Tuesday, May 28, 2013

this week and JUNE sneak peak Astrology from Tara Greene


In Toronto where I live, never mind the Mayor Rob Ford cocaine scandal which “blew”- don’t mind the pun, away because I believe they paid off the Somali drug pushers. Its been FREEZING.
Have you seen the beautiful line up of Mercury Venus And Jupiter forming a triangle in the dusk skies?

May 27
Sun is INCONJUNCT SATURN- a 150 degree aspect- @ 6 degrees Gemini 6 of Scorpio Rx

Gemini and Scorpio are BAD BEDFELLOW’s
definitely nails on chalkboard’s, very irritable, walk on eggshell’s aspect all during the week.

May 28 features a Fab VENUS JUPITER CONJUNCTION in GEMINI 23 degrees
great for writers, publishers, artists who want to make a statement, blogging, chit chatting, upbeat,optimistic, inspired, flirty.  Freedom and detachment are part of the Gemini VENUS JUPITER GAME.
make’s one very indecisive, young at heart, dare we say immature? Peter Pan-ish?
Makes you want to hit the road, wild camping, long or short distance trips book them now.

 Gathering with like-minded Women- come to the GRAIL LADY FAIRE  http://www.taratarot.com/id176.html

MAKE BIG LOVE  WISHES- Jupiter is very expansive.
WATCH out for the caffeine. Could also be a lot of HOT AIR-and hype.
YOUR Birthday TODAY? its going to be a fab over the rainbow year for you.
MAY 31 2 planets change signs-

MERCURY Enters CANCER at 12:07 am  PDT

Heads in the clouds come down to earth and seek security safety and comfort of HOME.
Women’s voices will be heard louder around the world. Anti-rape laws will be set into motion. HOMELAND SECURITY will be in the news. Thinking about feelings, your home and environment becomes # 1 on the list. Your stomach will be talking. 
Have tea parties and wear fancy hats.Tea Party
Children’s rights, women’s rights, FOOD rights will all be very newsworthy. MONSANTO protests will continue.

MERCURY goes RETROGRADE  JUNE 26 @ 23 degrees+ of Cancer till JULY 20
so mark that down on your calendars.  Good time for home renovations. Re-arrange our furnishings at least. A Mercury in Cancer Retrograde gets us to review  all the intimate conversations we’ve had; it’s a sentimental time. Look at old photos, get that digital photo album together. The good old days of simple living, home cooked meals will be something we really pine for. Great time for a family reunion, old friends and the like. Reflecting near water, the pool, lakes or ocean is ideal.

Leaving the earthy sensual stubborn bull turf for loftier heights. The warrior, likes Gemini territory better and can battle with words and ideas while he transits Airy GEMINI. Lots of partying with Mars in Gemini. Can also cause break ups.
Ladies, this transit makes men way  less dependable, more quixotic, immature, ambivalent, angel/devil minded. So be forewarned. Give the bro’s space to wander, and guess what they’ll come back, Or not, as is Gemini wont. Busy, buzzing like bees, good time to generate new ideas, get PR out. make new friends, have lite conversations.
Energy will be high, speedy, nix the caffeine and sugar. Ambivalence and indecision abound.
Gather new ideas, ask tons of questions, get to know your good and bad sides more. Interview everyone. It’s all about the story, spin your story wisely.   Great for generating fast quips and short, very short novels.

SUN inconjunct/ quincunx PLUTO June 1st
This is a heavy intense aspect pitting those clamouring for information against the Plutocracy. Youth and experience, immaturity and seniority are at odds and highlighted.

JUNE 3rd
Have tea parties and wear fancy hats.
this is a lovely emotional sensitive dreamy creative sentimental aspect. The summer of 2013 features a major GRAND WATER TRINE JULY 17. and more

Get your Astrology and Tarot reading http://www.taratarot.com

HIRE tea leaf readers for Toronto and GTA events http://www.taratarot.com

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