Wasn’t it a wild and crazy Monday? The Moon is in ARIES and was conjunct Uranus the wild, freedom loving, revolutionary planet and then she squared Pluto. The preview to the MAY 20, 3rd exact square off. R U ready?
Inspirational Card For May 7
King of Pentacles/disks THE DALI TAROT
The King of Discs is TAURUS energy and we’re experiencing a lot of that lately.
Taurus Solar eclipse May 9/10 features Sun, Moon, Mars, the South Node, Mercury, Dwarf planet Sedna all in Taurus. The Universe is trying to pound the earthy message into us. We must take care of the earth and her resources and our own bodies. Taurus themes. Banking, the state of the economy and the financial system.
This card brings you wisdom, as a King. A king of finances and manifestation. Survey your kingdom, palace and lands, your home and possessions. Your body. What do you appreciate about your own wealth? Be more discerning about what you put in your body.Where are you lacking? Whatcha gonna do ’bout it?
Opening up to appreciate the wealth and beauty in the material world all around you. It’s Spring here in Toronto where I live. Magnolia’s are blooming. Life is buzzing alive. It’s very sexual, earthy, pumped, grounded. BE HERE NOW!
Focus on finances, career, gardening, your body, getting into shape, being creative. And speaking your truth,Taurus rules the throat.
Speaking of Salvador DALI whose art I always greatly admired since High School. He was born May 11, 1904, a Taurus.
FIND OUT MORE about what made DALI so unique in his ASTROLOGY CHART
PLEASE SHARE WIDELY So more can benefit.
NEED A reading ? http://www.taratarot.com/id78.html
and the song that came into my head
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