21, 2012 WINTER SOLSTICE – I see it
as a consciously intended higher energy attunement
some say the Galactic Center and the Galactic Equator and the SUN can never actually physically do the X marks the spot thing alignment
some people are very panicked, survivalists, stockpiling, guns, food for the disaster- the end of time, a pole shift,
big decisive, as if at exactly 6:12 am EST Dec 21 2012 out of the GAlactic CEnter-
23,000,000 ,miles away a big tractor beam of energy licks out and hits the BIG
RED OFF button.
Many NEW AGE channelers are communing with Sirians, Arcturians,
Lyrians, Aluna beings, St. Germaine, Mother Mary, Jesus and the
Whatever works for you, whatever opens your heart totally, it must be egalitarian and inclusive though,
this is about seeing ourselves for who we really are IMMORTAL SPIRITS experiencing from a 3D density consciousness which is about to expand.
What I like best is that the once in 26,000 year cycle is opening. You know like in HARRY POTTER, ” I open at the close.”
and the patriarchal last 13,000 years is over and the GREAT MOTHER’s energy is returning before the patriarchy destroys the entire earth.
It’s all very out there… GROUNDING is most important and expansion of the heart and UNITY consciousness
My sense is you need PSYCHIC preparation and protection
Whatever you believe is what you will create! Expect miracles and stay pure.
Last night as the Sun had already connected with the Galactic
Center I was speaking with a very spiritual friend of mine, as we spoke a dark
energy came into her room, her dog started to bark, she got the shivers and so
did I. She immediately called in all 4 archangels and she said that the lights
brightened in her home. I could sense it too, she lives in Stratford Ontario,
home of Justin Beiber I know.
I immediately got a message that said The Great White Umbrella Mother of the Buddha’s is very protective and powerful energy.
I will share it with you, it’s a short mantra to recite and a photo
You do need to have a trained Buddhist guru to teach and initiate you
‘But as these are special times, I believe, if this calls to you,that you ask for the help you need
White Umbrella Mother
White Umbrella Mother
Her mantra
is “Hum Mama, hum Ni svoha” – you need to recite is at least 108
She has a thousand arms and faces each with eyes and her white umbrella brings abundance and fierce protection against any demonic forces.
Please SHARE with as many people as you feel need it. You don’t have to be BUDDHIST to use this magical prayer.
I feel that wearing white would be a good idea; it is purity, also use crystals to ground your intentions, wearing gold jewellery is also good, gold is a huge conductor and is beneficient.
LABRADORITE is the magical
mineral to work with
Labradorite magical
Labradorite is a magical
THE HOUR BEFORE THE SUN conjuncts the GALACTIC CENTER is very important to meditate at
whatever time zone you are in 3:12 am PST , 6:12 am EST
FAST- DO NOT EAT, It is important to have no dead flesh in your body- drink plenty of water , some people started fasting on the 19th
electro magnetic energy fields may be affected, but the G.C.
is 23,000,000 LIGHT YEARS away! so that’s going to be subtle
Unplugging all electricals in your home and batteries will be important on the Special hour of transmission.
I would recommend being ready at least an hour ahead of time to meditate on the re-entry of your consciousness to the WOMB of the GREAT MOTHER once again, for the first time in 26,000 years.
would thank the MAYANs and all the indigenous wisdom that
we once knew and have lost and forgotten, about honoring the earth and all our
relations, If nothing else happens and people just adopt the two sacred laws,
everything will change.
Create an alter with candles incense, smudge, and have that ready for you to sit in.
if you have a Tibetan brass bowl to ring or cymbals or a drum These are all good.You can use a simple crystal glass and water to make higher frequency sounds just rub the rim with water.
Reciting prayers before the time arrives at the SOLSTICE POINT which is 6:12 am EST. when the Sun enters Capricorn
We are collectively like a caterpillar going into the chrysalis to be reborn as butterflies collectively.
I would call in the 4 Archangels and the higher Dimensional teachers of the LIGHT to be with you
It is all about opening your heart, so just breathe into your heart, get quiet have both your hands in mudras, thumb and forefinger touching
Ask for your highest spiritual energy to manifest and work through you for the highest good of all. close your eyes and go within your heart, turn off the mind.
You may feel the interdimensional veils melt-
you will be a literal LUKE SKYWALKER of Star Wars hurtling through the stars and the cosmos,
to the great Maw, the void, the BLACK HOLE at the center of the G.C. the great mother who will swallow your ego whole
you will see yourself manifested as you really are!
as a being existent in many different forms sexes, animals, beings in different dimensions and Galaxies all at the same time.
This pineal gland opening may really confuse those who are not familiar with being aware multi-dimensionally.
You may feel woozy; dizzy you may need to throw up as happens in a sacred plant ceremony where you purge your old negative energies, entities..Emotional shit, it’s good.
just keep breathing. Each person will have their own unique expercience. Stay out of fear.
If you see ultra violet flashes of white gold green or white light that is good, Angelic HEALING
Yes there is much mumbo-jumbo. Many people will be disappointed afterwards to find that they still have to stick around with these 3D bodies and have to pay bills, clean up the earth, take out the garbage and have not Ascended into the 5th dimension literally. It is happening consciously though on inner levels.
Let me know how your experience is.
I am always here to be of service.
I will be leading a ceremony in Toronto and it will be an all day celebration. We will link up with all the other groups worldwide.
BLESSINGS in the new beginning
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