Monday, November 12, 2012

Birth of the New masculine,mars in Capricorn, astrologyn

I just coined a new term, I believe. Correct me if I am wrong -Astrologyn- TM Feminine Based Astrology-
taking the stars back to their feminine roots, 
we live in the Mother’s Milk galaxy now -don’t we?
Mercury is Retrograde and will back into Feminine water Scorpio again on the New Moon TOTAL Scorpio Eclipse Nov. 13 PST/Nov 14 EST
A Total Scorpio Solar Eclipse is a guaranteed  soul transformer 
for the next 6 months to a year.  -see my previous article 
Retrograde Mercury takes us back to October to revisit the conversations communications & power struggles we did the first time 
so expect those old Scorpio, you know, power, control, obsessions,  sex ,messy revenge on the down side, issues to be back on the front/back burner 
It’s cryin’ time again and healing time 
as CHIRON goes DIRECT NOv 14 @ 4 degrees 49 minutes of PISCES
CHIRON went Retro back on JUNE 11 so @ 9 degrees 45 mins of PISCES
all those internal memory unconscious pain karmic bonds that have been simmering away in yours and the Collective’s 12th house, the Cosmic Consciousness house is ready NOW to be healed born, blissed out, totally rebirthed on the Scorpio Solar eclipse.
With a big karmic blessing from SATURN who is trining CHIRON.
this is huge folks,just open your minds your hearts and soul’s and let it happen.
SURRENDER like the Hanged Man in the Tarot
Napoleon Brousseau
Hanged Candy Man 2012
acting as spiritual guide and soul warrior 
the Warrior God is in the Great Mother’s cosmic Vagina now so I tuned into his energy. I actually am a channeler.
Mars/the male is being rebirthed going back into the cosmic void, Alcyone the Central Sun and beyond into the Black Rift itself, being reborned as 
 the NEW MALE, Blissful warrior who listens to the Great Mother as Sacred Source of All.
This is what the consciousness shift Dec 21 2012 is all about.
Men will be feeling whole, complete, ready to defend the mother, the Feminine within himself, to protect women when they need and to support and honor the Feminine, the EARTH and all Her children.
We have just seen the evidence of this in President Obama defeating the backwards caveman platform of the Republicans. 
Mars will enter Capricorn November 16 in the evening till Dec 25
Capricorn Goat fish
So a grounded, serious, responsible,sensible, patient time. But my sense is that Mars ruling Scorpio going into the Dark of the Year earth sign means earthquakes.
Capricorn is a FEMININE EARTH sign
the capitalist Plutocracy, modern-day materialist that we think of with Capricorn is not the traditional meaning. 
Original the symbol was the body of a  dolphin fish with the torso and head of a goat . The shows the Great Mother’s origins in this sign. The Goat horns are the Moons’ crescents. Capricorn was also associated with the sea. The Moon Goddess and the Sea are one, they symbolize the primal womb image, memory, smell of the ocean that we all carry in our cellular consciousness, in our blood. Capricorn is the physical beginning of all human lives in 3D. Ruled by Saturn.
Stella Maris, Mary, T’ai  Yuan, from very ancient China, The HOLY Woman,  Kwan Yin, to modern Buddhists, she is Triple Goddess in Celtic Mythology Danu,  Bridget.
Capricorn’s horns symbolized the Cornucopia, the horn of plenty.
So focus on abundance, on filling your horn with plenty. Trust that there is enough to go around, but also do the mature responsible hard-working structuring and work to ensure that it can be real. 
Mars will be sextiling Neptune November 17
So create the  physical groundwork for your dreams this night. Write them down, do a ritual, plight your troth to be the vision, to act the vision, to be the change.
Blessings TARA
people get ready by the Chambers Brothers
Need advice? Get a reading.
To see more of artist Napoleon Brousseau’s works
all writing copyright TARA GREENE

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