Tuesday, September 25, 2012

10 day karmic cleanse,-Saturn leaves Libra,28 year cycle, do it now!

JUST realized September 25  is a 10 day countdown till Saturn leaves Libra for another 28-29 years! so we better get to work!
Saturn is EXALTED In Libra which means he is gentler and kinder in the sign of balance.
10 days left to go- till OCtober 5th - SCORPIO MANIA
The lessons will be really capital T -Tough folks, all the biggies! sex, power, MONEY! secrets, control, death, recycling, shadows, fascism.
The best time is NOW to List all 10 BIG KARMIC LESSONS Saturn has kicked your assets with over the last 3 years, especially Relationship ones because that’s a LIBRA thing.
All karmic connections need to be cleansed and resolved at least from your end,ASAP
Karmic Cleanse Saturn leaves Libra
you know when we GET IT- truly get THE LESSON  there is no more need to keep banging our heads on the walls. We get to move on. Been dere done dat, you know.
It isn’t all bad, there are good discipline lessons that Saturn must have taught you too, albeit in a hard knock way.
And moving on is what Saturn us doing, he rules reality ,3-D, business so Saturn calls the shots.
Lets list them from 10 to 1 like David Letterman does. Dont peak ahead please.. you need to go slow, be disciplined, work hard!  that’s what Saturn wants.OR ELSE
I was just inspired to tie in the symbols of the TAROT Major Arcana and the planets + Signs
Sept 25 is day 10- Like the Wheel of Fortune- Number 10- Planet JUPITER
So what’s your 10th major karmic lesson?
difficulty, hardship, heartbreak, lesson you learned? mull this over,,,literally higher education,Libra- write it down,
Sept 26 is day 9  - like the HERMIT number 9, number 9, number 9,[VIRGO}
What’s your 9th major Karmic lesson?
How does your body feel about the karmic lessons learned? T he state of your health, or lack of it is the answer. Notice where it hurts, the body never lies. What have you perfected? Built?
Sept 27 is day 8- like JUSTICE , LIBRA- Karmic Number itself
OK so what’s your 8th major karm ic lesson?
You repeat pattern in your relationships? Come on,fess up, what do they keep telling you? Be strong and brave.If you dont do it now number 8 is INFINITY, it’s forever…?
SEPT 28 is day 7 – The Chariot- {Cancer} home, childhood, emotional security
What is your 7th lesson about your stuff with your family? Your past? Your lessons with Mom especially, but your childhood, the unconsciousness, your deepest fear of being alone?
That’s a huge one you would be busy weeping and writing for hours.
Sept 29 is day 6- the LOVERS in the Tarot – GEMINI- choices- 
What is your 6th Saturnine, LESSON?  Saturn is the DEVIL in ancient knowledge. In the Tarot GEMINI/the Devil are two sides of the same coins.
Why do you still want to separate from God/all that is/ UNION?
What still demonizes you? The Devil is FEAR.  Get a handle on that now.
September 30 is day 5 -The Heirophant in the TAROT- Taurus
What’s the 5th karmic lesson? Where do you give away your authority to? How can you reclaim your own inner authority? WHer have you failed to speak your truth or standup for someone wh o was weaker than you?
OCTOBER 1st is day 4 -The symbol of the KING/EMPEROR in the Tarot- Aries
What’s your 4th karmic lesson ? Anger? Competition? Selfishness? Me first attitude. Are you a tyrant?
October 2nd is day 3- The symbol of number 3 is the EMPRESS,- VENUS
What is your 3rd Big karmic lesson?
CLUES- How do you treat women? What do you nurture and give birth to? How do you treat your inner Feminine? Do you respect beauty? Do you value LOVE, art, creativity? What is your retlationship  with Money? Venus rules money.
Greed? avarice?
October 3 is day 2  Number 2 in the Tarot is the HIGH PRIESTESS, {the MOON}
What’s your 2nd big karmic lesson?
What do you dream and fantasize about? Do you trust your intuition? What inner secret is veiled to you? Do you hide your inner Light?

Are you unconscious? How would you know?

October 4 is the last day of  SATURN in LIBRA -#1 in the Tarot is the MAGICIAN
Your NUMBER ONE karmic lesson from SATURN is….
How do you communicate? How magical is your thinking? Your thoughts create your reality and as SATURN rules the big R- this is a big lesson to get.
So do let me know how you resonate with this. I love your feedback!
As Scorpio is about DEATH ad REBIRTH its best to start ready to be reborn
YOUR secret lechery, cheating, porn addictions, lying, theiving energy, stealing, hating others will come out. Energy vampires beware!
It’s gonna be INTENSE- I can promise you that-
the 8th house Scorpio- is about soul merging, lots of people think they want that.
need help? get a reading http://www.taratarot.com/id78.html
a SONG? BJORK Human Behaviour http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDbPYoaAiyc

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