Thursday, October 4, 2012

Love Hurts,Dream Healing, Pisces,Chiron Venus in Virgo for 6 days

VENUS entered VIRGO today Oct 3 EDT where she will be doing hard working LOVE in the earthy, perfectionist 6th sign till October 28.

Venus, Women and LOVE, everyone’s favourite subject - in VIRGO means ladies and the LOVE nature, and MONEY, LUXURY,BEAUTY RELATIONSHIPS all the VENUS ruled matters will be filtered through VIRGO’s workaholic, budget conscious, ultra critical- for self and others, service oriented, disciplined, health oriented, analytical, tree-hugging, very very pragmatic, book-keeping VIRGO reality.

As Venus enters VIRGO she is opposite NEPTUNE

all oppositions need to be reconciled by staying neutral holding the tension

Neptune is the “higher octave” of Venus. This means Venus rules mere mortal, human love. The animal kind, physically driven, we are, after all biological creatures.


Krishna and Radha Divine Lovers Astrology India

Krishna and Radha Divine Lovers from INDIA

Yes everyone years for Divine Love, or Soul Mates. The HEAVENLY beyond, way up HIGH, over the rainbow, kind of love, not everyday humdrum, dirty dishes in the sink kind of love.

Stars in your eyes, sparkly, glamorous, BIG SCREEN…

Neptune is the planet of the DREAM, Bliss, ONENESS, compassion,

endings, illusion, delusion, fantasy, glamour,

what’s REAL LOVE and what’s FANTASY?

like the Queen Song BOHEMIAN Rhapsody

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide, No escape from reality
Open your eyes, Look up to the skies and see,
I’m just a poor boy, I need no sympathy
Because I’m easy come, easy go, Little high, little low
Any way the wind blows doesn’t really matter to me, to me

So in this opposition Measure your LOVE, VALUES, RELATIONSHIPS with

Venus in Virgo who loves to measure, sift, weigh,account for, organize so- go to it.

VENUS is also inching towards an exact opposition to CHIRON, the Wounded Healer in PISCES October 8. Virgo is the sign of health, healing and Pisces is the sign of Compassion, forgiveness,endings.


But its also a GREAT HEALING! Time to say BYE BYE, not to love but to those old wounds,hurts, scars, emotional baggage.

Although you may feel tender-footed and hearted,like you are walking on a razor blade edge of vulnerability,this aspect heals as it cuts through the chains that bind our hearts.

So for you, born in the first 5 days of the beginning of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius

just let it go..


spend these next few days- It’s a Thanksgiving weekend in Canada

thinking about it all… the whole sad, heart-broken story,the victim, the martyr, the revenge, the unforgiving LIST if you have Scorpio planets…

It takes a lot of energy to bind and weigh your life force energy down

enough already,,,

just cast it forth, drop it as my Tibetan Guru used to say…


and you know what? PISCES miracle will occur

Pisces VEnus Virgo miracles

just drop it…


I am reading the Indian Guru OSHO and he has some marvellous teachings in a book called the tantra experience

more about Venus opposite Neptune and Chiron as Mars steps into the picture on Saturday as he enters Sagittarius and creates a T-SQUARE

sounds kinda kinky, a menage a trois with the other 3 planets, but that’s another story coming shortly,

Remember the clock is ticking down..SATURN is at the critical 29th degree still, it’s the 11th hour of LIBRA where Saturn has been KIND Exalted, merciful.

Saturn in Scorpio is TOUGH LOVE yep 3 years of tough love…

Need guidance from the stars? Get a reading- Skype worldwide

My name is Lady of the Stars

Bohemian Rhapsody by QUEEN

LOVE HURTS by Nazareth

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