Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Samhain Witches New Year BUrning Times

Halloween is Pagans/WiTCHES New Year called SAMHAIN
October 31st is when the Veil between the world’s is the thinnest
it’s the best night in the year to scry, gaze into your crystal ball and connect with the spirits of your Ancestors.
Tara Greene tarot reader psychic crystal ball
crystal ball reader Tara Greene

It is the noche of Día de los Muertos the Day of the Dead in Mexico.
Remember the Burning Times by Tara Greene copyright 2012-infinity

These days Halloween has become another day in the year in which to sell lots of junk candy scary rubber and plastic paraphernalia, fake blood, creaky coffin lids, etc etc. another commercialized holiday. The kiddies are given way too much sugar. The guys love to dress in drag, it is the modern version of the SATURNALIA.
But let’s not forget the origins of Halloween. It is Hallow’ed Evening. A Holy Evening, the Ancient Pagan/Wiccan New Year when the Sun is in Scorpio, sign of Birth, Death and Transformation. It is close to the mid-point between Autumn and Winter Solstice. Death is Rebirth.
The Wheel of the Year Turns and this is a Sabbat or Sabbath Night, covens gather to do Ceremony. This is a Sacred not a Scared Night.
I wish in the midst of your pumpkin carving and revelry that you take time out to honour this day as it was originally intended. Remember in the midst of all the superficial trappings of Halloween, the hundreds of thousands, some say up to 9,000,000 mainly women, children and men who were accused of being witches by the Catholic Church who were tortured and burned at the stake. Old women, crones, medicine women, herbalists, midwives, pagans, their families, the poor, all innocent people who lived in harmony with Nature, who Loved their Mother the Earth, who knew the Wise Women Ways, the ancient ways to heal, to tend the sick and dying, the mothers giving birth. It was a mysogynist Nazi Christian tyranny that went on for over 300 years in Europe and to the New World where the last woman was burned at the stake at Salem, Mass.
Remember this Holocaust because it wasn’t so long ago. You didn’t have to be Jewish or Muslim you mainly just had to be a woman and therefore evil in the sainted eyes of the Holy Christian Church. The genderside continues daily on this planet.

I remember my own burning, I relived this memory of my past life during a Holotropic Breathwork session. Those 100,000-200,000 to 9 million innocent souls who were terribly tortured and burned are back now on this earth.Deep in the cells of your own being, in your cellular consciousness be you male or female at this time, you remember the Burning Times, when you lived in total fear, when you hid you pagan religion, your ability to help, to heal, your compassion. When tyranny was all around and anyone could accuse you of being a witch thereby ensuring your almost certain death. Watch The Burning Times a Canada Film Board movie which chronicles in detail this stain upon humanity.
Light a candle for those hundreds of thousands,nay millions of souls whose lives were taken by a cruel arrogant Church,hypocritical to the nth degree. Given 6 degrees of separation you or someone you love, your children or your dog or cat, a friend or even your landlord was surely enough one of those people.
It’s time to acknowledge the deep pain in the shadows of our unconscious. The only way to heal it is to acknowledge that shadow, let the tears flow, the grief, the agony. This brings it out of unconsciousness otherwise that shadow control our actions unconsciously and allows us to keep inflicting pain on others and self, believing that we are not worthy, not lovable, deceitful, sinners,powerless. There is a collective shadow of women being afraid to hold their power and beauty.
As this is a New Year in the Ancient Count of Days, Light a Candle of Illumination and Enlightenment and go beyond the rage, the anger into Love and Forgiveness. For the only way out is to forgive the accusers for their ignorance. This takes great strength and courage, for as you Forgive them you also forgive yourself and allow yourself to be free of the past.
Chiron the wounded healer comes to mind here.
Read more about Halloween on my website

This HAlloween 2012 is under a just past Full Gemini MOON

so will be a very busy bustling Halloween. At 8:33 pm Los Angeles time the Moon at 4 degrees gemini conjuncts LILLITH, the dark feminine Rejected powerful original woman before EVE.

MOON LILLITH brings up all the dark Feminine energy to Halloween especially as it is opposite Mercury- TRUTH in Sagittarius and in sqaure to both CHIRON the Wounded Healer, and Neptune spirituality and Forgivenss, imagination and dreaming.

The dream of the rebirth of the FEMININE is here. PLease vote OBAMA, he is not the greatest choice but the ONLY choice in order for 51% of the population to be FREE.

She will arise on HALLOWE’ED EVE and whisper in your soul and make the Divine Feminine the PSYCHE come alive and be heard.

She is KALI/DURGA and her wrath is nothing compared to Hurricane Sandy which I believe is part of her emanation/menstruation.

HAPPY SAFE Hallow’ed Eve and I’ll see you as I fly on my broom

blessings, TARA

Song: what else? Season of the Witch by Julie Driscoll

Hurricane Sandy Climate change wake up

The devastation from Hurricane Sandy throughout the Entire East Coast of the U.S. is a huge wake up call. Seeing New York City partly submerged is a shock. A rude baptism.

New york City Sandy cars flood

cars floating in New york City Oct 29 2012

Many thousands of Lightworkers have been sending protection, strength and comfort to all the people who are experiencing the devastation from Mother Nature.

So Mayor Bloomberg seeing the devastation Oct 30 says “must look into Climate change.” DUh. It wasn’t mentioned at all by President Obama and Mutt Romney. I remember noting that after the last presidential debates blah blah blahs.

How many slaps does it take to wake people up?

The devastation from Nature is going to get stronger. The economic costs and consequences to people’s lives will be vastly multiplied over the next 10 years. Dr. David Suzuki has been warning us about this for the last 40 years. No insurance companies will be able to cover the damages. Buildings will have to be built sustainably in reverence to Mother Nature.

Millions of people have been affected, hundreds of thousands have died world-wide. Even more powerful storms like these will be the norm.

I have been seeing very bleak images of the next 10 years from Natural disasters and the financial mayhem and devastation of low-lying coastal cities, New York Miami, Los Angles, and other cities in the world being hit the worst.

Climate change, caused by man-made pollution, driven by Corporate Greed will create a world so incredibly different from the one we take for granted now.

No you can’t fool with Mother Nature and I believe GAIA, the Earth, our Mother is now forcing us to change.

Native American prophecies and all kinds of psychics have talked about EARTH CHANGES for over 30 years. I remember being told about this,and I remember the tsunami wave dreams I had in the early 90′s.

Gordon Michael Scanlon created a new map of the U.S. years ago with most of the U.S. submerged. But as the temperature rises it will be too hot to live in any part of the Southern U.S.

We have ravaged our mother the EARTH.. We have raped her, plundered her resources, spit on Her. Used her and abused her.

She has lain asleep, quietly dreaming in her own Dark Moon menstrual phase for the past 12,500 years. She is awakening from her deep womb dreams. It’s also part of a larger natural cycle as well.

The Goddess is re-awakening. She is all mighty. She rules us. We are her badly behaved ignorant children.

I know that everything that happens outside is an ARCHETYPAL symbol, this is a collective dream we are living in. What are the symbols telling us?

The crane hanging over New York City made me think of the Tarot Card called the Hanged Man

crane in Manhattan Hurricane SandyThe Hanged Man is an initiation card in the Tarot. #9

The Hanged Man Tarot Reader TAra Greene

Jose Clemente Orozco’s image is not a tradition Tarot card image but it conveys the same archetypal meaning. The crane hanging over Manhattan now is so like Damocles’ sword.

Ancient Greek, Cicero’s Disputation, in which the theme is that VIRTUE IS SUFFICIENT FOR LIVING A HAPPY LIFE.

Cicero asks: Does not Dionysius seem to have made it sufficiently clear that there can be nothing happy for the person over whom some fear always hangs?

Fear is the opposite of LOVE according to Psychologist Carl Jung. Fear comes from the ego,it is based on POWER, Greed, illusion, separtion, The Devil in the TAROT

The Hanged Man # 9 in the Tarot Trumps is a baptism by water into SURRENDER

surrendering the ego to a Higher Power/ more aware consciousness or being martyrs.

Which is associated with the sign of PISCES, the Age of Christ the Fishes currently exiting the World Stage Left. The MOON/PISCES is associated with the Tarot Trump #18, part of the NUMEROLOGY of the Hanged Man.

the Moon in Tarot card trumps
Anna K Tarot the Moon

the MOON card look so much like a Full Moon over a devastated rained on bleak scene. The MOON is traditionally associated with the DARK SIDE of the MOON.

The unconscious, what we fear, the shadow. How very Scorpio, {Pisces}, so perfectly apt for this entire situation.

Very sad because so many people will be hurting even more.

All the Mormon old-fashioned Bible thumping and Muslim extremists creationism chit-chat nonsense belongs to that age which is 2,000 year old. It’s been dere done dat long over due. The Catholic church is filled with child molesters, hypocrites and worse. That Old TYME Religion is kaputsky baby.

That’s the Old, bare the cross, martyrdom Heaven is the Pie in the Sky story. Religion has always been a foil for POWER> You know SCORPIO stuff.

Look UP sheeple! The Pie in the Sky is a huge super crane hanging limp and flacid as Mitt Romney un-Viagra’d dick.

We need to save ourselves from this mess! We have been the martyr’s to the powers over Greed Narcisist psychopaths. We have allowed our power to be taken. We must refuse to be martyrs and slaves. Occupy your Self.

I am sending blessings.


If you need help please order a reading

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Full Moon over New York astrology

Full Moons always bring High Tides. Hurricane Sandy ripped up the East coast of the U.S. after battering the Bahamas. Hitting Cape Hatteras and up the coast, then slammed into New York City on Taurus Full Moon. Waves 13 feet high destroyed part of Atlantic City’s famed Boardwalk. President Obama declared emergencies in 6 states. The storms put the election campaigning on hold.

Subways are closed, the Stock Exchange and NASDAC are also closed and will remain so on Tuesday. Thousands of flights were canceled. Winds of 100 miles an hour brought electric power outages to hundreds of thousands of people in New York City and in major New York Hospitals.


As earth and climate change created storms, tsunami’s,earthquakes, tornado’s and hurricane’s getting stronger and wreaking more havoc and devastation than ever before, the U.S. will need more $ to FEMA not less.

A replica of the 18th Century sailing ship HMS Bounty, built for the 1962 Marlon Brando movie “Mutiny on the Bounty” movie sunk off North Carolina.- There’s something symbolically significant to me here. Those that reap the Bounty are sinking and/or Mutineers-Anonymous WIKILEAKS ETC. will be sunk. A Jupiter in Gemini double sworded images.

The storm has killed 11 Americans and 1 Canadian so far. As I am writing this SANDY has hit Toronto, de-classified but still packing 80 mile an hour winds- that’s 128.7 kms an hour to you CANUCK’s and EURO’s. I can hear and feel the wind, and saw long flashes of lightning. I hope the power doesn’t go out before I get this done.

I do pray for everyone’s safety who’ve been affected by the Huge storm. I have relatives and friends in New York and New Jersey.

I predict an increase in births in these areas 9 months from now. Always happens when the lights go out.

What’s the planets got to do with it? Many planets in WATER signs

Astrological 6 - 1. SUN-Identity is conjunct 2. SATURN – obstacles, tests, limitations, karma in Turbulent Scorpio waters

3. NORTH NODE in SCORPIO- N.N. the collective highest spiritual goal is Scorpionic- destruction to make way for rebirth

Plus 4 & 5. NEPTUNE { GOD of OCEANS} conjunct Wounded Healer CHIRON in PISCES-Neptune rules fantasy, illusions, delusion, addictions, oil, spirituality, dreams. Chiron is feeling vulnerable and where the healing is-about the ocean, the Spiritual Unconsciousness

& 6. Ceres in Cancer are all WATER signs

Sun Saturn, Neptune & Chiron are in a Grand Trine with Ceres

Which symbolically means hard times, trials, by water, obstacles which transform { SCORPIO} through death destruction; illusions, delusions and vulnerability { NEPTUNE and Chiron the Wounded Healer} ; at home CERES, the Great Mother Herself , the WOMB, the OCEAN, in Cancer, roots, foundations,nurturing, women,is the homiest of the home.

CERES in Cancer is Mother Nature, Mother Nurture

A Grand Trine brings all the planets/points into one big cosmic sacred geometric formation-

We must honor and nurture and respect and care for the OCEANS they are the largest 70% of the Earth’s surface, our bodies.

this malestrom occurs with Mercury newly in Sagittarius-Oct 29 @ 2:18 am EDT

the arrow of truth in square aspect to Neptune in afternoon means Communications breakdown-

Mercury is in its STORM period, so-called because it is moving V-E-R-Y slow, about to turn Retrograde on November 6

Moon entered Taurus Oct 29 @ 2:15 am EDT Trining Pluto at around 5:00 pm EDT

Uranus Retrograde @ 5 degrees Aries is STILL square to PLUTO in Capricorn; Venus at 1 of Libra completes the T-square. Add Ceres to form a presto! Cardinal Grand Cross which indicates- Lots of tension, sudden- Uranus chaos, breakdown!- Pluto, highlighted on Full MOON, you get the picture.

There’ ALWAYS my theory that everything OUT THERE is a mirror image of what’s IN HERE.

A storm of this magnitude Archetypal-y was always seen as an angry God or Goddess, Thor sending lightning bolts in Norse Mythology. Ancient Egyptians would explain a storm as, Tefnut, the Goddess of moisture and rain. Sister and consort of the God of the Winds, Shu. She is the mother of Geb the earth and Nut the sky. Tefnut is a pointed eared lion-headed Goddess. She was connected with other Lion headed Goddesses as “The eye of RA.” A more poetic way of viewing the climate was to say -Sun God Ra commanded his daughter Tefnut to him, the moisture would leave the ground ascending to her Father. Tefnut would drift, play, hang out with Shu her long-winded brother and they would carouse and create storms. Tefnut’s moisture-rain would then go to Geb her brother as rain. A post note about Tefnut at end…

I love the more magical poetic anthropomorphic way of viewing the world. At least they name the storms after women nowadays.

Also the Earthquake on Haida Islands off of British Columbia Canada as the Natives protest drilling for oil. Synchronicity here too.

REAL CLIMATE CHANGE was not discussed by President Obama or Romney. tsk tsk. Polar ice caps melting contribute to huge tropical storms.

BAnksy I don’t believe in global warming

Conspiracy theorists suggest that Hurricane Sandy is HAARP made


The media- controlled by the conservative uber rich who tell you what they want you to know, think and buy,already had a pre-set talk of Hurricane Sandy shutting down and interfering with the elections as they are projecting power outages up to a week after.realistic but also mumbo-jumbo.

How convenient a cover is that for some didling the election outcomes.

As the Stock Market and NASDAQ will be shut down for two days that allows a playing field for secret negotiations to take place and market fixing. Billionaires are selling off massive amounts of stock. WHY?

TEFNUT- a tough nut to crack

earlier Pyramid Texts about her say that she is able to produce pure waters from her vagina.

How magical does a storm get when thought about in those terms?

Some WET and stormy songs to help you deal with it

OF course, they call it Stormy Monday by T- Bone Walker

RAIN by The Beatles

Monday, October 29, 2012

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sexy Lady Venus in Libra. Gangnam style astrology, luck

Oct 28 2 planets change sign and the mOON too

Mars in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter Retro in Gemini early a.m.

This is high hopes Mars, aiming for the truth, Higher Justice as opposed to man-made laws and justice; defending and acting from that place of philosophy, education,breaking through limitations – sounds like President Obama opposed to Retrograde= backwards motion, Gemini-two faced, two-sided, Mitt Romney has a Gemini Ascendant, big gas-bag, planet Jupiter. Note all the hyphenated words in this paragraph…

How as above, so below is that? Love it

Anything that Jupiter touches or that touches Jupiter is positive, lucky, expansive.

Mars in Sagittarius puts the boxer, the fighter, the warrior astride his high Horse-y sign,like PSY Korean pop star woop woop woop Gangnam style

PSY horse dance planets Astrology

Jupiter Retrograde is powerful, we need to revision Retrograde planets they are not bad, they are closer to the earth and in Feminine mode.

Think REtrograde = RE ceptive. So Jupiter Rx is Receptive to your flip-flopping, ambiguous, can’t make up my mind which lover, car, dress, know this one…don’t you?

Mars in Sagittarius opp opp opp opp opp Gangnam stype opposite Jupiter in GEM. helps the Higher TRUTH to come straight out of the horses’ mouth.

2 planets change sign today and Moon does too!

Venus, the SEXY LADY goes home to Libra Oct 28 – November 21

Peace Balance Beauty Harmony ART

It will be easier to stay balanced for all signs. RELATIONSHIPS! are IT! parties, events, Hostess with the most charm time,

just in time for a Holiday season whirlwind; go to art galleries, -see links below- bring more beauty into your life,

yes it will be hard to make up one’s mind, stay centered, let the Goddess bring you peace.

Sing, Venus rules the voice, alright when she is in Taurus, but the Moon is in Taurus today too.

Moon enters earthy sensual Taurus Sunday late at night PDT-Oct 29 EDT

MERCURY enters SAGITTARIUS Oct 28 -Dec 31

thinking becomes higher minded, more philosophical, honest, EXACTLY what is needed on ELECTION DAY

The candidate who lies the most, looses.

Mercury turns RETROGRADE smack dab right in the middle of election Day Nov. 6 for the 1st time in U.S. History. Yes Mercury Retrograde always causes communications kafluffles, but go to the high side of this. Mercury is in Sagittarius and Jupiter is also Retro in Gemini, so they are both very strong, very powerful and helping each other to not divide the truth, yes it will be a very close race, and be careful and observant about cheating ballots, voters being bought, lies and unscrupulous behaviours, the winner may not be decided on November 6.

Mercury in Sagittarius is weak as it is in the opposite sign of its’ rulership which is GEMINI. Venus has just left Mercury’s earthy Virgo sign today. Jupiter, Sagittarius’s ruler is Retrograde now and in Gemini. So Mercury and Jupiter are now in Mutual reception. Same as Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn are also in mutual reception.

Along with Venus in Libra this feels like a powerful, wonderful, cosmic balancing, hosting, peace-offering, you are me and I am you, energy.

Let’s take this Peace offering of Venus in Libra and all this comradeship at its highest level between the planets as a true blessing.

On the Full Moon Oct 29 really give thanks for all the blessings in your life.

On a Taurus Full Moon, again big opportunities for big blessings. See the world smothered in earthly delights, chocolate, silk, incense or chicken soup; or just appreciating the real beauty of this earthly plane. Stay centered.

GO SEE and buy ART with VENUS in Libra -

Blessings, TARA

My Halloween seance messages for you

Have you ever been to a séance? Seen a spirit, or felt one’s presence? I see them all the time. My Aunt used to talk with her dead Mother regularly when I was a young child so it was my first exposure and seemed a natural enough thing to do, an impromptu séance of sorts. I felt called to tell you a short synopsis of the one I just led last night.

The séance was held at a private Halloween party in Toronto. The participants were all at different levels of awareness. I noticed a woman’s spirit in the house when I first arrived. I asked the hostess if it was OK for me to call her in, it was her mother Colleen who had passed away recently.

After midnight with the lights turned down, 3 candles lit, I instructed the participants to join hands, left hand up to receive, right hand down to send energy.

I had the group breathe relax, instructed them to stay open-minded. Not to be afraid. I called in the four ARCHANGELS for protection.

Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael he heals the heart with his emerald green ray

I had my crystals on the table, and there were food offerings for the spirits as well.

I asked them to think about whoever they knew, a relative,grandparent, sibling, friend or someone important in their lives who has passed on. Also any pets who had died.

A dog appeared to me right away on the table, a red boxer dog which someone said was their dog.

Colleen the mother who had recently died came in and gave a long speech about the after life. She instructing her daughter and the people at the séance to not be afraid of death, to know that you never die, that we are all immortal spirits.

She said your belief about the afterlife is very important because you create your own reality. That your ancestors and friends who you know who are already in the other world are waiting to help you transition, they Midwife you like midwives who assist at births here, help your rebirth into the other dimensions.

Colleen’s spirit message was to be very aware of being alive at every moment. To forgive oneself for thinking that you didn’t do enough. To drop all the baggage everyone was carrying around. To lighten up. To allow your magnificence to come through.To listen with your heart.To be authentic, to be your true self, not your ego, personality self.

One of the participants asked about a friend. He came through loud and clear. He was a very funny guy who said he loved it that we were all trying to connect with the spirits. He had an energy like Beetlejuice. What a character, I do get to meet these people when I channel.

It took this group quite awhile to get relaxed and let the energy flow, I get super heated when I channel. When the spirits came in, some people felt cold. I mentioned Colleen likes to go to the kitchen as she had lived in this place before she passed away. Just then the light flickered in the kitchen,which people noticed.

Then I saw a group of very serious looking older men, with long white beards,wearing crowns, standing in profile appearing one after the other. They each looked like Gandalf the Wizard from the Lord of the Rings or Dumbledoor from Harry Potter. They sat in a solemn circle, there were 24 of them. I felt this amazingly high consciousness energy emitting from them. They seemed like they were the White Brotherhood. They came to give the group a blessings. I felt very honored to be in their presence.

I was told by these wise ancient men to tell each person to ask for a gift. Then everyone took time to receive their gifts. This was so wonderful I felt so moved.

At the end, I thanked all the Archangels for protecting the circle and thanked the spirits for appearing.

It took awhile for everyone to come back. An extra half hour had passed by, time dilates like that when one is in altered space and dimensions.

I am relating this to you to see if it triggers any pre-encoded messages for you.

Blessings Tara

Friday, October 26, 2012

Pink Bull Taurus Full Moon Meditation Astrology

October 29 @ 3:50 EDT SENSUAL down to earthy Taurus FULL moon

This is the Full Moon before the Presidential election with Many change ups the day before

1. VENUS enters LIBRA her home sign on Sunday morning Oct 28 till NOVEMBER 21 { when SUN enters Sagittarius}

Well all is good with Venus in romance, balance, beauty, the arts, nice nice and superficial,


Mercury is weak in the sign opposite the one it rules which is GEMINI- Sagittarius’ shadow sign.

Mercury will be galloping and being klutzy, foot in mouthy, upbeat, full of great adventure stories, hot to trot,philosophical,

teacherly, proselytizing, animal rights activist, hypocritical, and easy to like,


at 4 degrees 18 minutes of fiery centaur sign and will wreak havoc on ElECTION DAY- like in 200o but worse!


somehow it sounds lewd….ah Scorpio, it’s always sex,

MErCURY GOES DIRECT a 18 degrees 10 minutes SCORPIO on November 26

hmm that’s exactly ON my ASCENDANT!

DEC 10 Mercury Re-enters SAGITTARIUS er rather gallops and charges into the fire

It will take until December 14 for Mercury to get back to where it was on ELECTION DAY

BAck to that full MOON OCT. 29

ALl FULL MOON are…. You know! completions, VERY Fertilite, Extra good for getting pregnant…enjoying the Garden of EDEN,

It will feel like a foggy bottom Garden as

MERCURY Squares Neptune @ zero degrees Sagittarius to Zero degrees PISCES

You will fall in love with a gorgeous stranger who you will instantly recognise as your soul mate….watch out for that!!

SUN at 6 degrees Scorpio forms a GRAND TRINE With CHIRON and Neptune and the Asteroid CERES at 3 degrees Cancer.

all early water signs benefit from major massive healing energies down pouring like honey

we must focus on healing our hearts, our wounded homes, wombs, the earth, the children the emotional and spiritually broken

VENUS at 1 degree Libra OPPOSES URANUS at 5 degrees Aries and Squares PLUTO at 7 degrees Capricorn.

this amplifies the economic change up picture and woes,

VENUS/WOMEN have the POWER to change corporate structure, old paradigms, like Mitt Romney’s anti-abortion law which uses religious beliefs to control women’s freedom. I’ve predicted that women will be THE force to be reckoned with in the election and will swing for OBAMA.


serious Saturn at 2 degrees SCORPIO is conjunct the SUN -serious healing times here.

Mars at 16 Sagittarius is opposite Retro Jupiter at 15 degrees GEMINI

sitting on the VENUS SUN Eclipse point,

this represents the balance point and sacred marriage integration of the opposites,in each of of male and female,

this is big new energy,

The NOrth NOde is at 26 degrees SCORPIO

SOUTH NODE { the collectives past } is @ 26 degrees TAURUS close to the Pleiades and conjunct

FIXED STARS CAPULUS @ 24 degrees TAurus { a cluster of stars M34}

traditionally malefic and in Taurus they relate to the neck or throat- hanging, decapitation

Exactly at 26 degrees Taurus is the very demonic star ALGOL, alias CAPUT MEDUSA, MEDUSA’s head,

but the two stars also have a very positive side,

get past the ghoul in ALGOL,such as Medusa was once so beautiful she was turned into Medusa as punishment for being too proud,

which means going past the ego, past appearances, past judgements,and see the beauty in everything, past greed,

we find true beauty. True substance, truth and purity.

ALGOL does indicate disastrous accidents, so there may be a natural or man-made accident around this Full Moon.

As with all FULL MOON’s GIVE GREAT THANKS and gratitude.

write down everything that you are grateful for….everything even the things that hurt, or you dont understand

pink quartz rules the heart chakra and you want to breathe the pink quartz into your heart,

USE A PINK ROSE QUARTZ one of Taurus’ main stones, it rules the heart chakra for this MEDITATION

Star rose quartz Taurus TAra Greene

Mediate on the beautiful Star rose quartz image or hold a real one if you have it

Bring a notebook, pen, water colors, some sweets, pink candles; play some soft earthy music,

Cast a sacred circle, call in the 4 directions and elements starting from the EAST- Fire,South- water, West- earth, North – air

Light the pink candle, burn some sweet rose or other sensuous incense

Begin to watch your breath, breathe deeply, slowly and allow the Moon’s energies to affect you, they are at their strongest at every Full MOON

breathe down into your toes, feel your spine rooted to the earth, send your breath down into the earth, past the rocks and stones and down into Mother Earth’s molten fiery core,

connect with the love Mother Earth has for you and all her children; after you connect with the earth

come back slowly and bring the breath back up through your tailbone, up your spine and through all the chakras,

to the crown chakra, feel youself being filled with pink rose quazrtz energy, healed, whole, innocent, pure, grounded,lovely,

send the pink quartz energy out through the top of your head and connect with those fixed stars Medusa and Algol

and send the ghouls love as well, the ghouls in ALGOL are ego, power, control, greed,

the Light does not fight the dark, but encapsulates and infuses it with love, which melts and disarms it.

as for what you need to be fulfilled from the Universe, from your Higher Self,

see pink winged angels floating around you,

know they see you and are always protecting you.

come back when you wish, write down what you have seen, felt heard,

offer a sweet treat to the Moon Goddess, the spirits and ancestors who came into your circle,

when ready close the circle and thank each element and direction from the East to South West and North.

MAY the circle be open but unbroken.

New Moon November 13 is a very powerful TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE and the last one till 2015.

more about that soon and Frida Kahlo,

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Oct 21 Orionid metero shower make big wishes

Legendary meteor shower Orionids annual comes form Haley's comet, make lots of wishes up to 60 meteor's falling per hr
and clear the sky of clouds and rain with your intentions

Scorpio, 50 shades of grey obsession times

October 22 when the SUN enters SCORPIO waters @ 5:14 pm PDT/ 8:14 pm PDT

SUN and SATURN will collide Oct 25 @ 1:32 am PDT/ 4:32 am EDT!

Prepare for being thrust deeper and deeper into Scorpio Territory, GOTH COUNTRY.

Intensity, unbridled lust, obsessive passions, deep dark secrets, moving through the inkiest blackest shadows of self and others

Kind of like the whole world being on the TITANIC but knowing the possible outcome and being able to steer the ship away from the icebergs.

With Sun in Scorpio for 1 month, Saturn in SCORPIO for 3 years! Mercury till Oct. 29

North Node { collective’s highest spiritual goal} in Scorpio August 30, 2012 – February 18, 2014

it’s an EMO tsunammi. Some scared people will be trying to maintain control but forget it.

EXpect Major power battles; 50 shaded of grey; Unmasking the Lone ranger.

SATURN IN SCORPIO makes us really aware of being GROUNDED, in matter, in the body.

As SUN enters Scorpio it forms a TRINE to NEPTUNE -easy peasy

This assists us in making the dream real, solidifying your dreams, putting flesh and bones to them.


Saturn, rules Capricorn and Pluto is the modern ruler of Scorpio and they are in each other’s signs, called mutual reception. Like dining in each other homes. Saturn and Pluto supporting each other encourages the break down of old forms, traditions, patriarchy.

Saturn Pluto and Neptune will form a triple sextile to each other, for the early part of 2012 and into 2013.

This is beneficial for reforms {Pluto} Laws { Saturn} debt {Neptune} the Euro may undergo a huge transformation as well as Pornogaphy and abuse of women as sex slaves..thats all great!

SATURN is the limits, PLuto is transformation and recycling and NEPTUNE rules OIL

sorta spells it out for itself.. There will be new energy resources manifest in the next three years or big bloodshed and wars over who controls the supply of oil if the oligarchy and plutocracy insists on controlling the world through the old system.

Neptune rules debt, credit cards, fantasy money, Saturn rules hard cold cash reality. Yes easy credit will be tightened more, also points to a looming banking crisis as the fantasy printing of money will not be sustainable.

SCORPIO, the 8th sign, is all about transformation, leaving one life form behind and recycling it into feeding another,

METAMORPHOSIS ,think caterpillars into butterflies! that’s a beautiful thing.

Blue Morpho Butterfly Transformation

The 8th house rules, TAXES inheritance, other peoples money,therefore Banks, lending institutions, everything related to the realm of the dead.


Saturn is conservative, status quo. The current libertarian nature of Sex will stop.

The current situation like AMANDA TODD, the 15 year old Canadian girl who committed suicide because she was being sexually bullied by an older { Saturn} man, and the sex trade of women’s bodies for profit will be changed.

Saturn, the law, will punish those who use and abuse pornography much harsher. Scorpio uses SEX for POWER control ,manipulation. This will Stop with Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto Sextile it. I do not condone the Liberalization, the public brainwashing of women to accept S& M, spanking and being dominated a turn on. I consider it extremely perverted and a hideous misappropriation of worshipping the GODDESS.

SATURN traditionally is associated with BINAH the 3rd SEPHIROTH on the TREE OF LIFE in the Kabbalah and she is the Great Mother

She is physical, material birth from spirit into this 3-D realm.

As the Goddess energy returns to her original divine exaltation, we will feel our earthly bodies, the earth as the REAL PARADISE and the Worship of women as the Creatress to be honoured and worshipped and NEVER defiled will return.


The two most powerful parts of Life. SEX is what creates life and death ends it. They are two inescapable poles of life.

Sex is Life’s urge to create life and death is life’s urge to create more life.

Author Mitch Albom quotes in his book Tuesdays with Morrie, that we be like the Buddhist monks and be prepared for death at any time. Why? So we can be more fully engaged in life. Native American wisdom also states this “IT IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE” It is only by honestly contemplating the inevitable, death, that we can squeeze every bit of joy out of life.

combining the forces of SEX/DEATh/LIFE

Makes sex sacred, TANTRIC SEX which uses sex as a real serious spiritual discipline will become the norm. It is going beyond sex.


Dying with dignity, assisted suicide for the elderly will be normal and the Law. The BABY BOOMERS the largest majority of the population are getting older, they will choose when they want to Die and how. They would rather die consciously, in dignity rather than be elderly living zombies.. The Buddhist tradition of sitting with death, to learn about the physical limits of our existence will become more accepted.

Live and let die should be the song title for the next three years.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Banned Stuie Wilde Video | Stuart Wilde | The Official Author Website

Banned Stuie Wilde Video | Stuart Wilde | The Official Author Website
One of my fave spiritual writers and teachers' Stuart Wilde. Someone has made a video oh one of his latest posts. which was banned on YOUTUBEm then unbanned
catch it while you can!
Been feeling wired sleepless restless irritable ?

go go boots astrology
Go Go

You don't have to wake me up before you GO GO because I have hardly been sleeping

It's defintiely been MARS TRINE URANUS at 0-6 degrees Sagittarius TRINE to Uranus Retro the last week or so

It's conjunct my Natal JUPITER in Aries which exacerbates the situation

ALL ARIES born March 21- 27 you are definitely wound so tight and so full of angst to burn the old house down!

SAGITTARIANS" born Nov 22-29 and that includes ME TOO! also have been revved up from MARS passing thru

How can you sleep at a time like this? Jason Mraz just sang in my headphones?

PLUS the horsey Sagittarius MOON Oct 17-19


Sagittarius Centaur fools rush in! with a hah a hah ha and HI dee ho!

FEEl, outside the box! This is an ALL new and SHINY experimental feeling state. It's NOT KANSAS, TOTO!

Trine's make it E-ZY to do. Remember the 60's revolution in dress?

Yes get outta your old emotional habits and you will feel Xtra RESTLESS & spontaneous!

Look before you leap!

MOON conjuncts MARS early a.m

dreams of travel foreigners, religious pulpit proselytizer's,

the feeling tone will be flying out faster than FELIX BAUMGARTNER

who free falled from 18 miles high during the URANUS MARS TRINE! How appropriate!

What new records have you shattered for yourself these past few days?


Book your travel vacation and HOLIDAY Entertainment NOW!


remember Mercury goes RETROGRADE on ELECTION DAY -till NOv. 26

so plenty of giddy up galloping into sunset rapping HI YO SILVER!

fire and air affair= the flames inch higher!

You talk too much, watch out for passionate political fights

and then Friday

Moon Squares VENUS in Virgo middle of the night

that'll make you stop in your tracks as the pocketbook needs to be balanced.

Moon enters Down to earth serious Capricorn OCt 19 @ 6:41 pm PDT to lend serious and patience to the weekend

Moon will square Uranus @ 4:18 am Sat wile most are sleeping for wild and crazy free falling dreams

MOON conjunct PLUTO on Oct 20 @ 6:50 am PDT always a difficult power control choking down emotions

Moon Trine Venus on Sunday 7:29 am PDT nice for cleaning your house, reviewing your long term plans

Moon enters Aquarius sunday at 10:02 pm PDt -Oct 22 1:22 am MONDAY morning

MONDAY SUN ENTERS SCORPIO Oct 22 @ 5:14 pm PDT adding to the weighty intensity of

death father time old age plodding obsessing fear sex passion letting go grieving

Will write more about how WE're ALL SCORPIO NOW! next

Need a reading to help integrate all this new energy?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Toronto Psychic Tara Greene predicts the U.S. Presidential election

Tara Greene, Internationally known Toronto Psychic and Astrologer was asked to predict the U.S. Presidential Election winner.  Blair Robertson a U.S. psychic weighs in on hispredictions. The Voice of Russia consulted 2 Top psychics- read article  
Read Tara Greene’s entire analysis for Obama,Romney and the Nov 6 Election Day Astrology Forecast
Hint: Nov 6th is a first in U.S. election day History!
Women will be the one’s who change the outcome of the 2012 Presidential election.”- Tara Greene
Please share and comment:

Monday, October 15, 2012

Libra New Moon,Arcturus High vibe Meditation Astrology

Libra New Moon Oct 15 12:03 pm GMT 5:03 am PDT 8:03 pm EDT
at 22 degrees + LIBRA this is a New Moon conjunct Fixed Star ARCTURUS at 24 degrees 15 mins. LIBRA.
Retrograde JUPITER is Trining Sun/Moon from 16 degrees GEMINI
SATURN is leaning close to the Sun and Moon at 1 degree SCORPIO
putting a heavy emotional intensity to this New MOON, and SATURN TRINES NEPTUNE and CHIRON allowing new dreams of love, soul mates,healing, compassion and forgiveness in order to manifest  balanced relationships.
MERCURY at 14 degrees SCORPIO is Quincunx to Jupiter making it difficult to BALANCE -this is the mandate of the LIBRA New Moon- heavy obsessive shadows feeling/thoughts with the Retro rumba of  Jupiter in GEMINI’s Unbearable Lightness of being.
VENUS, ruler of this Libra Moon is sitting squarely at 14 degrees VIRGO, the strongest Middle degree taking notes and looking shyly prim and proper. On her Libra inclined TO DO list
-follow that dietary regime
-clean up that mess in the house to better facilitate guests
-don’t be a slave to your job,
-balance the budget
An easy explosion, adding incredible courage, energy, determination,rising up for the TRUTH, freedom, revolution, independence. YEE HA!
Mars @ 5 of  SAGITTARIUS
always loves to have a laugh, speaks: hoof in mouth
Mars in Sagittarius Tara Greene
Happy Transits to you!

and is cheek to cheek with JUNO Goddess of Female Wisdom at 7 degrees SAGITTARIUS showing us that we all need to BALANCE our Masculine and Feminine sides. This is a HUGE TOPIC as 2012- the future is all about the BALANCE of the SEXES.
Women need to own their power in a particularly JUNO way.Men need to integrate their Feminine Anima side.
The Mars Juno dance team is square dancing with the charming fleet-footed NEPTUNE and CHIRON in PISCES. Yah it’ll hurt, you’ll feel vulnerable, self conscious, but there is DIVINE HEALING WISDOM and compassion available if you let go of your EGO.
NOTE* If you are born in 1961 or 1962 you are feeling your CHIRON RETURN, just like President Barak Obama. I send you my sympathies and my wishes for the best healing of your own emotional and spiritual wounds.
URANUS and PLUTO are still Square to each other.
Here is what the planet of the collective Unconscious and the planet of revolution and freedom do when they apply pressure to each other.
OCT 15 is a day of World Protest as people take to the streets  for real democracy.
All New Moons are times of new intentions.
Take time today to meditate with the beautiful 4th brightest Star ARCTURUS.
When you wish upon a STAR!
Arcturus was mentioned by EDGAR CAYCE the famous sleeping prophet more than 30 times. He called in “the highest civilization in our galaxy.”
and “the way, the door out of this system.”
These are very interesting aphorisms.
I had a very clear LUCID DREAM almost 20 years ago. In it, my shamanic teacher, Oriah Mountain Dreamer {writer of The Invitation} was in it. She was covered with a blanket of stars that looked like the night sky. Then the scene shifted to the real night sky and a man’s voice narrated the words.”Everything that is happening now is because of the BOOTES Constellation.”
I woke up wondering bout the BOOTES Constellation? and found out that ARCTURUS is a golden-yellow star on the left knee of Bootes.
Arcturus was once the name of the Constellation itself,  it means Driver of the Bear ARCTOS, hence the name the Arctic. Bootes the herdsman prods the Big and Little Bears/Dippers.  The Egyptians called the star SMAT, one who rules. Sounds like street talk for smart.
Arcturus is a STAR protector of the Great Mother Bear, who is protecting her cubs. Symbolizing Divine Help and HOPE for all Women, Mothers and children, and we are each of us, a child of a mother, and all children of MOTHER EARTH.
I had recently spoken to a client of mine, and she is going through a very difficult divorce settlement and her teenage daughter is suffering through it. I had sent her to the Grail Springs Spa for a rest and while there she had picked the Bear from the ANIMAL MEDICINE cards by Jamie Samms.
I told her the Bear is the fiercest female proctor of her young. Her card was  totally aligned with what she needed in her life.
This Arcturian NEW MOON, sounds Arthurian doesn’t it?
Like King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, who protected and honoured women. They sought the Holy Grail, the mysterious, mystical cup.  Men need to take back chivalry and honor women for being Feminine, for being stronger, natural protectors.
It is all connected, Spirit always uses puns and similes.
We have a prime symbol of HOPE,
a Divine message of PROTECTION for the MOTHERS and the children
the importance to BALANCE the masculine and FEMININE
MEDITATION for ARCTURUS NEW MOON  -Copyright Tara Greene
Use an OPAL, a LIBRA stone to meditate with
opal Libra Astrology Tara Greene
the Fire in the opal is a great meditative tool
Create a sacred space, a sacred circle around yourself.
Light some incense and put on meditative, relaxing music quietly in the background. Turn off your cel phone, computer etc. so that you may not be disturbed while doing your ceremony.
Put a real opal if you have a bright fire opal in your left hand or imagine one like this. Ask the opal’s permission to work with you first. This is a very important step,  minerals are alive, they have a consciousness.
Take some deep breaths, close your eyes and begin to relax. Allow yourself to watch your breath and let go, muscle by muscle from your feet to the top of your head.
Breathe in the OPAL, breathe it right into your 3rd eye…
Visualize the opal at your 3rd eye and then see it become liquid and transparent and flow through your skull ,which is not actually solid
and sit in the middle of your brain, your mind.
It will activate your pineal gland. Keep breathing slowly and deeply,
and allow the OPAL to project its images onto the inside of your skull like a planetarium. Then gradually your skull will disappear, and the entire universe will come into your view. You can feel it, sense it, touch it.
You can hear the music of the spheres,the galaxies, the stars singing. Allow yourself to be totally relaxed and open.  Just sit back and let the images fly. You will experience a very powerful non-drug induced, natural high from this meditation. It will open you up like an ayahuasca journey.You may see a purple violet light permeating your vision.
Take as much time as you like in this heightened state of awareness.
You will be feeling pretty trippy. There will be angels and messengers from Higher realms visiting you. Trust what you see. IT is all real. It is  realer than what you think is real, or have been told is real.
This is what my guides have been showing me and telling me for the last week or so. I have chanelled some pretty positive messages {and some very bloody scary scenes coming too}.
So come out of your meditation like molasses. Thank the beings who watched over you and who spoke to you. Be wary and careful of accepting gifts in these visions, as this will only inflate your ego.
Take notes of what occurred. Sit with it, don’t talk about it. Close the circle.
I feel how powerful this is right now as I am typing it. I don’t know what I am going to write before I sit down to do this type of article. I am buzzing and visions are everywhere..
Send me an email
I also offer  life coaching, and spiritual guidance,
I can create personalized meditations based on your Astrology chart, just for YOU, made into an MP3  file.
get a reading