Thursday, May 23, 2013

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford,crack head,eh? Astrology transits, take off from Tara Greene

Well Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is personally destroying my home town city’s reputation in the world. There is no class in “world class city”  Toronto’s dreams now on the world’s stage now. I have been disgusted by Mr. Ford since he was elected in October 2010 mainly by outlying Conservative suburbanite’s as a backlash to the downtown core of multicultural Liberal Toronto urbanites.
You may not know it but Toronto’s nickname is HOGTOWN and I find Mr. Ford’s behavior to embody that moniker totally. He says misogynist and racist things on camera.
THE GREAT WHITE NORTH has taken on a whole new significance.

SCTV’s Bob and Doug Mackenzie  Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas 1980
The evolution of Hosers from 20th century to snow blowers in the 21st.
Mr. Ford allegedly caught on video with a crack pipe in his hands. Somali drug dealers showed it to two Toronto newspaper reporters and John cook from Gawker on an iphone. Their are asking for $200,000 to hand it over and Gawker, a U.S. company has a  fundraising campaign to get the sum together.- see link below
The Somali drug dealers for some reason aren’t being questioned or arrested for selling illegal drugs and were interviewed saying they want the money so they can leave Toronto for the “promised lands of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s tax-free oil sands land of Alberta and start a clean new life allegedly, or sell more crack to a rich and bored audience.
One of Mr. Ford’s former “buddies” another Somali fellow was shot dead in a gangland shoot out in March.  Mr. Ford has become a household name for all the wrong reasons.

Jon Stewart spent 6 minutes of TV time totally lambasting the former football coach.

Jimmy Kimmel also produced a staged Interview with an actor posing as the Toronto Mayor

Jay Leno also mentioned it and said its’ because “there’s not a lot to do in Toronto.”
I beg to differ- Toronto is Heaven according to Michael Moore, and is the only city with 130 different ethnic groups living in relative peace in a GTA of  over 6,000,000 people,  it’s now the 4th largest city in North America.
This is not the first time Ford has been in trouble, he’s already fought many charges of being drunk, rerouting public transit for his football team, having his photo taken with a Neo Nazi, caught calling Asians “orientals” and saying racist comments in public. Walking right into a camera.  Talking on his cel phone and driving which is illegal.
I predicted Rob Ford’s win in October 24 2010 and briefly went over his astrology chart you can read that here

Here’s a surrealist image of Rob Ford’s defense, after French artist Rene Magritte.

                  digitally altered photo of Surrealist Rene Magritte painting by Napoleon Brousseau

For Americans and others who don’t speak French, Canada’s “other ” official language.
It says  ”This is not a crack pipe.”
My interview by The Toronto STAR newspaper on Mayor Rob Ford’s future on December 31 2012   see it on my website
and reprinted here

Lets look at Bob’s current astrology transits

I’ve intuitively Rectified Rob Ford’s chart as there  is no known birth time.
He looks very Taurus like to me, so I’ve put that sign as his Ascendent and guess what?

Planet NEPTUNE planet of addicts, snake oil salesmen, deluded, secretive, glamour seeking individuals have this aspect and it is sitting in his 7th house of “others.” The recent Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees Taurus would have fallen across his Ascendant /Descendent axis.

Transiting Jupiter in Gemini is nearing a 90 degree square to his North and South nodes in PISCES/Virgo. Jupiter rules the HIGHER law- no pun intended. I mean Sacred Law, the true justice not false corrupt justice. This is a karmic face the law for your past karmic injustices. Seems perfect timing to me.
Jupiter is also squaring his Natal PLUTO JUPITER URANUS conjunction in Virgo.  That powerful Trinity spells out a power crazed big risk taker, who thinks he can do whatever he wants, is above the law, is so full of himself, conceited, Psychopathic.
Rob is also having his SATURN opposition which is also a get caught in your tracks holding the bag kind of aspect.

Rob has a very difficult aspect at his birth, Mercury planet of thinking in GEMINI, Retrograde,which it rules, so its  indecisive, immature, irresponsible, usually labelled as learning disabled, is opposite  Mars also  RETROGRADE in Sagittarius which makes the usual truth teller a man who trips on his own words. REtrograde Mars IN Sagittarius means abuse of the Law. This is a karmic aspect, his thinking and actions aren’t congruous. This man is not conscious and therefore very dangerous.

NEPTUNE PLANET OF ADDICTIONS delusion, illusions, glamour, secrets, is SQUARING ROB’s Sun. Neptune in his  natural 11th house of wishes hopes and dreams. has turned in his delusions of grandeur from a Pipe DREAM into a PIPE NIGHTMARE.

I think I will rename him SPONGE BOB Square Crack.

He is turning only 44 in a few days, A Master number, 4  being the number  of Power in the Tarot. THE KING or Emperor. The opposite side of the King is THE FOOL. and he is making a huge fool of himself and this city.

Oh well, so it goes as Kurt Vonnegut used to say in Slaughterhouse Five.

WATCH The Great White North Bob & Doug Mackenzie  THE SPACE ARM/SNOW ROUTES get it SNOW ROUTES

Get a reading with Toronto psychic Tara Greene

See more art by Napoleon Brousseau at http://www.

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