Sunday, January 13, 2013

Disaster Asteroid cover up? Nirvana day is near

 I love sky watching. Searching for falling Stars, wishing on stars, I have my North Node in Pisces at 4.59 degrees in my 4th house, Spirituality is my highest spiritual expression. It is also my home, my memories,my roots, my foundation.
Do you know where your North Node is? Your 4th house?

For all you disasterists,the one’s who are obsessed with disasters- you know dis-aster means without a star,

I thought I’d check out Asteroid 2012 DA14-

about 33 days away-

A very teensy weensy asteroid ,2012 DA14 is scheduled to give the earth a very very close shave on Feb 15 2013

asteroid 2012 DA14

scheduled closest approach is at 19:26 UTC which equals 2:26 PM EST

the tiny asteroid will be well within the orbit of the Moon and within the orbits of the geosynchronous satellites and only 21,000/35,000 kms away from earth!

When I was pregnant with our daughter Leah 15 years ago, a half Saturn cycle ago, my husband and artist NAPOLEON BROUSSEAU started to paint asteroid paintings, one after the other on paper. All great artists are prophetic visionaries, ahead of their times,check them out at

What does the Astrology chart tell us? set for Washington D.C. NASA headquarters

Feb 15 2013 Asteroid 2012 DA14

The chart shows the Moon at 4 degrees of Taurus in the 10th house of worldly fame and notoriety, conjunct Fixed Star called Mesartim meaning Minister in Ancient Hebrew- indicating protection.

That’s good, the Moon will watch this little fly by critter.

The Sun is at 27 degrees Aquarius in the 8th house of death,the traditional Scorpio house. Looking like there will be some technological intervention to deflect the little asteroid away from doing harm as much as the technology can perfectly know how to do that. Sun in Aquarius sends to me a message that there is some form of intergalactic message in a bottle figuratively speaking with this little Asteroid. Our technological tools will be affected by it. Back up thy hardrive!

Saturn is opposite the Moon and if the timing might be off a bit the Asteroid will progress further to oppose Saturn at 11 degrees of Scorpio, the sign of death, regeneration, rebirth. Saturn also squares Venus in Aquarius in the 8th house of sex, death, rebirth, power, secrets, It is a serious chart- so one would take note. As a BBC TV announcer suggested do get your affairs in order rather perfunctorily. Why would it matter?

Venus is also TRINE- an easy aspect with LILLITH- in Gemini. Lillith, the original woman, refused to submit to Adam in the original old Testament story and fled the Garden of Eden choosing to live by the Red Sea. I’d go to your own little bit of Paradise if I were you.

The Ascendant for that time is 18 degrees Cancer ruled by the Moon. Ascendant is squared by ERIS the newly discovered Minor Planet who is the Goddess of DISCORD, her Ancient Greek heritage is Very dark, she is very Lillith-like, the 13th Goddess in Fairy Tales who was always overlooked and then cursed the innocent one. Eris is like Persephone, Underworldly, Eris is like Ereshkigal in the Babylonian myths.

Eris is righteous, honest, reveals liars. So this is an interesting symbol who is telling the truth in the media?

If there was an impeding disaster do you think you’d be notified?

Juno – Goddess of Feminine wisdom sits on the Descendant use your own Intuition and ingenuity, I say.


Neptune Chiron Mars and Mercury are all in Pisces and in the 9th house,and that’s a lot of water planets people and as the earth is 70% ocean so if the Asteroid were to hit the earth it would most likely fall into the Oceans, It is approaching from the South Pole.

Jupiter at 6 degrees Gemini is square to Chiron, so that’s a big hurtin’ and a big healing in communications.

Gemini is about all forms of communications and the asteroid will go through our satellites so my bet is – don’t be in the air during this time, or one day before or after or be doing anything critical that requires reliable satellite navigation. Gorget the GPS, Learn how to reap a real map!

The MC or high noon position is zero degrees Aries, the symbolic beginning of the Zodiac. So the asteroid signifies a world beginning or renewal.

Uranus and Pluto continue to do their long-term square dance and Pluto is at 10 degrees Capricorn in the 6th house of work, service, health so there may be some upheavals in the work day/force, some health issues that also arise at this time. Didn’t Terrence McKenna say all human consciousness originally came from spores in asteroids? Well then that’s good news to me. Maybe a whole new shipment of consciousness is coming by as a band-aid to wake us up and expand our consciousness s’more! Great! JUst in the nick of time.

The North Node is at 20 degrees of Scorpio in the 5th house of creativity, love affairs, children giving love, self-expression, will and heart power. When in doubt if the world’s gonna end- you know what to do.

The North Node also trines the Ascendant and Mercury, creating a -not illustrated GRAND WATER TRINE! We will get another one of these again large in late July. Water, oceans, bliss, endings, ever beginning, always ending, never born, never die. Water is the Unconscious,the soul, the Underworld.

We come from the Ocean, the womb, Stella Maris, the Oceanic Universe, a drop in the Ocean, the Universe within us.

Neptune is conjunct Fixed Star Fomalhaut – ARCHANGEL GABRIEL – the trumpet Blower on Judgment DAY-

so this feels very symbolic. I would pray to Gabriel,if one so feels impelled.

Be where you want to be, doing exactlty what YOU want to do, at all times! Is the only real answer in order to live fully in the present.

OH YEAh and FEb 15 is called NIRVANA DAY because it is when Buddha reached enlightenment,

buddha attaining  Nirvana

auspicious I would say.

Drunvalo Melchizedek in his Book Serpent of Light states that the end of the Mayan Calendar does not happen on Dec 21 2012 but on Feb 18/19 2013. Very close to this date. Just thought I’d mention it.


I would meditate and if you have a meteorite, or a tektite a transmitting sister to this asteroid, a souvenir from space. I would highly recommend that you sleep with it, meditate with it, tune in over these next few days. How about if we meet back here in a week and compare notes? I will do that with mine,and keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth while you meditate, this creates a circuit of energy to your PINEAL GLAND.

I will be starting an online chat room through a private FB page. If you want to join in to chat about Astrology, mythology,dreams, meditation, art, symbols, and collectively tune in together there will be a small fee and we can meet regularly over the next month for a week.

Please email me- for more info.

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