Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Rape of the World Pluto Retrograde,Astrology of fearlessness

The Moon has entered more grounded peaceful pastures in Taurus April 10 -13 Ahhh.  We need  MORE EARTH.
That  Aries Backdraft has felt pretty Torrid and intense.

PLUTO  turns Retro April 11/12  @ 11 degrees 35 minutes Capricorn till September 20 @ 8.59 degrees 
Yes Pluto heads home to Hell, the Underworld. Where he belongs. Where the Soul lives.
Pluto spends about 5 months every year going Retrograde, the Feminine inward time..
I have been reading ancient  star lore myths, feeling the need to be more poetic,
Pluto Retro is the Soul {Feminine younger soul aspect Persephone} being raped by PLUTO- Lord of CHANGE
INTO THE DEPTHS of SELF – the Underworld is the INNERWORLD – not Hell as we moderns think of it for punishing souls
I am aware of the tragedy that women and girls are being raped physically ever day in the thousands
how the Earth herself is being raped by big Multinationals, MONSANTO, oil, mining, deforestation. It makes me sad.

MYTHOLOGICAL Psychologically Rape is in the story to force one to wake up – this is  Archetypal territory here not to be taken literally, the myth of being wounded to grow and awaken is primal, it is part of life. The parents need to push the little bird out of the nest so it can fly, sometimes they hit the ground.

Not to mention Dictators and Plutocrats in the world and governments who are destroying conquering and killing

So be fearless  for these next months. What does your soul need to feed itself, to grow now?
As if your life depended on it.
As Joseph Campbell says the myths still live within us, through us.
The myth of ORPHEUS comes to mind, he sang and played beautiful music on his lyre, a harp like instrument
Orpheus Pluto Astrology Tara Greene Toronto
Pierre Amede Marcel-Beronneau
“ORPHEUS” 1897
Something about TAURUS the throat, music, soul music.
Orpheus was married and widowed on his wedding day and was so sad he made the perilous journey to Hell and played for Persephone and Hades so they would release his Beloved to life again. They agreed on the condition that Orpheus did not look back at his wife until they reached the upper world. All was well until they almost made it out when Orpheus, overjoyed turned to look at his beautiful wife and OH NO she vanished for all eternity back to Hades. Eventually a group of women tore him apart as he spurned all their romantic desires.
What’s the moral of this story? Be tough and never falter? Move on with acceptance and grace even though your heart is broken to bits?
 Has there been a time in your life when you were so grief struck by a relationship that ended that you felt you couldn’t live without them? Or perhaps they died? suddenly? You’d do anything to get them back but in the end it failed, you had to accept it. But part of you carried the heart break and refused to go back into and trust  life.
How much time have you spent being unable to let go and accept  live?
You can rewrite the Orpheus myth for yourself.
my mythical poetic astro advice is -go gently into that good night in the days and months ahead
learn to let go completely, let go of the story and the drama around it no matter how hard
I know people who have gone through this and I know myself too …
.Pluto and Neptune are in sextile assisting DEEP, VAST, SPIRITUAL HEALING now.
If you visit the underworld daily in meditation, you can venture into those vast inner worlds
you can meet anyone and morph into anything in any time and any dimensions, and in your dreams every night
We can meet and discuss this privately or in a group
I’d like to explore and meet with you more personally
Would you like to experience a guided mediation with me and a group of like-minded ASTRO souls??
email me 
we could set it up through face back a private page and email
we need this now, everything is shifting and shaking.
The rafters will rock April 12 at night as Saturn in Scorpio quincunx’s Uranus in Aries 9 degrees
Ya got planets here? I’d belt myself in. As in safety belt. Or any squares to the 9 degrees Cardinals
NEED A READING? get it now
I also offer healing for women who have been abused please email me

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