Monday, January 21, 2013

President Obama Inauguration 2013 Astrology of U.S.

President Obama’s Second Coming, er term will be a dual affair. His 2nd Inauguration or Re-inauguration will have two faces, a public and a private one which in itself is telling. January was named after the Roman God Janus who symbolizes past and future, who looks in two directions at once.

By Law, the President must swear in on Jan 20 at noon which is Sunday, so it’s the legal Private Inauguration and a second Public Inauguration which coincides with Martin Luther King birthday a National except for Arizona, Holiday will occur Jan 21 at 11:5 am in Washingto n D.C.

Very interesting as an Astrology symbol, as Jupiter,King of the Gods/President is STILL Retrograde in the sign of Gemini- the twins. President Obama’s natal Moon is in Gemini at 3 degrees. Duplicity? Speak with forked tongue? Especially as we are entering a snake year in China.

Let’s look at the Sunday Jan 20 chart first for predictions about what the President’s next and America’s next 4 years will be about.

Jan 20 2013 President Inauguratonclick on chart to view larger

Sunday Jan 20 2013 private Inauguration

the chart has the SUN symbolizing the President at ZERO degrees of AQUARIUS on the MC, HIGH NOON position, conjunct Mercury at 2 degrees. The Sun is always on the MC at noon. MC does not mean Master of Ceremonies, although it could alude to that. MC symbolizes the Sun at NOON. The Sun at zero degrees Aquarius is optimistic, future future oriented, rebellious and conjunct the President’s Natal Jupiter Rx at the same degree. This is very positive and inventive, indicating solar power, new technological inventions into people’s lives. Although it can be too much power in the Presidents hands- Jupiter is the King.

Mars is also in the 10th house of worldly fame at 20 degrees Aquarius, showing military might, wars, violence. The President may be able to get a lot more done in the 2nd term,there is also danger to his life with Mars here, especially as it is the T-square to Saturn in Scorpio and Moon in Taurus.

MARS is the focus of a FIXED T- SQUARE in the 10th is square to Saturn in Scorpio in the 6th house indicates karmic issues, restriction, testing, deep anger about job losses, status and hierarchies;change in financial matters, major power struggles. Saturn in Scorpio rules secrets, the shadow ,power and control in financial 8th house Scorpio matters, sex scandals, taxes, seniors, seniority, bitter karmic enemies. It also refers to the ARA refusing to back down to Saturn Government control of guns, Rifles- Scorpio death.

This can also mean sweeping Aquarius technology used for war- more drones, robo-cops, Big Brother watching everyone, to control financial matters, a cashless society is easier to control. Anyone rejecting or opposing the government will be dealt with in a very heavy-handed way, Martial law literally.

The MOON is the people, in TAURUS in the 1ST HOUSE power to the people, they want comfort, work, practical resources, greedy, stubborn. Moon is squaring Mars at 20 Aquarius there will be aggression and resistance around Obama’s open to all new ideas- gay marriage, etc. and especially around MARTIAL- gun laws issues from some quarters.

JUPITER is still Rx in Gemini in the 1st indicates

expansion through communications but need to re-do information and laws- Jupiter rules Law. Also mis-understandings or misleading information. Jupiter is squared by Neptune at 1 degree Pisces and Chiron at 7. This is a sign of major legal repeals of BIG PHARMA- Neptune rules drugs both legal and illegal and this is tied to major covert CIA operatives the US had led over the years. Neptune rules illusion, delusion, addictions,oil, Hollywood, glamour and Chiron is the wounded healer. Jupiter in Gemini can open dialogues and social intercourse that hasn’t been able to be spoken about.

PISCES is the 12th house of INSTITUTIONS, secrets, karma, bliss, escapism, denial, endings, delusions of grandeur and fake gurus, phony salvation leaders. As with the recent Lance Armstrong confession “denial and delusion” are the new normal. Especially for the entire next term till April 2018. Saturn is Trining Chiron and will trine Neptune again, so many hidden elements will rise to the surface. The drug industry is tied to the gun control issues now as well. So over drugging depressed people with Rx- same symbol for Chiron, makes them more suicidal will not be acceptable anymore.

WEALTH of Country

Venus at 15 degrees Capricorn in the 9th house shows more foreign investers and investments and putting money into education as a future seeding of younger generations, and re-educating workers. Pluto and Venus just recently met here so this is a sign of much wealth and power, but it is also being squared by REVOLUTIONARY hackers, Occupiers etc. by Uranus at 5 degrees Aries. THe next four years will see major unrest,civil disobedience, civil war between those with power, the PLUTOCRACY and the street fighting man/woman. Uranus rules the MC in Aquarius.

Mercury is directly opposite the President’s Natal Mercury in LEO. There will be much debating and perhaps switching of sides.

The Chart has a 14 degree Taurus Ascendant ruled by Venus in Capricorn in the 9th, disposited by Saturn in Scorpio, disposited by Mars in Aquarius, which is traditionally ruled by Saturn./Mars is disposited by Uranus in Aries in the 12th. Uranus rules the Sun Mercury and the MC

SO THE NEXT 4 YEARS are bound to be revolutionary.

I will focus on the Jan 21 chart and how it intersects Obama and the U.S. Sibley chart next

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