Sunday, June 2, 2013

Inspirational Daily Card The LOVERS, weddings,

June 2  Inspirational card of the Day
Everyone’s favourite card- 
THE LOVERS  Major Trump # VI
The Lovers tarot Tara Greene
Chateau de Avenieres Tarot Mosaic at Cruseilles in France
The Lovers is also the Sign of GEMINI 
When I started studying Tarot I’d already learned Astrology, so I was quite bewildered to discover Gemini as the sign of the LOVERS at first. The Air sign is detached, Peter Pan like. Gemini is duality, ambivalence, immature but mainly about COMMUNICATING, which is vital to any relationship.
Gemini is a twin sign- think YIN YANG in  Eastern mysticism. In the West we split- Masculine/Feminine
but BOTH are an inseparable part of  the Universe. Polarity, magnetism, opposites attract, balance, create life.
“Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.” RUMI,  Sufi mystic 12th Century 
LOVE is ALL THERE IS and ALL YOU NEED according to The Beatles.
Everyone wants it, needs it.  Can’t thrive without it.
The Masculine and Feminine are the microcosm of the macrocosm of the God/Goddess head, which is a Totality in unity.
The # 6 is symbolized by the 6 pointed star or Merkabah in 3-D. Yes it is the Symbol of Israel, but it is also an ancient tantric symbol from INDIA of the balance of Heaven and EARTH which all religions worshipped  originally.
The Receptive, Feminine and the Creative, masculine are the two primary Hexagrams in the I CHING the ancient wisdom oracle of China. 
JUNE is the wedding month, also Sun in  GEMINI energy 
TO FIND and receive Love, you must Love yourself first. 
You must have the INNER marriage of the Masculine and the Feminine to be whole and complete.
The Feminine is the intuition, the heart and feelings, and the Masculine acts on Her behalf.
When the two become ONE that is ALCHEMY.
See your BELOVED as yourself, see all being as yourself, Love yourself and find love being mirrored back to you. 
PLEASE SHARE WIDELY so that more people can benefit.
 GET A LOVE READING from Tara.  How balanced is your inner Male and Female?
GIVE ME LOVE by ED SHEERAN Give Me Love Ed Sheeran

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