Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy New Year's Eve, 2013 Astrology of the year

astrology by Tara Greene
birth chart Jan 1 2013
The birth chart of 2013 Jan 1st at midnight set for Washington, D.C.

Dec 31 2012 New Year‘s eve

should be a party hearty year as the Moon is in LEO -mood is proud, loud,dramatic,lavish dress, passionate
MERCURY enters Capricorn early this day- so thinking will be practical
perhaps there will be some kind of a last last minute solution for the fiscal cliff- but I doubt it
last day of 2012 is an easy aspect day- be careful about overdoing it with drugs and alcohol though as Mercury sextiles Neptune

Midnight Jan 1 2013 birth chart can be used to symbolize the entire year.

It will be a Void of Course New Year

the moon is in between aspects and the Moon is symbolized by the people
so this indicates that the populace, the instincts, the feminine moods will be “unhinged and unhindered
being in a more reflective, deeply connected to their own individual unconscious feelings and unaffected by outside influences
void of course times are always times of spiritual development and not outward doings
very interesting…..the Galactic Center Dec 21 2012 Winter solstice symbolizes the great Void, the Cosmic vagina, the great mother
a void void void void year! “Don’t avoid the Void.”- Tara Greene
With a LIBRA Ascendant peacemaking will be the flagship, beauty, fashion, relating in a more human way,
trying to keep things “nice”, ruled by Venus who is at the moment  in Sagittarius, she rules all
RELATIONSHIPS  and they will be more philosophical, more birds of a feather flock together,
lots of International peacekeeping or attempts to, going on
travelling will be big, lots of movement, a new educational platform will be introduced, laws granting equal rights to women will be put in place,
the ongoing Uranus Pluto square is highlighted even further in this chart
as URANUS is on the Descendant opposite the Ascendant and PLUTO is conjunct the SUN
at the IC or very roots and foundation of the year.
Pluto conjunct the Sun is a solar atomic bomb waiting to blow by revolutionary Uranus, toppling the everything is nice and OK Libran facade
PLuto conjunct the Sun indicates a shift from atomic power to solar, also danger from atomic energy- Fukushima is not over,
Pluto is Hades, Lord of Death, the Underworld, and the Sun is source,spirit, Psychologically and archetypal symbolizes the LIGHT is ONE with the dark side,the shadow, the unconscious,
duality, harmony, urge to separate, the Patriarchy’s power-over assumptions, are all highlighted in these symbols and they will be blown up as PLuto destroys what no longer serves the SOUL.
SUN  conjunct PLUTO symbolizes the death of the EGO, the lower side of the Sun is Royalty,pretense, Plutocracy,power-over
Uranus,the urge for freedom from past tyranny is squaring them both- the world-wide revolution is going to be even BIGGER this year everywhere
MERCURY – in early Capricorn -the communication’s planet is conjunct JUNO- the magic wand symbol- of Specifically Feminine Genius and the roots of that movement and squares URANUS in ARIES
is already planted and growing in the IDLE NO MORE movement of Indigenous people s in Canada,see-
again the Feminine is on the Rise, JUNO’s Feminine genius is what is needed to run government, business, corporations, to protect resources,
Venus in Sagittarius is Trine the Leo moon and newly minted Minor planet ERIS at 21 degrees of Aries- the  Discordia Goddess who blows the whistle on all who don’t do right. She is like Lillith. I wont go into detail about her too much here. Astrologers have to incorporate these new planets.
I feel this trine brings higher minded Galactic Center  educational Sagittarian energy to heart centered Leo, and Eris’s who can’t stand by and not bring justice to those who harm the child. Leo is the child. We are all the children of the earth.
Also shows easy to ignite International affairs,  political leaders and despots being mowed down in the fire of the righteous indignation of the people.
Saturn in Scorpio in the 2nd house of resources squares Mars in Aquarius in the 4th house
The NRA vs the 2nd Amendment-Mars rules all weapons, especially guns and explosives and the 4th house is the home literally
Mars in Aquarius represents the drive and energy for change, removal of Saturnian restrictions, old outmoded ways of doing things, freedom, revolution, group thinking and new technological advances. Mars in Aquarius can also shows battles about who controls the Internet, more Wikileaks type of actions, hackers bringing out the filthy secrets of high finance, insurance, and many class actions against huge Pharmaceutical companies.
Saturn in Scorpio in the 2nd house means less resources, spending money, time to penny pinch,laws which limit spending, increased taxes,
Saturn  is death, limitations, obstacles, maturity, seniority, Patriarchy, corporations, laws,morals,
this will be an ongoing conflict which could escalate into a civil war scenario over gun laws, gay rights, abortion,freedoms of all kinds which people have taken for granted.
Squares Chiron and Neptune in early Pisces in the 5th house of the heart,giving love, children, creativity and self-expression
Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius and Pisces traditionally, rules the 9th house and alsoInternational relations, publishing, education, laws, specifically higher spiritual laws
Jupiter’s energy is always expansive, optimistic,generous, can be risk-taking. A square is a friction producing action, Gemini is duality, communication, debating, Jupiter is weak in Gemini and Retrograde
Chiron is the wounded healer, in Pisces it indicates a Higher Spiritual Law is the only way to mend international fences
differences in religion, customs, by seeing our true oneness as spiritual beings first,
I know it sounds very New Age but Neptune is in Pisces now for the first time since its discovery in 1846, it was last in its home sign in 1847-1861,
the beginning of the Civil War. Note the resurgence in movies about Abraham Lincoln that have come out in the last year.
Neptune in Pisces is the spiritual Oneness that the Dec 21 2012 New Agers were talking about, it had nothing to do with a hyped up Mayan calendar end date at all.
The trio of Goddesses in the 9th house
VESTA conjunct LILLITH at 12 degrees Gemini indicates a communion of focus on keeping the sacred fire burning through honoring the
dark feminine energy that Lillith symbolizes. FOcus on what parts of ourselves have been banished, the wild natural beauty and sexuality of woman, which can never be tamed. Vestal virgins were sacred high priestesses, heriodules, who were the Goddess embodied who held very high positions. All women in Greek times served at these temples before marriage. They lived in the temples, praying, doing ritual with the cycles of the moon, keeping the sacred alive in their bodies which were used to cleanse men who had been in war.
Dwarf planet Ceres at 23 Gemini the Great mother herself is opposite Venus in Sagittarius.
She is in square to Asteroid Athena at 27 degrees Pisces in the 6th house of work
More women will hold power jobs in the workforce. Mothering will be respected as a real job with extended pay and benefits for stay at home mothers.
A new dialogue will open between how much the work place and home needs to be melded together, and also health issues causes by overwork because of
cheap overseas labour and how it affects job security, and all aspects of daily life in the rest of the world as well as  endangers those being taken advantage of in Chinese labour markets, children’s rights in the workplace in India and other 3rd world countries.
The North Node the highest spiritual goal is in Scorpio in the 2nd house  and square the Moon in Leo
The north node in the 2nd house in scorpio indicates a letting go of all that does not come from the Soul’s deepest and truest sources of power.
in square to the Leo passionate heart on its sleeve self-expressive open hearted Moon is a good one,
we will live or die by our hearts truth, our real passion for being alive this year.
book your personal reading outlook for 2013 NOW
special discount for first time clients-

clearing the old energy before 2013 ritual from Tara Greene

Traditionally we need to end the old year before we can begin anew.
so Dec 30 and Dec 31 we should clean up old clutter, mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually,
Moon enters fiery LEO dec 30 EST @ 2:45 am -minutes ago as I write this to you
Moon promptly qunicunx’s Neptune- so weird spiritual quirky dreams about getting free-let me know what you dreamed about
Dec 30 is filled with lots of aspects. Leo Moon is full of passion, playfulness, big-hearted, leaders, wants to be in control.
lots of last minute fiscal cliff wheeling and dealing.
Leo ruled by the Sun Tara Greene
Leo Moon is ruled by the Sun
SUN  conjuncts Pluto @ 9 degrees 15  mins. of Capricorn in early am this is a ONCE A YEAR Aspect – I got the power!
and later 9:45 am PST Sun and Saturn in Scorpio form a quincunx = “pa pa Americano”- Neapolitan dialect for we don;t understand you
- see Video link below-
LEO Moon opposes Mars in Aquaurius @ 3 degrees early am. balances power is innovative, liberating
Leo Moon  makes Trines Uranus =brilliant heart-felt out of the box thinking
Moon quincunx Chiron in early Pisces,= difficult to put your finger on where it hurts.
Sextiles Jupiter in Gemini= sextiles are like being tickled under the chin- so have some good laughs and play hard
quincunx’s Pluto @ 5:52 pm PST -some power plays over dinner, who’s sitting at the head of the table?
Leo Moon squares Saturn in Scorpio @ 6:14 pm- did someone pull one over thinking they wouldn’t get caught? could  be “a fasten your seat belts it’s going to be a bumpy evening”- a la Bette Davis.
Moon quincunx’s Capricorn Sun 6:56 pm PST -the open-hearted Leo moon just doesn’t jibe with the emotional reserve of Capricorn’s, all business
All that lunar action and post Full Moon will keep you plenty energized.
spend some time reviewing your year. Get a notebook and pen and write down these topics?
What were your intentions at the beginning of 2012 ? How much did you actualize? Why did you have these experiences?
I would work with obsidian,black tourmaline or amethyst stones or clear crystals, crystals anchor your intentions
Create sacred space by calling in the directions and the Archangels starting in the East with Fire and Archangel Michael,
moving always sun-wise or clock wise to the South place of Water call in Archangel Gabriel
to the West place of Earth and call in Archangel Ariel
to the North place of Air call in Archangel Raphael 
breathe deeply getting more relaxed and focus on watching your breath
just watch, become the watcher, who is doing the breathing, when you relax completely
focus on seeing the past year flash before your mind’s eye as a movie
see all the incidents and feel them tug on your 2nd chakra- 2 fingers beneath your navel
watch the movie, see yourself as the director, producer actor-
what’s the name of your Life movie in 2012?
It held many emotions, peaks and valleys, gains and losses,
it was what it was, it cannot be changed now and it is a teaching
you can clear any old patterns, and unfinished business now-
what is it that you want to release yourself from? Be clear about what that is and what its entangled with in a deeper context in your life
see yourself with a large black feather,or a broom in your hands
this feather or broom will sweep away all old unfinished issues in all the nooks and crannies of your mental emotional physical spiritual body
do this mentally, move your arms as you are really sweeping out the old, feel it, make it real
be clear about what where why and how those issues affect you- at the end, you will have a ball of “shadow energy.”
Thank the energies for being in your life as teachers
It would be good for you to mentally and spiritually take it outside and bury it, even in the snow or use running water, down the drain will do.
See the old energies cleared away, feel yourself empty, open, clear.
sit and meditate on feeling clear and begin to intend and stitch what you want to create in 2013.
allow any images to form in your mind’s eye.
write them down, stay in your circle for as long as you need,
Then thank the spirits and Angels for being present in your circle and release them one by one back to their directions starting in the east and moving south, west north.
Stay in an open mind about what you need to create in 2013.
Need psychic coaching on the best steps to take in 2013?

Toronto Psychic Tara Greene on CityTv news 2013 predictions

Watch my 2013 predictions  interview on Toronto CityTV news Dec 28.
it was very  edited down.
and even more at my website 2013 predictions
Book your personal 2013 reading, revealing what the next year and beyojnd hold for you in all aspects, love, career, health, finance.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Cancer Full Moon Dec 28 cry cry baby astrology

t is two weeks from the terrible slaughter of the innocents at Newtown Connecticut. It’s one week now Dec 28 from the Winter Solstice. If you think the end of the Mayan calender was a hoax, yes it was, commercialized from fear-mongers.. But the deeply held intentions of thousands of New Age and optimistic spiritual seekers felt a new world,a new energy grid light up the earth and unite people with new ideals, knowledge and understanding of truth, interconnectedness and love. That intention is what creates new realities.
Super intensified CANCER FULL MOON, atomic fueled womb Full Moon @ Pluto conjoins the  Sun at 7 degrees Capricorn  12/28 @ 2:23 am PST, 5:23 am EST, 10:23 am GMT.
The ongoing Uranus Pluto square  affects both the Sun and the Moon at this Lunation. 
JUNO, the Asteroid symbolizing woman’s particular genius sits on the right of the Sun with Pluto on the left. Its the WHoly Trinity of Women’s wisdom lighting up the world. Which also lights up the real picture of women not having rights as in the horrible gang rape of that woman in India which has sparked protests the police cannot control. She  is of course not the only one.
Moon in Cancer is in her home, so she is safe secure in the womb, hidden,in the roots of the chart.
The Universe is pregnant with possibility. Also a very good time to get pregnant if you so choose.
Everything is being conceived all at once.
Mercury, the winged messenger, is almost conjunct the Galactic Center at 25 Sagittarius.  This potent alignment allows us to tap into the highest truth from the Black Hole the central VOID, womb of our home Galaxyand our own inner voids, places of silence.
Venus is at the middle degree of Sagittarius, and more power to her,aiming for truth, justice and the bigger picture,yes do get up on your soapbox now and yell out your truth as you see it.
Mars is newly in Aquarius- your freak flag is flying and rebellion is ongoing world-wide. A Native woman chieftess is on a hunger strike on Parliamnet Hill in Ottawa,as Indigenous peoples in Canada are protesting oil pipelines going through their sacred lands. In Bolivia indigenous peoples sit in parliament in tribal dress, protesting, empowering themselves.
CNN and FOX and most major networks are not televising the revolutions in Europe, and other places.
Saturn has just formed,Dec 26 the first of three exact sextiles to PLUTO. The two powerful planets remain in mutual reception- in each other’s ruling signs from Oct 5 2012- Sept. 17 2015 researching, uprooting, lies, deceipt, corruption, and a willingness to delve deeply into the shadows of world governments, plutocrats, power mongers,saboteurs, self-righteous, psychopaths, sex, power, abuse, life,death, birth. All the biggies, oh yeah money too.
CERES Goddess mother is opposite Mercury and the Galactic Center
Transparency is the new black.
Saturn trines Chiron the wounded healer and the Moon in Cancer
a great healing for the wounded mothers and children, for the wounded killers and the authorities behind the scenes. a great healing for the women gang raped, for the innocent blood spilled. Mother earth cries great tears for her children.
-MOONSTONE is the mineral for sign of Cancer or PEARL 
Moonstone Cancer gem
Moonstone Cancer gem
Create a sacred circle,
have salt water, use Himalayan salts if you can get them, sea salt or Kosher salt.
use white candles or pale blue or pale pink
have smudge or incense,
start in the east and cast a circle moving clock wise and calling in the elements beginning with Fire in the East, Water in the South, Earth in the West, Air in the North.Light a candle for each element.
Bless the water and make it holy by whispering sacred words, OHMS,  
Make your circle a sacred womb, make it as of tears and sweat,and sprinkle it into all four directions.
The ritual is very simple, simply get in touch with your feelings,the ones most buried,
you will begin to give birth to them in this ritual.
- let the tears of grief flow,cry like a baby, for all the times you could not express your feelings because you were oppressed. We have all been oppressed, all as little children by our fathers and our mothers and the consensus reality that did not believe us, in what we saw and knew, in the fairies and the feelings we felt were guiding us in our tummies.
cry as long and as hard and deep as you need to. Crying is purging.
when your tears are spent, sit in the circle and write down how you feel,
Your Intention is to bless all those hidden feelings that have arisen into the light as blessings in and of themselves.
Name each one reverently, vow to honor the newborn feelings.
And as synchronicity guides me I was drawn to a Joni Mitchell Song -Hajira 
watch- read lyrics
here are the lyrics

I’m traveling in some vehicle
I’m sitting in some cafe
A defector from the petty wars
That shell shock love away
There’s comfort in melancholy
When there’s no need to explain
It’s just as natural as the weather
In this moody sky today
In our possessive coupling
So much could not be expressed
So now I’m returning to myself
These things that you and I suppressed
I see something of myself in everyone
Just at this moment of the world
As snow gathers like bolts of lace
Waltzing on a ballroom girl
You know it never has been easy
Whether you do or you do not resign
Whether you travel the breadth of extremities
Or stick to some straighter line
Now here’s a man and a woman sitting on a rock
They’re either going to thaw out or freeze
Strains of Benny Goodman *
Coming through the snow and the pinewood trees
I’m porous with travel fever
But you know I’m so glad to be on my own
Still somehow the slightest touch of a stranger
Can set up trembling in my bones *
I know no one’s going to show me everything
We all come and go unknown
Each so deep and superficial
Between the forceps and the stone
Well I looked at the granite markers
Those tribute to finality to eternity
And then I looked at myself here
Chicken scratching for my immortality
In the church they light the candles
And the wax rolls down like tears
There’s the hope and the hopelessness
I’ve witnessed thirty years
We’re only particles of change I know I know
Orbiting around the sun
But how can I have that point of view
When I’m always bound and tied to someone
White flags of winter chimneys
Waving truce against the moon
In the mirrors of a modern bank
From the window of a hotel room
I’m traveling in some vehicle
I’m sitting in some cafe
A defector from the petty wars
Until love sucks me back that way
© 1976; Crazy Crow Music
get a reading for your CAncer Full Moon

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Holidays, Smokin' Astrology from Tara Greene

Well it’s here already! The astrology outlook for Christmas Eve 2012 and for Old St. Nick looks smokin’
Christmas Santa
IT’s a quiet Christams Eve- Very earthy and Sensual with a Taurus Moon
You will surely be stuffed, although I am also aware of the poor who don’t have very much to share,
the essence of the oft told  A Christmas Carol  by Charles Dickens
Christmas is an ancient pagan ritual. ALso part of the Saturnalia that the Greeks and Romans celebrated over 2,000 years ago,
The Moon is Trine Mars at the critical degree 29 of Capricorn @ 9:59 pm PST/ 12:58 am Dec 25 EST
Capricorn is ruled by SATURN, hence the Saturnaliaconnection of Ancient and new.
This aspect is action, hot, passion and the last degree of  the last earth sign Capricorn is all about earthing, building, structuring,finalizing, completing in the 3 D realm. Act on building your dream, your highest honored standing in the world.
My sense of it since the Dec 21 Solstice is all your very deepest intentions will manifest instantly,
so be very very aware of what you want to build, what you wish for.
The goddess is alive and Magic is Afoot. 
Capricorn hoof shoes
Capricorn hoof shoes
NOt a lucky rabbit’s foot, but Capricorn hoof feet 
Yes they also have gun power,and in the light of the recent Gun control laws, I’d say guns will be underfoot.
There are two sides to that story, won’t go into that now
MOON saunters into GEMINI 11:13 pm PST
Xmas DAY DEC 25 
Moon enters GEMINI Dec 25 @ 2:13 am EST
Moon conjuncts Jupiter @ 4:18 pm PSt/7:18 pm EST
so a very Jolly Xmas as Jupiter is like Santa Claus, bountiful, optimistic. JUPITER/MOON in GEMINI is very high spirits, lots of light chat and fun giddy god humoured times, but Jupiter overdoes things, so be careful about drinking and driving!
MARS enters Aquarius @4:49 pm PST/7:49 pm EST
Should be a hi tech christmas eve lots of ipods, computers, new inventions spawned this Christmas eve, 
think outta the box, include everyone 
THis is a very good omen- Everyone should be celebrating what they are grateful for
Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists
Blessings to you
GET YOUR NEW YEAR’s 2013 reading ASTROLOGY now- Phone readings only