Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Full Moon over New York astrology

Full Moons always bring High Tides. Hurricane Sandy ripped up the East coast of the U.S. after battering the Bahamas. Hitting Cape Hatteras and up the coast, then slammed into New York City on Taurus Full Moon. Waves 13 feet high destroyed part of Atlantic City’s famed Boardwalk. President Obama declared emergencies in 6 states. The storms put the election campaigning on hold.

Subways are closed, the Stock Exchange and NASDAC are also closed and will remain so on Tuesday. Thousands of flights were canceled. Winds of 100 miles an hour brought electric power outages to hundreds of thousands of people in New York City and in major New York Hospitals.


As earth and climate change created storms, tsunami’s,earthquakes, tornado’s and hurricane’s getting stronger and wreaking more havoc and devastation than ever before, the U.S. will need more $ to FEMA not less.

A replica of the 18th Century sailing ship HMS Bounty, built for the 1962 Marlon Brando movie “Mutiny on the Bounty” movie sunk off North Carolina.- There’s something symbolically significant to me here. Those that reap the Bounty are sinking and/or Mutineers-Anonymous WIKILEAKS ETC. will be sunk. A Jupiter in Gemini double sworded images.

The storm has killed 11 Americans and 1 Canadian so far. As I am writing this SANDY has hit Toronto, de-classified but still packing 80 mile an hour winds- that’s 128.7 kms an hour to you CANUCK’s and EURO’s. I can hear and feel the wind, and saw long flashes of lightning. I hope the power doesn’t go out before I get this done.

I do pray for everyone’s safety who’ve been affected by the Huge storm. I have relatives and friends in New York and New Jersey.

I predict an increase in births in these areas 9 months from now. Always happens when the lights go out.

What’s the planets got to do with it? Many planets in WATER signs

Astrological 6 - 1. SUN-Identity is conjunct 2. SATURN – obstacles, tests, limitations, karma in Turbulent Scorpio waters

3. NORTH NODE in SCORPIO- N.N. the collective highest spiritual goal is Scorpionic- destruction to make way for rebirth

Plus 4 & 5. NEPTUNE { GOD of OCEANS} conjunct Wounded Healer CHIRON in PISCES-Neptune rules fantasy, illusions, delusion, addictions, oil, spirituality, dreams. Chiron is feeling vulnerable and where the healing is-about the ocean, the Spiritual Unconsciousness

& 6. Ceres in Cancer are all WATER signs

Sun Saturn, Neptune & Chiron are in a Grand Trine with Ceres

Which symbolically means hard times, trials, by water, obstacles which transform { SCORPIO} through death destruction; illusions, delusions and vulnerability { NEPTUNE and Chiron the Wounded Healer} ; at home CERES, the Great Mother Herself , the WOMB, the OCEAN, in Cancer, roots, foundations,nurturing, women,is the homiest of the home.

CERES in Cancer is Mother Nature, Mother Nurture

A Grand Trine brings all the planets/points into one big cosmic sacred geometric formation-

We must honor and nurture and respect and care for the OCEANS they are the largest 70% of the Earth’s surface, our bodies.

this malestrom occurs with Mercury newly in Sagittarius-Oct 29 @ 2:18 am EDT

the arrow of truth in square aspect to Neptune in afternoon means Communications breakdown-

Mercury is in its STORM period, so-called because it is moving V-E-R-Y slow, about to turn Retrograde on November 6

Moon entered Taurus Oct 29 @ 2:15 am EDT Trining Pluto at around 5:00 pm EDT

Uranus Retrograde @ 5 degrees Aries is STILL square to PLUTO in Capricorn; Venus at 1 of Libra completes the T-square. Add Ceres to form a presto! Cardinal Grand Cross which indicates- Lots of tension, sudden- Uranus chaos, breakdown!- Pluto, highlighted on Full MOON, you get the picture.

There’ ALWAYS my theory that everything OUT THERE is a mirror image of what’s IN HERE.

A storm of this magnitude Archetypal-y was always seen as an angry God or Goddess, Thor sending lightning bolts in Norse Mythology. Ancient Egyptians would explain a storm as, Tefnut, the Goddess of moisture and rain. Sister and consort of the God of the Winds, Shu. She is the mother of Geb the earth and Nut the sky. Tefnut is a pointed eared lion-headed Goddess. She was connected with other Lion headed Goddesses as “The eye of RA.” A more poetic way of viewing the climate was to say -Sun God Ra commanded his daughter Tefnut to him, the moisture would leave the ground ascending to her Father. Tefnut would drift, play, hang out with Shu her long-winded brother and they would carouse and create storms. Tefnut’s moisture-rain would then go to Geb her brother as rain. A post note about Tefnut at end…

I love the more magical poetic anthropomorphic way of viewing the world. At least they name the storms after women nowadays.

Also the Earthquake on Haida Islands off of British Columbia Canada as the Natives protest drilling for oil. Synchronicity here too.

REAL CLIMATE CHANGE was not discussed by President Obama or Romney. tsk tsk. Polar ice caps melting contribute to huge tropical storms.

BAnksy I don’t believe in global warming

Conspiracy theorists suggest that Hurricane Sandy is HAARP made


The media- controlled by the conservative uber rich who tell you what they want you to know, think and buy,already had a pre-set talk of Hurricane Sandy shutting down and interfering with the elections as they are projecting power outages up to a week after.realistic but also mumbo-jumbo.

How convenient a cover is that for some didling the election outcomes.

As the Stock Market and NASDAQ will be shut down for two days that allows a playing field for secret negotiations to take place and market fixing. Billionaires are selling off massive amounts of stock. WHY?

TEFNUT- a tough nut to crack

earlier Pyramid Texts about her say that she is able to produce pure waters from her vagina.

How magical does a storm get when thought about in those terms?

Some WET and stormy songs to help you deal with it

OF course, they call it Stormy Monday by T- Bone Walker

RAIN by The Beatles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPjDMZiuhbQ

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