Friday, January 18, 2013

Te'os, hoax, lies, delusion, Neptune in Pisces is new normal

Lance Armstrong- “nah I didnt think I did anything wrong.”

Manti Te’o's non existent girlfriend is dead -hoax- what?

America will recover financially” ….

“I never had sex with him/her” …..

“I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God

Lies lies, delusion, illusions, smoke and mirrors, Wizard of Oz, what’s real and what isn’t?

gonna be harder and harder to tell.

NEPTUNE – God of the Ocean is in his own realm now and powerful

Get used to it

The TRIDENT GUY will slowly take us on an underwater tour of the Collective Unconscious till 2025.

WILD and crazy lies, deceit and ego-arrogance are spilling out all over already, Neptune just moved to 1 degrees PISCES.

It’ll get better and better, weirder and weirder. FANTASY? ILLUSION? SANITY?

CHIRON the Wounded Healer in Pisces as well till 2015 is accelerating the healing potential.

This is Neptune we are talking about ephemera, chimeras, hocus-pocus, mirages, delusions, deceptions, fool’s paradise, phantasm, phantom, the shadow,

illusion, daydream, snake oil salesman, make-believe, illusions, reverie, anything unreal, hallucinations, drug trip etc.

“NOTHING IS REAL” sang John Lennon “and nothing to get hung about”


so welcome to the re-run on a higher level of the tripped out ’60′s.

tune in , turn on , drop out there’s plenty of PSYCHO DRUGS being fed to millions now.

might as well get your hookah out and mellow out for the next 12 years dudes…

things are getting mighty unveiled here…

EVERYONE’S BOUNDARIES are breaking down and everyone’s ESP is expanding rapidly

Don’t be alarmed if you hear strange voices in your head,or feel overwhelmed with emotion from out of nowhere

it’s the silent sound of psychic walls dissolving, the false illusions of our separation is melting faster than a chocolate bar on a sunny July windowsill.

it’s all GOOD! If your psychic legs are wobbly I offer assistance to help guide you to walk on water so to speak

I was born this way.

life is but a dream….


But don’t expect things to be easy to hold on to, we are moving into BIG WATER this summer at end of JULY there will be a big GRAND WATER TRINE Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces.


I have had some very intense dreams lately… One in which I was in a foreign country, with many brown-skinned people, they were hiding in very tall grasses near a body of water. Suddenly military helicopters descend from the left in the sky and start firing machine guns, people are screaming, running and dropping like flies. I am shocked and terrified and can’t believe I am witnessing the mowing down of innocent people.

in such a crass, inhuman, detached way. The green grass is stained ruby pomegranate red with blood.

Then a beautiful young woman appears and she walks down to the beach and starts to sing. She has a very powerful angelic voice and she is calling in higher spirits. After a few minutes orbs of flashing light, whiz in from all direction like fireflies. The entire scene is filled with sparks and balls of light, flashing, illuminating, iridescent and they felt beautiful. I began singing too.

I felt uplifted, in the midst of the carnage, help is on the way! ANGELS ASCEND FROM EVERY DIRECTION

I believe… DO YOU BELIEVE?

angels Tara Greene

Speaking of ANGELS – NEPTUNE is approaching a conjunction with FIXED STAR- Fomalhaut which is the ARCHANGEL GABRIEL


get a reading


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