Felt like we need something lighter on the Uranus Pluto Exact 3rd square today.
I've drawn from the Inner Child Cards a beautiful Tarot deck transformed through Fairy Tales.
9 of swords
This card is usually considered to be a heavy card. Swords are thoughts, the mind, consciousness. 9 is the number of perfection. 9 symbolizes limits, boundaries, the end of the road.The Inner Child card shows a boy surrounded by 9 swords. Symbolically he is imprisoned by ideas and mental constructs keeping him imprisoned. A whimsical dragon is in the forefront of the image. The Dragon symbolizes the defensive energy, pain and protection, the denial of Self. The beast is a shadow part of the Self that must be befriended, not slain, as an ally to get to the hidden treasure within, the authentic Self. Dragons always protect the gold of Self. Be aware of your self-imposed limited viewpoints and philosophy.
Going beyond the limits of known ideas and space. Old thoughts, are ready to dissolve. Nine is completion.In Taoist symbolism the dragon is revered as a spirit that shows "the way." All Fairy Tales and modern Myths, like Star Wars, Shrek, Avatar, etc. have powerful archetypal significance.
Be like the Star Trek crew and bravely go beyond the limits of your own outworn ideas. Seek your inner dragon and let it guide you towards a transformed vision of your future goals. Take the red pill, as in the Matrix. End your mind games.
Be willing to free your mind and self to explore exciting new visions. Dare to go where you haven't been before.
VERY synchronous for the Uranus Pluto square. Squares produce friction, like rubbing two sticks together, their aim is to ignite a spark. Uranus is Higher consciousness, higher mind. Pluto is the shadow, the dragon, Death. Both are powerful allies. Fantastic! I love it.
PLEASE SHARE WIDELY so that many may benefit.
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Mind Games By John Lennon [youtube=http://youtu.be/8dHUfy_YBps]
"We're playing those mind games together,Pushing barriers, planting seeds,
Playing the mind guerilla,
Chanting the Mantra peace on earth,
We all been playing mind games forever,
Some kinda druid dudes lifting the veil.
Doing the mind guerilla,
Some call it the search for the grail,
Love is the answer and you know that for sure,
Love is flower you got to let it, you got to let it grow,
So keep on playing those mind games together,
Faith in the future outta the now,
You just can't beat on those mind guerillas,
Absolute elsewhere in the stones of your mind,
Yeah we're playing those mind games forever,
Projecting our images in space and in time,
Yes is the answer and you know that for sure,
Yes is the surrender you got to let it, you got to let it go,"
All writing copyright Tara Greene
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