Tuesday, October 2, 2012

MArs Conjunct North Node in Scorpio-My Favourite Martian Astrology from Tara Greene

Mars the RED PLANET is very much in the news and everyone’s consciousness these days - not just that hunk of exploring space junk sending awesome new earthscapes back to us earthlings, mapping and staking out Mars territory and securing it for future mining rights for Mr. Lakshmi and a select group of others.

As synchronicity would have it. The North Node of the Moon, now at 26 degrees + of Scorpio is conjuncting planet MARS now!

the two are rolling out the RED Carpet for SATURN who enters Scorpio Oct 5.

Mars exits stage left October 6 aiming much higher arrows in lighter but still fiery Sagittarius.

North Node symbolizes the collective highest spiritual goal. Mars connecting to that is helping us to take it higher.

So the symbol is be on RED ALERT! -take Scorpio to its highest intention. SCORPIO is intense SOUL HEALING, it will encourage death to allow for rebirth.

IT IS THE PHOENIX rising from the fire.

SO Lets go of the old power games it’s ready to merge completely passionately, sexually/kundalini energy with all

Mars and North Node in Scorpio and VENUS in LEO conjunct 2 archangels at its’ highest brings DEATH to the OLD MALE COMPETITIVE WARRIOR ARCHETYPE and allows the New MALE to be born.

The young,21 years old, red haired Canadian/English singer Ed SHEERAN is a prime example-s ee link to his song below

MARS rules- men, the military- Notice some fierce warmongering going on to try to attack Iran, China and Japan? etc. etc.

MARS rules- explosions, dangerous anything, knives, weapons, fire,

atomic energy, bombs, terrorism, heat, volcanoes, death,wildfires,

cutting, rape,new life force, domination, competition, skill,power, control, life or death struggles, fighting to the death,

ruthlessness, selfishness, anger, rage, blind passion.

AND VENUS is in LEO and has been SQUARING that Mars North Node combo for the battle of the Sexes! VENUS is in her GLORY it is HER YEAR, as she eclipsed the Sun in June.

Venus in Leo is big-hearted, the leader, and she is crossing the Fixed Star REGULUS – symbolizing the place in the heavens of the ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL which is also opposite Archangel GABRIEL- the announcing Angel now till Oct 5.

It’s short and sweet but perfectly depicts that WOMEN must battle to stay in control of their own destinies and SCORPIO rules REPRODUCTION -so fight like HELL for your hard won freedom, CAll on archangel RAPHAEL to help all of us.

MARS ruled ARIES countries such as -England, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Burgundy, Palestine, Syria and Japan

MARS ruled Scorpio countries- Austria, IndoChina, Tibet, Borders of Caspian, Upper Egypt, North China, Burma

so expect this North Nodal Mars, Venus square aspect to trigger -

all and any of the above descriptions over the next few months.

Note: North Node will be in Scorpio from AUGUST 30 2012- February 18, 2014


wear RED at all times-

the indigenous people and Chinese know it is protective.

RED Is the color of LIFE, BLOOD, SUCCESS.

In the West we’ve been bamboozled into thinking RED IS STOP!

De-condition yourselves please.

SCORPIO the most feared sign is where we are all taking up roost in Hades for the next 3 years so better get comfy down there.

SATURN Lord of REALITY and Karma is taking us on a tour to HELL.

It will be Obsessive, intense, totally high and totally low all in one.

We’re all goin’ down. SEX, secrets, death, rebirth, power, control, torture, money, the shadow…big power battles…

me and my shadow…. better get to love yours,,,

Depth psychology, soul psychology that’s where we are headed starting Friday October 5 2012.

ME I am so happy. I have A Scorpio Ascendant and my 12th house is Scorpio-ish. I am at home with Scorpio, I am my unconscious,working in the diamond mines every night and day.

Where is SCORPIO in your chart? what house and which aspects does it make?

Saturn the reality checker is passing through that area of your life.

SCORPIO is black, dark, negrido in psychology, hidden, shameful,sado-masochism, birth pains, death rattles, ancestors, graveyards, charnel grounds, blood spilled in war, demons, it is like KALI.

It is time to be a brave hermit, call upon the Hermit to light your night lite forf the soul journey, the night-sea , the dark night of the soul time..

Armageddon…we’re on a highway to HELL.

and I feel fine….

ED SHEERAN – “Small Bump”

an example of the new male archetype, sensitive, caring, emotionally open, nurturing,honest. This song is truly a landmark, and makes me cry.

NOT an anthem for Pro-LIFEERS at all!

SCARED of the dark? Need a guiding light?

Get some guidance form TARA http://www.taratarot.com/id78.html

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