Friday, October 26, 2012

Pink Bull Taurus Full Moon Meditation Astrology

October 29 @ 3:50 EDT SENSUAL down to earthy Taurus FULL moon

This is the Full Moon before the Presidential election with Many change ups the day before

1. VENUS enters LIBRA her home sign on Sunday morning Oct 28 till NOVEMBER 21 { when SUN enters Sagittarius}

Well all is good with Venus in romance, balance, beauty, the arts, nice nice and superficial,


Mercury is weak in the sign opposite the one it rules which is GEMINI- Sagittarius’ shadow sign.

Mercury will be galloping and being klutzy, foot in mouthy, upbeat, full of great adventure stories, hot to trot,philosophical,

teacherly, proselytizing, animal rights activist, hypocritical, and easy to like,


at 4 degrees 18 minutes of fiery centaur sign and will wreak havoc on ElECTION DAY- like in 200o but worse!


somehow it sounds lewd….ah Scorpio, it’s always sex,

MErCURY GOES DIRECT a 18 degrees 10 minutes SCORPIO on November 26

hmm that’s exactly ON my ASCENDANT!

DEC 10 Mercury Re-enters SAGITTARIUS er rather gallops and charges into the fire

It will take until December 14 for Mercury to get back to where it was on ELECTION DAY

BAck to that full MOON OCT. 29

ALl FULL MOON are…. You know! completions, VERY Fertilite, Extra good for getting pregnant…enjoying the Garden of EDEN,

It will feel like a foggy bottom Garden as

MERCURY Squares Neptune @ zero degrees Sagittarius to Zero degrees PISCES

You will fall in love with a gorgeous stranger who you will instantly recognise as your soul mate….watch out for that!!

SUN at 6 degrees Scorpio forms a GRAND TRINE With CHIRON and Neptune and the Asteroid CERES at 3 degrees Cancer.

all early water signs benefit from major massive healing energies down pouring like honey

we must focus on healing our hearts, our wounded homes, wombs, the earth, the children the emotional and spiritually broken

VENUS at 1 degree Libra OPPOSES URANUS at 5 degrees Aries and Squares PLUTO at 7 degrees Capricorn.

this amplifies the economic change up picture and woes,

VENUS/WOMEN have the POWER to change corporate structure, old paradigms, like Mitt Romney’s anti-abortion law which uses religious beliefs to control women’s freedom. I’ve predicted that women will be THE force to be reckoned with in the election and will swing for OBAMA.


serious Saturn at 2 degrees SCORPIO is conjunct the SUN -serious healing times here.

Mars at 16 Sagittarius is opposite Retro Jupiter at 15 degrees GEMINI

sitting on the VENUS SUN Eclipse point,

this represents the balance point and sacred marriage integration of the opposites,in each of of male and female,

this is big new energy,

The NOrth NOde is at 26 degrees SCORPIO

SOUTH NODE { the collectives past } is @ 26 degrees TAURUS close to the Pleiades and conjunct

FIXED STARS CAPULUS @ 24 degrees TAurus { a cluster of stars M34}

traditionally malefic and in Taurus they relate to the neck or throat- hanging, decapitation

Exactly at 26 degrees Taurus is the very demonic star ALGOL, alias CAPUT MEDUSA, MEDUSA’s head,

but the two stars also have a very positive side,

get past the ghoul in ALGOL,such as Medusa was once so beautiful she was turned into Medusa as punishment for being too proud,

which means going past the ego, past appearances, past judgements,and see the beauty in everything, past greed,

we find true beauty. True substance, truth and purity.

ALGOL does indicate disastrous accidents, so there may be a natural or man-made accident around this Full Moon.

As with all FULL MOON’s GIVE GREAT THANKS and gratitude.

write down everything that you are grateful for….everything even the things that hurt, or you dont understand

pink quartz rules the heart chakra and you want to breathe the pink quartz into your heart,

USE A PINK ROSE QUARTZ one of Taurus’ main stones, it rules the heart chakra for this MEDITATION

Star rose quartz Taurus TAra Greene

Mediate on the beautiful Star rose quartz image or hold a real one if you have it

Bring a notebook, pen, water colors, some sweets, pink candles; play some soft earthy music,

Cast a sacred circle, call in the 4 directions and elements starting from the EAST- Fire,South- water, West- earth, North – air

Light the pink candle, burn some sweet rose or other sensuous incense

Begin to watch your breath, breathe deeply, slowly and allow the Moon’s energies to affect you, they are at their strongest at every Full MOON

breathe down into your toes, feel your spine rooted to the earth, send your breath down into the earth, past the rocks and stones and down into Mother Earth’s molten fiery core,

connect with the love Mother Earth has for you and all her children; after you connect with the earth

come back slowly and bring the breath back up through your tailbone, up your spine and through all the chakras,

to the crown chakra, feel youself being filled with pink rose quazrtz energy, healed, whole, innocent, pure, grounded,lovely,

send the pink quartz energy out through the top of your head and connect with those fixed stars Medusa and Algol

and send the ghouls love as well, the ghouls in ALGOL are ego, power, control, greed,

the Light does not fight the dark, but encapsulates and infuses it with love, which melts and disarms it.

as for what you need to be fulfilled from the Universe, from your Higher Self,

see pink winged angels floating around you,

know they see you and are always protecting you.

come back when you wish, write down what you have seen, felt heard,

offer a sweet treat to the Moon Goddess, the spirits and ancestors who came into your circle,

when ready close the circle and thank each element and direction from the East to South West and North.

MAY the circle be open but unbroken.

New Moon November 13 is a very powerful TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE and the last one till 2015.

more about that soon and Frida Kahlo,

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