Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fertility, make your dreams REAL NOW

Planetary aspects buzzing like Bees

The week began with that beautiful SUN Trine Jupiter and the golden beat goes ON.

I had written yesterday about that nice Saturn Neptune TRINE an EZY aspect to make your dreams real.

In a short reading with a client yesterday she was asking about pregnancy. I had been looking at her Natal chart and how the aspects on Oct 10 were very supportive to her and especially fertile for her desire to get pregnant. So check out the aspects here, and follow the ritual, if it is a real child you are aiming to conceive or any other form of a real dream that you wish to make love to, fertilize, carry, labour with, give birth to, nurse, nurture and release into the world.

ASTRO PIMPLES? Need Pepto-Bismal?

Beautiful pragmatic Venus in Virgo @ 6 degrees is almost finished opposing Chiron –the self-conscious, nit picky perfectionism will be over soon as well as the digestive upsets and pimples- Literally. I hope so as my skin and my upper gut have been unruly for the last week or so because of this aspect.

Remember what it felt like when MARS was RETROGRADE in VIRGO last March?

Virtually nothing, nothing was moving. I got a two-week bout of really irritable upper digestive issues. If I didn’t know how the planets can affect your body I might have gone to the doctor for a check up, but I didn’t. I knew HOW and WHICH planet was affecting WHAT body part. So I took remedial herbal measures and waited till it passed. I am not prescribing medical information here. All my words are strictly for entertainment purposes.

Did you feel this one to?

LOVE + Communications is off the charts weird
Venus, Lady Love and Lady Luck is Inconjunct - a 150 degree angle called a quincunx- to wild rebel expect the unexpected Uranus at 6 Aries -earth and fire don't mix- Venus want to stay late working and Uranus wants to burn the oppressive master's building down.

Mercury, MIND stuff is at 5 degrees Scorpio has also been -hear the squeaky door, fingernails on blackboard sounds? - inconjunct Uranus.Scrambled brains anyone? If you feel you don't know if you're coming or going-this will explain it.


Venus and Mercury are in sextile to each other –60 degrees –good aspect! and both are quincunx- 150 degrees to Uranus in ARIES. The aspect between VENUS= LOVE, Mercury- Mind and Uranus- FREEDOM, is called a YOD or a FINGER OF GOD.

Uranus is the wild card, the point of greatest focus and MAX creativity! Go out of your mind and be LOVE. That is OSHO’s way of describing how to get enlightened, experience TANTRA.

Mars – action, desire is still square Neptune – the desire for the dream, for spirit, the hunger for Oneness, immersion in Bliss gardens. Is strong, and there will be healing as Mars advances and squares CHIRON.

Venus also trines Pluto at 6 Capricorn- all trines are easy blessings. The combo of these two is LOVE and SOUL POWER.


EXACT OCT 10 - Zero degrees 37 minutes Scorpio to Zero degrees PISCES @ 7:38 pm PDT/10:38 pm EDT

OCT 11 at 2:37 am GMT

Pisces is the dream, spirituality, soul mates, Bliss, Oneness,completion. Saturn is karma and REALITY

this aspect is what makes those dreams real- literally.

Focus those bountiful easy blessings by creating a model, an image or something physical to represent your dream,

a DREAM MANDALA or collage or your fervent visualization is best

Cut our pictures that represent your dreams, a mate, a house, a way of being, the world as you wish it would be, and paste them or draw them in a circle. Make what you desire a reality.

On Oct 10 or 11 in your time zone

I would light a blue candle with your mandala or dream wish image in front of you as Saturn trines Neptune or simply visualize it.

and hum OHM,go into a meditative state, close your eyes, breathe deeply slowly play your favourite spiritually enhancing music and feel - as this is water, the emotions of your dreams realized, feeling the emotional connection is vitally important. Feel the joy of merging with your dreams.

Tantric sex Alex Grey astrology TAra Greene

I also advised the client in this case to make love to her husband right after their ritual, with them both attempting to stay in a very spiritual meditative state,TANTRIC LOVE with non-ego attachment to their bodies and to visualize the spirit of their future child entering into their hearts and into the woman’s womb.

In India

For fertility one would make a SHIVA lingam sculpture to represent the phallus in a YONI, a vagina. And annoint it with honey and flower petals and pray and chant over it for days at a time.

Always give thanks for your dreams being granted before they happen. In spirit there is no time all time is now.

and always give a dream to the world as well, to benefit the world.


All is unfolding exactly as it should.

Wish you had a specific personalized RITUAL? I will tune in to my angels, meditate and create one especially for you!


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