Thursday, January 3, 2013

pet deaths, dreams, musings from Tara greene

here’s what’s happening for me so far in 2013
I have been feeling very tired and I’ve heard “exhausted”from a number of people. Like really exhausted. energy feels intense.
Also I have been feeling that vertigo thing again. Have you?
vertigo pineal gland
I have experienced this for weeks at a time in the past year or so. Also stabbing pains in my left ear and in parts of my body that come and go. Some call it Ascension symptoms. I am very sensitive and it feels like the electro-magnetic energy fields are shifting a lot when I feel this. I believe it is also has something to do with awakening the pineal gland.
Jan 3 Our lovely beautiful bright yellow canary”Sunny” passed away today. We had him for nine years! And we adored him, as he sang so beautifully, he had the most amazing and diverse songs, we nicknamed him Pavarotti. When people would call the house and he was singing they used to ask me if I was in a jungle because it sounded like so many birds. Nope just one little Sunny boy. He knew his name and would turn when we called him. He was the most special canary, a Belgian water canary who sang when you turned the tap on, to the sound of running water.
Birds always symbolize human souls in ancient metaphysics.
Sonny was my Dad’s nickname when he was a child. So I see beautiful Sunny finally flying free as a bird, across the Universe, like a shooting star, like a Phoenix rising. He lived his entire life in a cage, I always thought it was sad, but he was very safe and had all his creature comforts met. It was the only life he knew.
Always so sad when your pets die, I think I cry more for them in some ways.
And our lovely orange cat, the foundling who appeared July 4, yay a U.S. patriot kitten,we discovered had peed in a plastic trunk filled with our and my husband’s 30 years worth of old SLR color and B & W pics from his childhood. Ew what a stink! There was some magnificent panorama shots we took when in Death Valley on the Spring Equinox in 1997 to do a ceremony under Comet Hale-Bopp to do a Spring Solstice Give- away ceremony for our daughter Leah in there. Had to dispose of 80% of it. We do have the negatives here somewhere, somewhere. Bad cat. I think he’s pissed off about our new puppy.
Taking everything that happens in your life as a dream. I’d say that Cats symbolize instincts in the dream/real world, sensitives, negative energy neutralizers. A pissed off cat literally pees on things. So one’s instincts are demonstrating that they are pissed off about holding onto the past.
How would you interpret that dream?
BIRD ON A WIRE by the Neville Brothers-

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