The Sun is the central STAR of our system. the Sun is SOL/ SOUL and the Source of all Life, the Light. It is Ra, God, Zeus,Helios, Apollo all forms of Sun Gods.
When the Sun shoots out solar flares we do get affected on a very subtle levels, I usually have vertigo, my stomach can be affected.
How do you feel it?
a lot of Solar activity, stirs our souls.
because we are being subtly changed by those massive tongues of fiery energy licking out into the vast dark void.
On a spiritual level we are being re-calibrated. See it as the Sun sending a secret golden Light source zap, your personal healing message to enlighten you, to further awaken your Divine Light essence.
In your mind's eye see the tongue of flame licking you on your Solar ear with a special message and touching you in your solar heart.
Stoned Soul Picnic is the song to listen to by Laura Nyro - see link below
In the Northern Hemisphere it is Winter, the days are short and we ought to be hibernating for the next two weeks at least till Feb 1st
So Till the Moon enters Aries Jan 16-
Stay slow, open, dreamy, unfocussed, allowing, subtle, no special needs, more compassionate, closer to your spirit whisperings. Pray to Angels, use vibrational elixirs, I have a very special 11:11:11 one I created in Sedona on that special date. Meditate a lot, where white or light blue. Drink lots of water.
The Moon in Pisces each month signifies the end of a cycle. Think about what has transpired in your life since Dec. 17, 18, 19 of 2012 just before the Winter Solstice. There was a lot of hype and anticipation around that time. Whether you believe, felt or participated in a Dec 21 2012 celebration or not, doesn't matter, just calibrate how your holidays went, your New year.
To create the Marriage which is 2013 Numerology = 6 which is the Lovers in the TAROT TRUMPS we need to balance.
It is so vitally important to sit and contemplate. The tech communication are a great gift but also steal people's quiet time away. It is a bit of a plot that everything is talk, talk talk noisy all the time. No time to reflect means no way of seeing what is going on,
That is the Moon's function, to reflect. It is Feminine,the silvery mirror of the Moon whether she is full or not is still real.
Visualize a silvery moon as a hand mirror and allow yourself to see your life's emotions reflected in the mirror.
opposite the hand mirror, visualize the Sun sending Solar flares. Feel yourself as totally Balanced between the Moon and the Sun.
Allow yourself to be energized as the LOVERS
Then ground yourself by sending the Silver Moonlight and Golden Sunlight circulating through and all around you
then send the 2 lights' energies through your body down your spine into the EARTH.
Stay with this, write down any images messages or visions.
Please share- Blessings
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