Tuesday, November 13, 2012

sexual healing Total Eclipse astrology

All Eclipses offer opportunities for spiritual renewal. It symbolizes the alchemical marriage of the Sun masculine with the Moon Feminine.

It is the SACRED MARRIAGE Symbol.the Feminine unconscious symbol of the Moon, the cellular consciousness of the womb/moon bringing the Masculine Sun into the Twilight realms into Her Veil of inner mysteries, to be initiated, transformed.This is part of dec 21 2012 frequncies.

It’s a Scorpio Spiritual Sexual Soul Baptism .

soul detoxic- dump eject recycle all old toxicity, karmic patterns, the shadows will be very visible.

haven’t you felt them the last week or so? Had any major conflab’s with anyone?

Saturns Trine to Neptune at this eclipse is a spiritual blessing

all the secret’s like Patreus, the Elmo pedophile scandal, the 20 states saying they will ceceed the U.S. this is all Scorpio related secrets, sex,power struggles,and will be MANY MORE to come!

this is a renewal, when Pluto went through Scorpio in 1984-1996 the first news of AIDS began, the Inner Child movement was born, sex became a life and death experience, and now we are on a more mature level of that energy with Saturn there.

If you were born 1996-1984 Saturn is maturing you,you are all deep intense, major intense, fascinated with the real mysteries of life, and death, fearless, you may be raw,defiant, stubborn, controlling,secretive, powerful, mesmerizing, Be careful of how you use and abuse power for your Scorpio-like ass will get stomped on real good with Saturn at the wheel over the next 2.5 years.

The north node will ONLY be in Scorpio till Feb 2014 so let’s make haste

Take off your mask, get naked, Ok you can leave your hat on.

The everyday Mask by Napoleon Brousseau Everyday Mask

painting by Napoleon Brousseau

The Stakes will be high, the Scorpio 8th house is all about Finance, other people’s money, insurance, inheritance and with Saturn in Scorpio, the tax laws will be changed, banks etc. and the financial picture is ready to melt down.

Die before you die

My advice is to see yourself as already dead, wrapped in a shroud, confront the image of your temporary self, your personality and ego self as dead.

How low can you go?

Then give yourself a life review, letting everything left undone or regretted come up in your mind and emotions. All the sex, fights, all the dirt, all the power struggles, backstabbing, hogging, stuff you projected onto someone else. The recriminations, betrayals, the mistrust, the victim/victimizer, the S & M, the splits, the fears, the enchanted by the dark side ego stuff.

let yourself connect with the Phoenix like higher aspect of Scorpio

As you acknowledge all the split off parts of yourself, and own them, then see ALL of that, all of it, as shimmering with the clearest most sparkling star light from the highest Divine dimensions of Unconditional Love. Feel it, the energy is exquisite, it will course through your body as it is doing to me now, palpitating your blood, it is kundalini very gently rising to purify.You may see it as Ultra violet or golden.

Retro Mercury will square Neptune 2 hours after the eclipse. This is its 2nd exact square in its retrograde phase.

Consciousness is in LA LA Land and I don’t mean L.A.

You will be feeling mindless, this is good! it gives the opportunity to think/be conscious from spirit, higher vantages, where you can see just where and how much you may be totally unconscious,in denial, fantasy, addiction, victimized, a martyr. It will hurt, but Mercury in Sagittarius is about aiming for the TRUTH the HIGHER TRUTH.

I had a client who wished I would tell her that her boyfriend would come back after he found out she cheated on him. I told her the only way would be for her to accept her self being dishonest, to get healed, and be able to have healthier relationships, it wasn’t about him and her being together anyway.

Lillith is also in Gemini square to Chiron in Pisces

The ancient denial and betrayal of WOMAN as NATURE, for her raw powerful insatiable independent need for sexual expression is also being healed NOW. We have swallowed that male shadow for 5,000 years and Women need to own their own sexuality to take it back and to learn NOW how to be with it. We’ve forgotten how and aren’t integrated but this is what we are learning, and the culture must still break down more.

women death rebirth sex

My client didn’t want to hear that. She couldn’t accept that she couldnt control him or get her own way. She was addicted to having to have him and reject herself. By the way she had Lillith conjunct Retrograde Saturn in her astrology chart. She wanted to remain stuck in the Patriarchal split.

But I told her it was all perfect, unfolding as it should, it gave her the opportunity to give up the unhealthy sexual relationships.

We each have free will and the choice.

There are Very high frequency energies coming in from Higher Dimensions, angelic realms, master teachers. I can feel the new frequencies.

Affirm:I am open to change, I accept my Higher self as my reality in concert with my human incarnation.

Decide if you want to live from a higher perspective.


Women heal yourself from sexual guilt, from sexual abuse now. Very important part of this Scorpio journey.Sexuality will be transformed over the next 2.5 years.

Soar like an eagle, live free from all that emotional baggage.

need guidance? I am here to help http://taratarot.com/id78.html

Chiron Goes direct Nov. 14 All systems GO for healing!

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