
2 quincunx’s – 1. to SUN  at 4 degrees AQUARIUS -President’s Obama’s Jupiter is here- too much largesse?
Cancer moon quincunx Mercury at 9 degrees Aquarius
sensitive feelings can be hurt by detached Aquarian communications
Moon square URANUS in ARIES  -
we the people will vent our feelings about the pro’s or cons of change and revolution
Moon TRINE CHIRON in Pisces
-addicted to the pain or what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger? ***
always intense power struggles, the people vs big Government world-wide

NOTE: Pluto is only 3 degrees away from Opposing the U.S. Natal SUN now

Pluto advances to 11 degrees 35 minutes in 2013 -the shadows are coming more and more out into the LIGHT

Cancer Moon TRINE SATURN in Scorpio – *** 
if you didn’t do your taxes from last year- do them now
a good day to catch up with old friends, get down to serious goals,unearth the family skeletons 
do not fear those in power, be honest with your feelings,
Last but not least
Boldly go where you ain’t never been before- in whatever way that is for you let your freak flag fly! – will be many protests world wide today
Jan 25
Mercury in Aquarius square Saturn in Scorpio
Heady thoughts…the revolutionaries and those that hold power frictionate today
Cancer Moon opposite Venus In Capricorn  
Belt tightening may be on the family agenda, Moon in Cancer is very emotional vs.Venus in Capricorn is all business,
a good day to throw out your never do well family member who has not contributed to the efficient running of the household
Cancer Moon and Mars in Aquarius qunicunx-
water and air don’t mix,feelings evaporate into this air, air has no effect on water, disagreements about emotional states and freedom as a state of mind
will continue next article… stay tooned
If you haven’t already had a 2013 overview get one NOW

Monday, January 21, 2013

President Obama Inauguration 2013 Astrology of U.S.

President Obama’s Second Coming, er term will be a dual affair. His 2nd Inauguration or Re-inauguration will have two faces, a public and a private one which in itself is telling. January was named after the Roman God Janus who symbolizes past and future, who looks in two directions at once.

By Law, the President must swear in on Jan 20 at noon which is Sunday, so it’s the legal Private Inauguration and a second Public Inauguration which coincides with Martin Luther King birthday a National except for Arizona, Holiday will occur Jan 21 at 11:5 am in Washingto n D.C.

Very interesting as an Astrology symbol, as Jupiter,King of the Gods/President is STILL Retrograde in the sign of Gemini- the twins. President Obama’s natal Moon is in Gemini at 3 degrees. Duplicity? Speak with forked tongue? Especially as we are entering a snake year in China.

Let’s look at the Sunday Jan 20 chart first for predictions about what the President’s next and America’s next 4 years will be about.

Jan 20 2013 President Inauguratonclick on chart to view larger

Sunday Jan 20 2013 private Inauguration

the chart has the SUN symbolizing the President at ZERO degrees of AQUARIUS on the MC, HIGH NOON position, conjunct Mercury at 2 degrees. The Sun is always on the MC at noon. MC does not mean Master of Ceremonies, although it could alude to that. MC symbolizes the Sun at NOON. The Sun at zero degrees Aquarius is optimistic, future future oriented, rebellious and conjunct the President’s Natal Jupiter Rx at the same degree. This is very positive and inventive, indicating solar power, new technological inventions into people’s lives. Although it can be too much power in the Presidents hands- Jupiter is the King.

Mars is also in the 10th house of worldly fame at 20 degrees Aquarius, showing military might, wars, violence. The President may be able to get a lot more done in the 2nd term,there is also danger to his life with Mars here, especially as it is the T-square to Saturn in Scorpio and Moon in Taurus.

MARS is the focus of a FIXED T- SQUARE in the 10th is square to Saturn in Scorpio in the 6th house indicates karmic issues, restriction, testing, deep anger about job losses, status and hierarchies;change in financial matters, major power struggles. Saturn in Scorpio rules secrets, the shadow ,power and control in financial 8th house Scorpio matters, sex scandals, taxes, seniors, seniority, bitter karmic enemies. It also refers to the ARA refusing to back down to Saturn Government control of guns, Rifles- Scorpio death.

This can also mean sweeping Aquarius technology used for war- more drones, robo-cops, Big Brother watching everyone, to control financial matters, a cashless society is easier to control. Anyone rejecting or opposing the government will be dealt with in a very heavy-handed way, Martial law literally.

The MOON is the people, in TAURUS in the 1ST HOUSE power to the people, they want comfort, work, practical resources, greedy, stubborn. Moon is squaring Mars at 20 Aquarius there will be aggression and resistance around Obama’s open to all new ideas- gay marriage, etc. and especially around MARTIAL- gun laws issues from some quarters.

JUPITER is still Rx in Gemini in the 1st indicates

expansion through communications but need to re-do information and laws- Jupiter rules Law. Also mis-understandings or misleading information. Jupiter is squared by Neptune at 1 degree Pisces and Chiron at 7. This is a sign of major legal repeals of BIG PHARMA- Neptune rules drugs both legal and illegal and this is tied to major covert CIA operatives the US had led over the years. Neptune rules illusion, delusion, addictions,oil, Hollywood, glamour and Chiron is the wounded healer. Jupiter in Gemini can open dialogues and social intercourse that hasn’t been able to be spoken about.

PISCES is the 12th house of INSTITUTIONS, secrets, karma, bliss, escapism, denial, endings, delusions of grandeur and fake gurus, phony salvation leaders. As with the recent Lance Armstrong confession “denial and delusion” are the new normal. Especially for the entire next term till April 2018. Saturn is Trining Chiron and will trine Neptune again, so many hidden elements will rise to the surface. The drug industry is tied to the gun control issues now as well. So over drugging depressed people with Rx- same symbol for Chiron, makes them more suicidal will not be acceptable anymore.

WEALTH of Country

Venus at 15 degrees Capricorn in the 9th house shows more foreign investers and investments and putting money into education as a future seeding of younger generations, and re-educating workers. Pluto and Venus just recently met here so this is a sign of much wealth and power, but it is also being squared by REVOLUTIONARY hackers, Occupiers etc. by Uranus at 5 degrees Aries. THe next four years will see major unrest,civil disobedience, civil war between those with power, the PLUTOCRACY and the street fighting man/woman. Uranus rules the MC in Aquarius.

Mercury is directly opposite the President’s Natal Mercury in LEO. There will be much debating and perhaps switching of sides.

The Chart has a 14 degree Taurus Ascendant ruled by Venus in Capricorn in the 9th, disposited by Saturn in Scorpio, disposited by Mars in Aquarius, which is traditionally ruled by Saturn./Mars is disposited by Uranus in Aries in the 12th. Uranus rules the Sun Mercury and the MC

SO THE NEXT 4 YEARS are bound to be revolutionary.

I will focus on the Jan 21 chart and how it intersects Obama and the U.S. Sibley chart next