Friday, September 28, 2012

Burning down the House Aries Full Moon Sept 29/30

On the brink of the Autumn season in the North and Spring in the South we have our first Full Moon
Sept 29 @8:20 pm PDT/11:20 pm EDT
Sept 30@ 3:20 am GMT
Aries is the first sign, all life force, fire, inspiration, passion,aggressive, competitive, spontaneous!
and this ARIES Full moon is about as spontaneously combustible as it gets!
TOO hot to handle!
Like the girl in the dress of fire dress Katnis Everdeen in The HUNGER GAMES-keep that metaphor in mind! HOLLYWOOD is always prescient
CERES, Earth Mother and Goddess is at ZERO degrees Cancer the Most maternal sign,
she is part of the GRAND CARDINAL CROSS of Sun Moon Uranus and PLUTO!
Grand Crosses are dynamic-the stress forges new boundaries to break open,
Aries Moon is conjunct freedom fighter URANUS -bringer of Higher consciousness, chaos,bolts of lightning Squared by PLUTO in Capricorn,opposite the Libra Sun and square to CERES.
Think of Mother Leary’s cow kicking over the lantern and burning San Francisco down,
And there’s MORE!
FIXED GRAND CROSS attempting to contain the volcanic eruption.
VENUS at 26 degrees LEO-SHE’s is the QUEEN and loves drama-and this is VENUS’S YEAR!
VENUS is one degree away from an EXACT square to the Lunar NODES in Scorpio-Taurus. Venus rules TAURUS,Mars rules Scorpio. Each has their power thrones.WOMEN are the evolutionary lynch-pin NOW.
Venus represents what we value, women,love. Mars rules the traditional male roles as hunter, warrior and he is in the mix at 25 degrees of SCORPIO,2 degrees away from the North/South Nodes.
These 2 planets and the North Node in Scorpio/South Node in Taurus polarity perfectly depict the current political/pseudo-religious battle and crisis of women vs Male patriarchy attempting to control women. Women are the coming force of the now and the future.
Grand Cross Guadelupe MedalsMexican Grand Cross Medals fo Guadelupe
Venus is kicking Mars’ butt and she ought to be
MARS is in his home turf where he is STRONGEST and he also rules the ARIES FULL MOON, so Mars is DOUBLE STRENGTH on the warpath!
NORTH NODE in Scorpio
Indicates our highest spiritual goal – is to let die-Scorpio,that which no longer serves us,the male warmongering model.
and Pluto in Capricorn is tearing down the PLUTOCRACY although they are instituting fascist laws and the religious right is trying to control women’s freedom.
Pluto rules atomic energy and Uranus rules explosions, revolutionaries, freedom.
Mars and the NORTH NODE are being DOUBLY SQUARED
by NEPTUNE at ZERO degrees of PISCES conjunct CHIRON the wounded healer at 5 degrees.
These 2 bring spiritual hope, compassion healing, wounding, martyrs, creative endings. forgiveness and understanding over unconscious scapegoating and blaming others,
a way to let the past goto find our common spiritual Oneness.
ANd those 2 come full circle, or full square that is
as the Pisces duo is square to the SOUTH NODE  at 27 degrees of TAURUS conjunct the Pleiades, a very highly evolved group of stellar spiritual guides.
Many Native American origin stories claim that their ancestors came from these STARS.
and the May 20 Solar Eclipse degree of 1 of Gemini.
which gets re-activated now +also
NOVEMBER 28- LUNAR ECLIPSE mark that date on your calendars.
Neptune at zero Pisces, Ceres at Zero Cancer and Saturn at the 29th critical Karmic degree now- read CRITICAL KARMIC TIMES!
Saturn enters SCORPIO Oct 5 and will form a GRAND TRINE
with the Moon in Cancer conjunct Ceres on Oct 6.
This is a beautiful picture.Saturn is karma and the builder, Traditionally Saturn represents the physical MOTHER, not the father. Neptune is in his home sign, Ceres is the Mother EARTH as well as all the grains of the earth, food, nurturing and Saturn is changing up the game rules in Scorpio.
We are moving into WATERY TIMES
for the next three years. NICE.
Mutual reception is just what it sounds like,you come to my house I’ll go to yours,
Saturn the ruler of Capricorn is in Pluto’s ruling sign and vice versa
their energy supports each other is a good collaboration.
We ar evolving into a new Uranian template for the new birth of a balanced Masculine and Feminine.
The generation born in 81-83 were all born with Saturn and Pluto conjunct in LIBRA.
Their karma was major divorces, these people have just had their first SAturn return.
they are the ones to be creating the new archetypes of equal balanced relationships between the sexes.
a mutual reception song Come On A My House by Julie London

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