so 3
three’s in a row! the HOLY TRINITY, one always gets three
questions, three tasks, 3 wishes,
the three wyrd sisters, Shakespeare,the Fleur de Lis
like a Vegas slot machine,three is an archetypal number,
the 3 fates, the 3 Norns, the Wyrd sisters, Shakespeare’s 3 witches, the PAST PRESENT FUTURE,
Janus/Hecate, Maiden Mother
the number 3 is 1 + 2 the One multiplies ITself to create duality, mirror images, which creates the third, more powerful than the unit, individual or couple
In the TAROT
the # 3 Trump is the EMPRESS,
and numerologicaly we have a Triple Empress energy today that’s 3. 3. 3 times the Fertility
whatever it is you want to give birth to, conceive ,create, embody, these #3 days are the best!
in order to conceive one must first MAKE LOVE – Moon is in
LEO, sign of the HEART, passion, creative self- expression
on this day Moon squares Saturn- this is real, serious,
Trines the SUN- excellent go for the gold, use royal purple, call in JUPITER, expansion,optimism
and LEO Moon squares Venus in SCORPIO
near the witching hour PST -so intensely SEXUAL/2:38 am EST next day
get ready to consciously magnetically, charismatically take centre stage as a True Leo moon would do
and make love passionately,with full intent, to create your heart’s desire,
physically/or spiritually, mentally, emotionally, ignite the spark of LIFE, from
the Void of creation, from the Galactic
You WILL conceive on the magical triple Goddess thrice empowered energy
will be PREGNANT! poof just like
the same
energy of the magical 3′s is present on 12 12 12
three hanged men in the Tarot, day of triple surrender of the EGO.
Dec 21 2012 is also three 3′s as the roots
so this the first of a TRINITY of 3 Fertile, Feminine, Pregnant, Abundant, Goddess energy imprint days.
triple Goddess
Triangles are empowering energies, so set up a triangular sacred space. mark it with 3 crystals, and 3 candles,
have incense and candles,. call in Your Mother Earth energy through your root chakra,
call in your Higher Self ,your Guradian Angel, Mary if you were raised Catholic,
then call in your heart angel, your inner goddess, she lives in your womb ,your heart and your will, in 3 chakras in your body
Visualize and sense their energies, men can do this as well, they have a spirit womb,
feel them,call to them, they will arise.
Focus on conceiving an idea, a physical child, an enterprise, a gift to yourself, or the world
if you have an an actual physical partner then the two of you need to be clear,emotionally spiritually and energetically on the same intentions
devoted to healing,helping and supporting each other.
The Goddess energy leads, the man must be devoted to serving the Goddess.
Prepare to initiate your man as a tantric priestess would, you remember how to do this ladies
we all had to serve in the temples years ago, we were all Vestal virgins,don’t you remember?
Be clear about calling in the highest vibrations, opening your heart surrendering your ego
allow pure joyous orgone, sacred sexual energy, which permeates all matter to enter your body
feel the energy move through you ,sound, laugh, open more,let go.
if you are alone, imagine the opposite sexual energy manifesting with you, the opposition is important as all opposites move energy magnetically even if in same sex bodies.
feel the rush of ecstasy and as the orgasmic energy flows through you- it will be the most powerful energy you have ever experienced!
Yes ladies you can learn to do this anywhere,anytime, without a partner,without orgasmic breathing,
This ecstatic kundalini energy is the very nature of the Universe iTSELF.
Stay focussed on the conception, see and feel the cells divide from the egg and sperm metaphysically into 4 then more
Be grateful for your newly pregnant self, you must take care of your creation now,
When it feels ready leave your circle, let the spirits and angelic energies go, give thanks
drink lots of water, rest, ask to dream about your future child
Let me know how it is for you and PASS THIS ON!
the more people that receive it the more people who can benefit
blessings TARA
Tara Is creating a CD where she guides and instructs you into doing the rituals.
STAY tuned on how to order the CD’s and MPs which will be available on her soon to be revamped website.
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