Monday, January 7, 2013

Bride over Troubled Heavy Scorpio waters Venus

I read a channeler friend’s blog and her spiritual guide said all the old Draconian influence was totally gone since Dec 21 2012. All that was left was residue.
Sounded nice and optimistic… we shall see.

Venus conjunct Galactic Center Tara Greene

The Tarot reader Psychic Shamanic Healer’s life..

I had a long time client come for a reading Sunday afternoon, and I felt really connected and was channelling from my Higher Guides for her healing, all about alchemy. It was feeling great. She went through a big catharsis in the reading.

Then later this evening I was doing a reading with a new client in Australia and there was so much loud technical interference – satelite techno-chatter klunk klunk klunking- I couldn’t here her,she could hear me but she didn’t hear the cosmic interference on my end. So after about 8 tries, we decide to deal with her reading another way.

The static felt like it was the actual vibrational energies of the tension of the Scorpio Moon conjunct Saturn/Mercury Pluto conjunction and Mars Saturn square approaching.

It felt like some intergalactic nasties were attempting to use the heavy vibes for a download through the phone line. I suspect sunspot activity too. It didn’t feel good. In fact I felt like I’d taken a huge hit. All the deep dark secret Scorpio Moon Saturn old karmic stuff came up. I felt like I got slimed. Yuck.

USE Psychic protection at all times

Be very careful, protective and aware at all times. It had nothing to do with my clients but simple the very heavy planetary energies right now another Saturn test to cross. Like we need psychic condoms.

Saturn represents the DEVIL in the Tarot. #15 and I realise that the Devil had been the key integration card in my clients reading. Hmm.

I smudged the house, and have been praying to recover as I felt totally energetically vampirised.

in trying to find an image to go along with this article I synchonistically was led to this blog page

with an image of a creepy entity which was just what I was talking about of course.

I am fortunate that my husband and daughter understand when this happens to me. I try to be very conscious but for psychic healers who take on this kind of shamanic work it isn’t easy or glamorous when this happens. I have to be very compassionate with the entities and myself and ask for compassion. You can’t fight the dark directly you have to love it.

Stuart Wilde talks about how to do this kind of work. see his website

Luckily the Universe NEVER give us more than we can handle.

VENUS is on the GALACTIC CENTER Jan 6 7 and 8 and LOVE IS ALL It’s so very inspirational!

Venus in Sagittarius in conjunction with the G.C. re-activates the Dec 21 2012 Sun conjunct to the G.C. The Sun is Will, Identity.

Now we can bathe in and receive fully the total unconditional Goddess love as it emanates out from the void and simultaneous draws us back to the Cosmic Womb. We can open our hearts into full relationship now,now it is ALL HEART centered.

From the source of DIVINE FEMININE Mother love these are cosmic message download days to be sure..

Amidst much turbulent energies today and tomorrow , really stay in your heart NOW, listen to the 4 chambers of the heart speaking and singing softly to you, allow that energy to circulate throughout your veins- named after Venus-

Sit in meditation

and close your eyes and breathe in the cosmic Universal all dimensional mother love. so healing.

be in this space as much as you can. really soak it in. YOU will be blessed and can go out and Bless.



Need spiritual coaching? get loving guidance book a reading now

Listen to the voice of an angel, my friend Pam Gerrand’s beautiful song LOVE IS ALL

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