Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Climate change wake up

The devastation from Hurricane Sandy throughout the Entire East Coast of the U.S. is a huge wake up call. Seeing New York City partly submerged is a shock. A rude baptism.

New york City Sandy cars flood

cars floating in New york City Oct 29 2012

Many thousands of Lightworkers have been sending protection, strength and comfort to all the people who are experiencing the devastation from Mother Nature.

So Mayor Bloomberg seeing the devastation Oct 30 says “must look into Climate change.” DUh. It wasn’t mentioned at all by President Obama and Mutt Romney. I remember noting that after the last presidential debates blah blah blahs.

How many slaps does it take to wake people up?

The devastation from Nature is going to get stronger. The economic costs and consequences to people’s lives will be vastly multiplied over the next 10 years. Dr. David Suzuki has been warning us about this for the last 40 years. No insurance companies will be able to cover the damages. Buildings will have to be built sustainably in reverence to Mother Nature.

Millions of people have been affected, hundreds of thousands have died world-wide. Even more powerful storms like these will be the norm.

I have been seeing very bleak images of the next 10 years from Natural disasters and the financial mayhem and devastation of low-lying coastal cities, New York Miami, Los Angles, and other cities in the world being hit the worst.

Climate change, caused by man-made pollution, driven by Corporate Greed will create a world so incredibly different from the one we take for granted now.

No you can’t fool with Mother Nature and I believe GAIA, the Earth, our Mother is now forcing us to change.

Native American prophecies and all kinds of psychics have talked about EARTH CHANGES for over 30 years. I remember being told about this,and I remember the tsunami wave dreams I had in the early 90′s.

Gordon Michael Scanlon created a new map of the U.S. years ago with most of the U.S. submerged. But as the temperature rises it will be too hot to live in any part of the Southern U.S.

We have ravaged our mother the EARTH.. We have raped her, plundered her resources, spit on Her. Used her and abused her.

She has lain asleep, quietly dreaming in her own Dark Moon menstrual phase for the past 12,500 years. She is awakening from her deep womb dreams. It’s also part of a larger natural cycle as well.

The Goddess is re-awakening. She is all mighty. She rules us. We are her badly behaved ignorant children.

I know that everything that happens outside is an ARCHETYPAL symbol, this is a collective dream we are living in. What are the symbols telling us?

The crane hanging over New York City made me think of the Tarot Card called the Hanged Man

crane in Manhattan Hurricane SandyThe Hanged Man is an initiation card in the Tarot. #9

The Hanged Man Tarot Reader TAra Greene

Jose Clemente Orozco’s image is not a tradition Tarot card image but it conveys the same archetypal meaning. The crane hanging over Manhattan now is so like Damocles’ sword.

Ancient Greek, Cicero’s Disputation, in which the theme is that VIRTUE IS SUFFICIENT FOR LIVING A HAPPY LIFE.

Cicero asks: Does not Dionysius seem to have made it sufficiently clear that there can be nothing happy for the person over whom some fear always hangs?

Fear is the opposite of LOVE according to Psychologist Carl Jung. Fear comes from the ego,it is based on POWER, Greed, illusion, separtion, The Devil in the TAROT

The Hanged Man # 9 in the Tarot Trumps is a baptism by water into SURRENDER

surrendering the ego to a Higher Power/ more aware consciousness or being martyrs.

Which is associated with the sign of PISCES, the Age of Christ the Fishes currently exiting the World Stage Left. The MOON/PISCES is associated with the Tarot Trump #18, part of the NUMEROLOGY of the Hanged Man.

the Moon in Tarot card trumps
Anna K Tarot the Moon

the MOON card look so much like a Full Moon over a devastated rained on bleak scene. The MOON is traditionally associated with the DARK SIDE of the MOON.

The unconscious, what we fear, the shadow. How very Scorpio, {Pisces}, so perfectly apt for this entire situation.

Very sad because so many people will be hurting even more.

All the Mormon old-fashioned Bible thumping and Muslim extremists creationism chit-chat nonsense belongs to that age which is 2,000 year old. It’s been dere done dat long over due. The Catholic church is filled with child molesters, hypocrites and worse. That Old TYME Religion is kaputsky baby.

That’s the Old, bare the cross, martyrdom Heaven is the Pie in the Sky story. Religion has always been a foil for POWER> You know SCORPIO stuff.

Look UP sheeple! The Pie in the Sky is a huge super crane hanging limp and flacid as Mitt Romney un-Viagra’d dick.

We need to save ourselves from this mess! We have been the martyr’s to the powers over Greed Narcisist psychopaths. We have allowed our power to be taken. We must refuse to be martyrs and slaves. Occupy your Self.

I am sending blessings.


If you need help please order a reading

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