Well it’s here already! The astrology outlook for Christmas Eve 2012 and for Old St. Nick looks smokin’
IT’s a quiet Christams Eve- Very earthy and Sensual with a Taurus Moon
You will surely be stuffed, although I am also aware of the poor who don’t have very much to share,
the essence of the oft told A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
Christmas is an ancient pagan ritual. ALso part of the Saturnalia that the Greeks and Romans celebrated over 2,000 years ago,
The Moon is Trine Mars at the critical degree 29 of Capricorn @ 9:59 pm PST/ 12:58 am Dec 25 EST
Capricorn is ruled by SATURN, hence the Saturnaliaconnection of Ancient and new.
This aspect is action, hot, passion and the last degree of the last earth sign Capricorn is all about earthing, building, structuring,finalizing, completing in the 3 D realm. Act on building your dream, your highest honored standing in the world.
My sense of it since the Dec 21 Solstice is all your very deepest intentions will manifest instantly,
so be very very aware of what you want to build, what you wish for.
The goddess is alive and Magic is Afoot.
Capricorn hoof shoes
NOt a lucky rabbit’s foot, but Capricorn hoof feet
Yes they also have gun power,and in the light of the recent Gun control laws, I’d say guns will be underfoot.
There are two sides to that story, won’t go into that now
MOON saunters into GEMINI 11:13 pm PST
Xmas DAY DEC 25
Moon enters GEMINI Dec 25 @ 2:13 am EST
Moon conjuncts Jupiter @ 4:18 pm PSt/7:18 pm EST
so a very Jolly Xmas as Jupiter is like Santa Claus, bountiful, optimistic. JUPITER/MOON in GEMINI is very high spirits, lots of light chat and fun giddy god humoured times, but Jupiter overdoes things, so be careful about drinking and driving!
MARS enters Aquarius @4:49 pm PST/7:49 pm EST
Should be a hi tech christmas eve lots of ipods, computers, new inventions spawned this Christmas eve,
think outta the box, include everyone
THis is a very good omen- Everyone should be celebrating what they are grateful for
Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists
Blessings to you
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