Sunday, January 19, 2020

Joni Mitchell - Live in London (1974)

I've never heard or watched this incredible live concert by Joni Mitchell live in London from 1974. she is singing so amazingly here. I am blown away. She is the best female singer, and songwriter of the 20th century and every Century. She will never be equalled. A true JUNO, the Feminine form of Genius..We are fortunate to be alive at the same time as this Goddess

Saturday, January 11, 2020

11:11 - Activation of 1st Gate (1/7), Egypt, 1992 - with Solara

January 11 is the anniversary of the first official 11:11 event created by Solara on January 11, 1992.  One of the first higher consciousness events in the world. I was part of the meditation along with thousands of people and in Jupiter,n Florida with a friend of mine. It was really mind-blowing, We went into another dimension.