Napoleon Brousseau's Fantome de la Memoire
19 portrait paintings of apparitions,painted in his own RGB technique brings the viewer face to face up close and personal with a phantasm of Jesus, Lincoln,the New York City Rain Girl and other interdimensional travellers.
The portraits have framed these personalities who are peering in at us. The beings have stories to tell, evocative, rich, outsider art. Technically masterful.
Napoleon works in many mediums, these are his most powerful offerings to date. You will want to have them all in your home. Also available as Giclee prints on canvas.
Robert Kananaj Gallery Toronto
more of Napoleon's art works at
show runs from Nov 8 - Dec 8
Tara Greene Psychic Tarot Astrology Updates Dreams and Symbols, Guided Meditations, Metaphysics, The Goddess, Wicca, Shamanism,Green Witch, Inspirations, Worshops andMore
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Mind Blowing Gemini Lunar Eclipse- Astrology advice
A Lunar Eclipse is a FULL BLOWN Full
Moon and a GEMINI Lunar Ellipse, ruled by Mercury= thinking, consciousness is a
The last eclipse of 2012 is a penumbral one, it will be faint and only completely visible in certain areas, see nicely colored map. The eclipse is totally visible in Australia, China, most of Russia, India, and Alaska these will be most affected by the Lunar eclipse.
Something about the Aug 11th date called to me, turns out
Aug 11, 3114 BC is when the MAYAN LONG COUNT used by several pre-Columbian Mesoamerican civilizations, begins.
And we all know the day that cycle ends resetting itself back to 0000000. Dec 21 2012
Aug 11 1999 was a solar eclipse which Edgar Cayce had predicted was the apocalypse start date.
Let’s look at the astrology chart
The last eclipse of 2012 is a penumbral one, it will be faint and only completely visible in certain areas, see nicely colored map. The eclipse is totally visible in Australia, China, most of Russia, India, and Alaska these will be most affected by the Lunar eclipse.
deep red is area of
most intensity on Lunar eclipse
This eclipse
completes and balances the June 4 lunar eclipse.
Lunar Eclipses
come in 18 years and a few days cycles, called Saros cycles.This one is Saros
cycle 145 which began on Aug 11 1832 {the Last Eclipse of the series will be
Sept 16 3094.
Something about the Aug 11th date called to me, turns out
Aug 11, 3114 BC is when the MAYAN LONG COUNT used by several pre-Columbian Mesoamerican civilizations, begins.
And we all know the day that cycle ends resetting itself back to 0000000. Dec 21 2012
Aug 11 1999 was a solar eclipse which Edgar Cayce had predicted was the apocalypse start date.
Let’s look at the astrology chart
click on
image to view larger
I set the
eclipse location for Beijing China as that is where the impact is most intense.
In India, the Lunar eclipse isn’t really visible, it seems to be of no
significance to Hindus. In Toronto we will only see it as the moon sets, but
still we will FEEL it Emotionally.
Moon at 6
degrees of GEMINI is conjunct LILLITH 2 degrees away. The Dark goddess is being
eclipsed, and being the embodiment of the FEMININE DARK SHADOW, ENSHROUDING
Jupiter is
bookending Lillith at 11 degrees Gemini further amplifying and expanding the
rejected Feminine. What you resist persists. What you relegate to the shadows
controls you. For the last 12,500 years since civilization was taken over by the
patriarchy the Divine Goddess Mother earth energy has been raped,
trampled,blamed, rejected, used, abused to this very day and worse now than ever
in the age of greed and corporate profits, dishonoring the feminine, mothers
SO Lillith
eclipsed becomes Lillith empowered, she is KALI, the dark Goddess, who destroys
the Ego. All cosmic events are symbols and so its red alert for
The Sun at 6
degrees of Sagittarius is exactly on my sun. It’s my Solar return. the sun
returns to the degree on the day I was born, although my Calender birthday is
Nov. 29. I can feel the energy right now as I write. I am
Gemini is the
split mind, the duality, it is curious, light, youthful,
Lillith/Moon is pointing out the split, the splinter as it is called in The
Matrix. The mind gets trapped in its delusions of self and other, this eclipse
gives us the opportunity to heal that split and see ourselves in others’ shoes,
everywhere in the world.
It’s an
emotional eclipse of the heart with Venus conjunct Saturn in Scorpio at 6 &
8 degrees, conjunct to Israel’s South Node, their past
Very serious,
heavy, Scorpio is death rebirth sex, transformation of money, power,
More heavies –
MARS & PLUTO exactly conjunct at 8 degrees of Capricorn. Fire power, danger,
red alert ,Radiation, atomic power, explosions, anger, power, abuse, affecting
all of us.
BIG YOD energy
too. What’s a big yod you ask? a YOD is a finger of GOD
Sounds rude and
blasphemous I know.
it is a planet or planets sextile to another or others-60 degrees apart- an easy
aspect, all of which are quincunx- 150 apart from another planet or planets, it
is a wedge shaped formation. This eclipse has Saturn at 6 degrees Scorpio with
Venus at 8 conjunct Saturn they are both sextile to Pluto & Mars conjunct at
8 degrees of Capricorn,and they ALL quincunx the MOON at 6 degrees Gemini the
STAR of the Eclipse today. The finger of God is the MOON and more so
Neptune and
Chiron the wounded healer also SQUARE the Moon and the Sun
raising our
vibration, intuition and spiritual energies higher. Chiron the wounded healer is
making us all feel the emotional split so we can recognize it, be vulnerable, be
brought to our knees and surrender our egos and wills.. And hence why I am still
crying as I write.
Our deepest
dreams, our fantasies, our faith- Neptune is being tested.
Even when there
is no moonlight. when we are totally in the dark, when it is darkest before the
dawn, we will find the faith to carry on, find the still voice inside that
whispers to us to keep going, to belive, to believe in fairies, in Tinkerbell,
as Peter Pan is the Symbol for Gemini.
Uranus the King
of chaos is still squaring Pluto and Mars, so the old powder keg can explode any
second. If we include Ceres at 1 degree Cancer the great Mother symbol forms a
T-square with Uranus Mars Pluto.
Mercury has
just gone direct,we are still in the shadow period before Mercury recovers where
he left off, Mercury rules this Gemini Lunar Eclipse.
There is a lot
of water element in this chart 4 objects in Scorpio, 2 in Pisces and 1 in
Cancer. Gemini is detached, and we need to integrate the feelings with the
Ritual on the Eclipse day
Day of eclipse
set aside some time to meditate. – You will need candles incense feathers,
things that represent air and wind, Gemini elements.
water fire and
if you have a
real Blue Lace Agate like the one pictured here hold it in your hand or
visualize this energy.
Always begin in
the East moving clock wise, to the South. call in the Archangels -Michael in the
East, Gabriel in the South, Ariel in the West, Raphael in the North they will
protect you.
Light a candle
for each direction, have water in the south, earth in the west, incense and
feathers in the north.
sit in your
circle, close your eyes and breathe deeply, slowly and
visualise the
full moon and the moonlight fading, her reflected light
Go into the
Moon, her feelings, all of them, the ones most repressed -her sense of
rejection, her shame, her fears, her phobias, her
and stay very
centered watching. Hold that emotional vulnerable utterly feminine side in your
left hand,
when you have
done that take 3 huge deep cleansing breaths and shake your head and hands to
clear the energy, shake it out for a s long as you need.
now breath in
positive energy, see the light of the moon fully reflecting the Sun,bright
magical, romantic inspiring,
nurturing, this is the positive creative,FERTILE moon, it is very sexual,
sensual, instinctual, she has no inhibitions,
she is the
goddess who is whole unto herself, who answers to her own needs for pleasure,
and relationships, she must nurture,
feel this
positive mothering lunar influence,she brings safety, security nurturing,
nourishment, love, conception,
the positive bright energy in your right hand
look at these
seeming opposite forces and go into your heart where all feelings originate and
ask what do these two parts need?
the two hands will be drawn magnetically together, bring the opposite sides
together so that you open your hands and clasp them together. Now they are one
allis one. Allow the full sense of non-duality to be absorbed totally. It is not
intellectual it is all feeling.
stay with that.
let whatever tears that need to come out pour out so that you can
This is a very
big event and soon it will be 12 12 12 numerology and then Dec 21
a new era is
beginning , the more conscious one is the higher the planes
we are
expanding being duality. it is good
need help in
the transition?
lunar eclipse,
mother. Moon,
Peter Pan,
Monday, November 26, 2012
Heavy Red Alert Astrology heads will roll
wait for Mercury to go direct this evening Mon. Nov 26 @ 3:48 pm EST its been a crazy juggle
of clients, trying to write , my computer mouse broke down etc.
What’s your Mercury Retrograde story?
hot and heavy LOVE day as Venus conjunct Elder grim reaper today in early Scorpio.
Will you fall in love with an older sauve man of means?
will the older man fall for some very young sexy bondage loving women dressed all in black ?
isnt that 50 shades of Grey already?
Yes these are cliches.
Scorpio is $$$$, taxes, other people’s’ loot, power control secrets, you know
bad worse or worst is my financial predictions
Scorpio rules power secrets expect more leaking of secrets, and underhanded ruthless power grabbing politics
Tuesday Nov 27
the lesser malefic as it was called classically MARS god or WAR- Ares in Capricorn sign of BIg BUsiness, corporate, old boys
conjunct Pluto at 8 degrees- PLuto the Lord of DEATH the underworld, Atomic
this is a very serious heavy transit- I have felt its approaching weight as we are all, it doesn’t smell like teen spirit
famous Second Coming poem by William Butler Yates
”Your Prophet” painting by Napoleon Brousseau
The Second Coming
Turning and turning in the widening
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
attacks! market crashes! Yes Mars
and Pluto do conjunct once every 2 years.
the appetizer was Venus and Saturn in Scorpio sextiling the two macho lovers Mars and Pluto
Born Dec 30 or 31 you get the direct blast from the Universe, better be ready to take the heat, its a huge career boost
Invest in defence, war type of things if you have no morals..
It ‘s super heating up in the Middle east- more revolutions
I feel sorry for the innocent children mothers and fathers who are killed maimed and are suffering every day
are on the verge of 12 12 12 which I feel is more auspicious numerology than dec
21 2012 which IS NOT the end of the world or actually the end of the Mayan calendar so don’t panic
but the astrology is very heavy and this is all One day before a LUNAR ECLIPSE in GEMINI
will write about that shortly
How’s your score card looking?
are supposed to be UPleveling our consciousness not following the script of Judgement day,,,
but its also the age of false prophets
Seek the knower within.
Blessings TAra
need spiritual guidance get a reading?
43.667923 -79.321969
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Betwixt eclipses Twilight of the Gods Astrology
Its been a crazy week, Mercury
Retrograde now in Scorpio
How was it for you?
That Total Scorpio eclipse which shook a few feathers, caused a bunch of arguments, people are coming and going in your life now,right?
the old falls away and the new begins.
Where is 22 Scorpio in your natal chart? what aspects did the eclipse make in your chart- shows what is being transformed where and how
we are all in for PSYCHOLOGICAL shakedown for the next 2 years.
serious business and the good old boys club is feeling strong-
for now
and good time to get determined on long-term projects
so out come her BIG GUNS
Die before you die is a spiritual maxim- but not literally.
Shady dealings and shadows coming out all over the place and more to come.
Moon squared Pluto 11/16 did you feel that!
Sun conjuncts Mercury today in late Scorpio
we are betwixt 2 very powerful eclipses
I am off to deliver an Astrology lecture, my printer wasn’t working, getting threatening bills from the cable company because they mixed something up,you know… very busy
stay centered breathe
need a reading?
How was it for you?
That Total Scorpio eclipse which shook a few feathers, caused a bunch of arguments, people are coming and going in your life now,right?
the old falls away and the new begins.
Where is 22 Scorpio in your natal chart? what aspects did the eclipse make in your chart- shows what is being transformed where and how
we are all in for PSYCHOLOGICAL shakedown for the next 2 years.
serious business and the good old boys club is feeling strong-
for now
and good time to get determined on long-term projects
that Scorpio Total eclipse fell directly opposite Israel’s
TAurus Sun
so out come her BIG GUNS
fear Israel may fulfill the Judgement day prophecy and wipe herself off the map
with this kind of action. Egypt is
no friend to her anymore. I am not a Zionist. and thousands of Israeli’s are
protesting but they don’t run the government.
Die before you die is a spiritual maxim- but not literally.
Shady dealings and shadows coming out all over the place and more to come.
Moon squared Pluto 11/16 did you feel that!
Sun conjuncts Mercury today in late Scorpio
we are betwixt 2 very powerful eclipses
I am off to deliver an Astrology lecture, my printer wasn’t working, getting threatening bills from the cable company because they mixed something up,you know… very busy
stay centered breathe
need a reading?
43.667923 -79.321969
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Born under a bad sign? Gangnam style, Chiron direct
matter how exhausted I feel these days and this Scorpio Solar
Totality has had me feeling quite wiped out for days, and I’ve checked
in with friends clients and FB peeps. The
effects will linger for weeks. I’m napping when I can.
where did the Eclipse fall in your natal chart? That will tell you in which area of your life the huge transformations are happening.
The aftermath or afterclipse 11/14 is
Mercury backs up into Scorpio
things are feeling rather INTENSE aren’t they?
Moon conjuncts Mercury with its stinger, so watch out for foul words,underhanded double entendred conversations and shadows talkin’. stay conscious.
Mood gets uplifted when it enters Sagittarius @ 2:39 am
squares Neptune in wee hours so see truth in them their dreams
Saggy Moon Trines Uranus in Aries
Trigger meets the Roger RAMjet
Sag Moon squares CHIRON in Pisces
who is very strong right now the aft.
feelings will get hurt by the truth, naive people will be crying in their green teas and latte’s.but its the last stop for Chiron.
Chiron the wounded healer goes direct in the shadow of the eclipse
yes out time in the Asclepius is over but now the real healing
begins, fresh starts, rebuild those dreams when every one said you
Sagittarius Moon opposite JUPITER in Gemini, Retro
bet big, but with caution, good day for communicating backwards,walking backwards like in Korea in Gangnam Style as Mercury is also Retro of course.
Great time for all of you born during MERCURY RETROGRADE.
Born under a
bad sign?
Born under a bad
are all very creative people and think outside the box but usually get labelled
ADD or ADHD or slow learners or
worse. At the very least ever Mercury Retorgrade native is self-conscious or
insecure about their natural born smarts.
BE proud of your MERCURY RETROGRADE Mind!
you are the brains and creativity of the future and NOW. You have a reflexive reflective mind, it is more Feminine, intuitive…
I’m working on designing the T-shirt folks…
revisit those conversations, going over who said what, take sides and then switch, walk a few miles in the other’s shoes, go-go boots or whatever the style is….
Moon sextiles Venus in LIbra
put on your exotic feedbag and try something international, grazy and fun with a lovely date..
Saturn in Scorpio quincunx Uranus in Aries in early eve
more about the seceding from the US A , The revolution is happening only its quirky, blameable, scapegoating, could be down rite devious, watch out for people following you in the shadows with black cars..
SAg. Moon conjunct MARS smack at 29th degree of SAGITTARIUS
active Moment of TRUTH, Warriors of the Galactic
Center, it’s a club
could be a very KLUTZY day today
Hi yo silver, truth justice and fly higher, don’t start an argument that you can’t have the last word in.
then Moon is V/C
that’s all for now folks
MUSIC: Born Under a BAd Sign Albert King and Stevie Ray
filmed in Hamilton, Canada
need guidance through a Scorpio Total solar eclipse?
get a reading here:
43.667923 -79.321969
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
sexual healing Total Eclipse astrology
Eclipses offer opportunities for spiritual renewal. It symbolizes the alchemical
marriage of the Sun masculine with the Moon
is the SACRED MARRIAGE Symbol.the Feminine unconscious
symbol of the Moon, the cellular consciousness of the womb/moon bringing the
Masculine Sun into the Twilight realms into Her Veil of inner mysteries, to be
initiated, transformed.This is part of dec 21 2012 frequncies.
It’s a Scorpio Spiritual Sexual Soul Baptism .
soul detoxic- dump eject recycle all old toxicity, karmic patterns, the shadows will be very visible.
haven’t you felt them the last week or so? Had any major conflab’s with anyone?
Saturns Trine to Neptune at this eclipse is a spiritual blessing
all the secret’s like
Patreus, the Elmo pedophile scandal, the 20
states saying they will ceceed the U.S. this is all Scorpio related secrets,
sex,power struggles,and will be MANY MORE to come!
this is a renewal, when Pluto went through Scorpio in
1984-1996 the first news of AIDS
began, the Inner Child movement was born, sex became a life and death
experience, and now we are on a more mature level of that energy with Saturn
If you were born 1996-1984 Saturn is maturing you,you are all deep intense, major intense, fascinated with the real mysteries of life, and death, fearless, you may be raw,defiant, stubborn, controlling,secretive, powerful, mesmerizing, Be careful of how you use and abuse power for your Scorpio-like ass will get stomped on real good with Saturn at the wheel over the next 2.5 years.
The north node will ONLY be in Scorpio till Feb 2014 so let’s make haste
Take off your
mask, get naked, Ok you can leave your hat on.
painting by Napoleon
The Stakes will be high, the Scorpio 8th house is all about Finance, other people’s money, insurance, inheritance and with Saturn in Scorpio, the tax laws will be changed, banks etc. and the financial picture is ready to melt down.
Die before you die
My advice is to see yourself as already dead, wrapped in a shroud, confront the image of your temporary self, your personality and ego self as dead.
How low can you go?
Then give yourself a life review, letting everything left undone or regretted come up in your mind and emotions. All the sex, fights, all the dirt, all the power struggles, backstabbing, hogging, stuff you projected onto someone else. The recriminations, betrayals, the mistrust, the victim/victimizer, the S & M, the splits, the fears, the enchanted by the dark side ego stuff.
let yourself connect with the Phoenix like higher aspect of Scorpio
As you acknowledge all the split off parts of yourself, and own them, then see ALL of that, all of it, as shimmering with the clearest most sparkling star light from the highest Divine dimensions of Unconditional Love. Feel it, the energy is exquisite, it will course through your body as it is doing to me now, palpitating your blood, it is kundalini very gently rising to purify.You may see it as Ultra violet or golden.
Retro Mercury will square Neptune 2 hours after the eclipse. This is its 2nd exact square in its retrograde phase.
Consciousness is in LA LA Land and I don’t mean L.A.
You will be feeling mindless, this is good! it gives the opportunity to think/be conscious from spirit, higher vantages, where you can see just where and how much you may be totally unconscious,in denial, fantasy, addiction, victimized, a martyr. It will hurt, but Mercury in Sagittarius is about aiming for the TRUTH the HIGHER TRUTH.
I had a client who wished I would tell her that her boyfriend would come back after he found out she cheated on him. I told her the only way would be for her to accept her self being dishonest, to get healed, and be able to have healthier relationships, it wasn’t about him and her being together anyway.
Lillith is also in Gemini square to Chiron in
The ancient denial and betrayal of WOMAN as NATURE, for her raw powerful insatiable independent need for sexual expression is also being healed NOW. We have swallowed that male shadow for 5,000 years and Women need to own their own sexuality to take it back and to learn NOW how to be with it. We’ve forgotten how and aren’t integrated but this is what we are learning, and the culture must still break down more.
My client didn’t want to hear that. She couldn’t accept that she couldnt control him or get her own way. She was addicted to having to have him and reject herself. By the way she had Lillith conjunct Retrograde Saturn in her astrology chart. She wanted to remain stuck in the Patriarchal split.
But I told her it was all perfect, unfolding as it should, it gave her the opportunity to give up the unhealthy sexual relationships.
We each have free will and the choice.
There are Very high frequency energies coming in from Higher Dimensions,
angelic realms, master teachers. I can feel the new frequencies.
Affirm:I am open to change, I accept my Higher self as my reality in concert with my human incarnation.
Decide if you want to live from a higher perspective.
Women heal yourself from sexual guilt, from sexual abuse now. Very important part of this Scorpio journey.Sexuality will be transformed over the next 2.5 years.
Soar like an eagle, live free from all that emotional baggage.
need guidance? I am here to help
Chiron Goes direct Nov. 14 All systems GO for healing!
43.667923 -79.321969
Monday, November 12, 2012
Birth of the New masculine,mars in Capricorn, astrologyn
I just coined a new term, I believe. Correct me if I am wrong -Astrologyn- TM Feminine Based Astrology-
taking the stars back to their feminine roots,
we live in the Mother’s Milk galaxy now -don’t we?
Mercury is Retrograde and will back into Feminine water Scorpio again on the New Moon TOTAL Scorpio Eclipse Nov. 13 PST/Nov 14 EST
A Total Scorpio Solar Eclipse is a guaranteed soul transformer
for the next 6 months to a year. -see my previous article
Retrograde Mercury takes us back to October to revisit the conversations communications & power struggles we did the first time
so expect those old Scorpio, you know, power, control, obsessions, sex ,messy revenge on the down side, issues to be back on the front/back burner
It’s cryin’ time again and healing time
as CHIRON goes DIRECT NOv 14 @ 4 degrees 49 minutes of PISCES
CHIRON went Retro back on JUNE 11 so @ 9 degrees 45 mins of PISCES
all those internal memory unconscious pain karmic bonds that have been simmering away in yours and the Collective’s 12th house, the Cosmic Consciousness house is ready NOW to be healed born, blissed out, totally rebirthed on the Scorpio Solar eclipse.
With a big karmic blessing from SATURN who is trining CHIRON.
this is huge folks,just open your minds your hearts and soul’s and let it happen.
SURRENDER like the Hanged Man in the Tarot
Napoleon Brousseau
Hanged Candy Man 2012
Hanged Candy Man 2012
acting as spiritual guide and soul warrior
the Warrior God is in the Great Mother’s cosmic Vagina now so I tuned into his energy. I actually am a channeler.
Mars/the male is being rebirthed going back into the cosmic void, Alcyone the Central Sun and beyond into the Black Rift itself, being reborned as
the NEW MALE, Blissful warrior who listens to the Great Mother as Sacred Source of All.
This is what the consciousness shift Dec 21 2012 is all about.
Men will be feeling whole, complete, ready to defend the mother, the Feminine within himself, to protect women when they need and to support and honor the Feminine, the EARTH and all Her children.
We have just seen the evidence of this in President Obama defeating the backwards caveman platform of the Republicans.
Mars will enter Capricorn November 16 in the evening till Dec 25
So a grounded, serious, responsible,sensible, patient time. But my sense is that Mars ruling Scorpio going into the Dark of the Year earth sign means earthquakes.
Capricorn is a FEMININE EARTH sign
the capitalist Plutocracy, modern-day materialist that we think of with Capricorn is not the traditional meaning.
Original the symbol was the body of a dolphin fish with the torso and head of a goat . The shows the Great Mother’s origins in this sign. The Goat horns are the Moons’ crescents. Capricorn was also associated with the sea. The Moon Goddess and the Sea are one, they symbolize the primal womb image, memory, smell of the ocean that we all carry in our cellular consciousness, in our blood. Capricorn is the physical beginning of all human lives in 3D. Ruled by Saturn.
Stella Maris, Mary, T’ai Yuan, from very ancient China, The HOLY Woman, Kwan Yin, to modern Buddhists, she is Triple Goddess in Celtic Mythology Danu, Bridget.
Capricorn’s horns symbolized the Cornucopia, the horn of plenty.
So focus on abundance, on filling your horn with plenty. Trust that there is enough to go around, but also do the mature responsible hard-working structuring and work to ensure that it can be real.
Mars will be sextiling Neptune November 17
So create the physical groundwork for your dreams this night. Write them down, do a ritual, plight your troth to be the vision, to act the vision, to be the change.
Blessings TARA
people get ready by the Chambers Brothers
Need advice? Get a reading.
To see more of artist Napoleon Brousseau’s works
all writing copyright TARA GREENE
Kwan Yin,
new male,
Tara Greene,
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Scorpio Total solar eclipse orgasmic consciousness, emotional healing
Posted by Tara
On November 13 @ 2:09 pm PST 5:09 pm EST
10:09 pm GMT
the Total Solar eclipse @ 21 degrees 57 minutes Scorpio
is a North Nodal eclipse indicating it is towards our highest future good.
Visible in Australia, New Zealand,the South Pacific and parts of Chile in Southern South America, where the impact of the eclipse will be felt the greatest. Of course everyone in the world will feel it
There won’t be another TOTAL Solar Eclipse till March 20 2015, there will be partial and annular and hybrid Solar eclipses in between.
I made the chart for Washington
MARS rules the Scorpio Eclipse
and where is Mars? @ 27 degrees SAGITTARIUS exactly on the GALACTIC CENTER!
That’s the Black Hole at the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy. It absorbs and transmits incredibly vast amounts of electromagnetic energy, swallowing everything. The Mayans called this place Hunab Ku, the Sun behind the Sun.
The big consciousness emotional shift is hugely triggered at this eclipse, especially with Saturn in Scorpio!
I have been feeling flattened the last few days because of this energy. The psychic elements floating before the hit- did you feel it to?
lots of shadowy EGO material coming up and out be seen and cleared,not pretty at all!but lets not judge it.
It’ll feel like your very own personalized emotional Hurricane Sandy, coming on, very sudden and catching you up in the maelstrom.
As the Moon blocks the light of the Sun it is always symbolic of the FEMININE UNCONSCIOUS feeling state temporarily blocking the heroic male ego consciousness. It’s encountering the dark side of the moon in broad daylight for 4 minutes.
SCORPIO,Feminine fixed water is the sign that Recycles, death, rebirth Fear of change is what to watch out for!
Saturn is exactly Quincunx Uranus so the pressure for cataclysmic evolutionary change is GIGANTIC
Eclipses occur in cycles the last one near this degree was Nov. 13 1993 a partial solar eclipse.
where were you then? what was happening in your life? an entire cycle closes and a new one opens now
This is also a SUPER MOON, so expect huge tides, earthquakes and tsunamis around the date
Mercury is RETROGRADE at ZERO degrees of SAGITTARIUS opposite the May 20 Solar Eclipse
which gets re-activated again now
Mercury Retro is past thoughts and communications, memories,
Mercury is squaring Neptune in PISCES at ZERO degrees which just turned Direct on 11:11
conceive of a new dream, remember where you came from- SPIRIT- that’s PISCES
think a new dream, speak a new dream of spirituality, creativity, of a compassionate voice.
REMEMBER who you really are.Sagittarius is the truth the arrows aim to the Galactic Center
SCORPIO is also the Sign of SOUL, as is Pisces two aspects-Scorpio is the sexual soul mate tantric connection
Scorpio, 8th house communion is the dream of dying into the other, the petit mort
the total Scorpio eclipse triggers the reverberation memories of total Orgasmic consciousness
One of my teachers taught a group of women how to breathe through their chakras to have a complete whole body orgasm
Think of the Goddess and God principle as being totally in love with each other, the Feminine is the void- the Dark Rift
the Masculine is the Light,the Sun, when the two meet- their lovemaking is constant, eternal, orgasmic unity, which creates everything
and we can tune into this, without a partner, without genital stimulation, through breathing opening, concentration
RITUAL for the SCORPIO orgasmic consciousness
I saw the scene in my mind’s eye of Frodo the Hobbit casting the EVIL ring of Power into MOUNT DOOM in Lord of the Rings
The Ring of Power symbolizes that Scorpionic ego control, secrecy, obsessive energy
before the eclipse think of WHAT your personal RING OF POWER is made of,
list what drives you unconsciously,what your ego desires:
lusts after, power, control, sex, porn, money, fame, revenge, abusing others,hatred, anger, jealousy, feeling bigger than, etc.
or it could be the opposite, victimization, poverty,being abused, that is the other side of the same coin.
Write out your 7 deadly sins or whoever many there are on a piece of paper in a line,cut it out, take a yellow coloured pencil or marker and colour over it so it looks gold,cut it out to make the shape of a ring,
Prepare for your ritual Before the eclipse is exact
if you cant do it at exact time, anytime that works for you is good,
cast a ceremonial circle large enough for you to lie down
you will need a yoga mat or blanket, incense,
Light a candle for each direction, invite all the Archangels in, Michael east, Gabriel South, Ariel west, Raphael North to protect you.
You will need a small container to light a tiny fire, a bowl of water, earth and incense for each element
think about your personal ring of power, how it controls you, how it creates pain suffering, separation,illusion
sit in the center of your circle and bring up all the emotion,
breathe deeply to calm yourself and stay centered,
when you feel clear, calm, grounded take your “ring of power” and state your intention ou t loud
that you are willing to transform your egoic needs for power by burning your ring,to allow those unconscious emotions to transform
watch your ring burn, it will go quickly, and feel the negative ego’s control of you dying,
Breathe into your root chakra and see a red flower open, send your 1st chakra energy down into the center of the earth, to Mother earth’s flame,
this is Her heart, breathe the fire up into your root chakra, it should start to pulse,awakening your kundalini energy gently.
Breathe into your 2nd chakra it is orange, feel it open, send that energy down into the 1st and deep down into the flame in the earth and breathe it back up again past the 1st and into the 2nd, feel your 2nd chakra pulse with kundalini energy. It will feel sexual, hot..
Breathe into your 3rd chakra 1 finger below your navel, it is bright yellow like the Sun, again send your intention and your breath down into the 2nd , 1st and into the earth and the fire in the centre and then breath the fire back up from the 1st, 2nd and into the 3rd . It will open, pulse and feel hotter,
Continue with your 4th chakra, at your heart, emerald green, and send the energy down past the 3rd,2nd, and 1st chakras into the fire at the center of the earth and breath the fire back up through the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and into the 4th. Your heart will open, beat faster, you will feet hotter more excited,passionate, with your eternal beloved,
Think about the love the Sun the Moon and Earth, the Goddess beautiful and the God have for each other, think about the most beautiful image of unconditional, balanced love between the Goddess and God image see and feel their desire, for each, how the Universe is made up of, and IS the union of the opposites, its perfect beauty.
Pay attention to your 5th chakra,deep blue, the throat, and open your throat, moan, or sound, again send your breath down into the 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st chakras down into the earth’s fiery core , and breath the fire back up through your root chakra, 2nd 3rd 4th and into the 5th, feel your throat open, pulsing merging faster.
Bring your attention into the 6th your 3rd eye, between your eyebrows, with your eyes closed you should see a purple flame, again the same breath and send your intention down into the 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd and 1st chakras. Send the energy down into the earth flame bring that energy back up through the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and into the 6th chakras, you should see splendid coloured lights, and sense the passion, the breath of the gods, their hearts beating.
Bring your attention to the crown chakra, the 7th and see a white light a crystal sparkling lotus open and breathe into this starlike energy breathe id down past all the chakras into the earth;s fiery core and breathe the energy slowly through all the chakras from the root up to the crown.
At this point you will feel very hot, open, your body may be rocking naturally and you will feel your chakras open and naturally breathing organically, feeling flashes of kundalini energy flashing up and all around your body. It is loving, orgasmic alive invigorating purifying cleansing, gorgeous. This breathing cleanses and purifies you.
Now from this higher conscious love bliss union awareness and receptive state of whole body awareness. Breathe in the new consciousness, the new karmic imprint, the higher conscious UNITY of SELF, with Galactic Center heart energy as Source, feel the Divine Feminine energy the void, the great matrix, the portal of light and oneness coursing through your heart your veins. stay with this energy.
you are being reborn, reprogrammed, renewed, you are rising like the PHOENIX the highest form of Scorpio transcendant, whole, complete, always in ONENESS with the Beloved,….
Stay as long as you like in the new bliss unity energy, anchor in your heart, in your chakras.
when you feel ready come back and open your eyes in your sacred circle.
see all is new
You are reborn. take your time. tap on your heart chakra lightly to keep centered…
you can do the fire breathing every day as part of a yogic practice.
You are whole and complete and interconnected with all. You have risen above all the old emotional egocentric driven mode.
just stay conscious, breathing, feeling constantly orgasmically happy and send love out to everyone it is a discipline.
need guidance? Get a reading
the Total Solar eclipse @ 21 degrees 57 minutes Scorpio
is a North Nodal eclipse indicating it is towards our highest future good.
Visible in Australia, New Zealand,the South Pacific and parts of Chile in Southern South America, where the impact of the eclipse will be felt the greatest. Of course everyone in the world will feel it
There won’t be another TOTAL Solar Eclipse till March 20 2015, there will be partial and annular and hybrid Solar eclipses in between.
eclipse is part of Saros cycle133. The cycle
started in the year 1219. On June 15 1219 Dannebrog – the oldest national flag
in the world, Denmark’s, according to legend, fell from the sky during the
Battle of Lyndanisse (now Tallinn) in Estonia, and turned the Danes’ luck.
that’s a good pattern to begin with.
MARS rules the Scorpio Eclipse
and where is Mars? @ 27 degrees SAGITTARIUS exactly on the GALACTIC CENTER!
That’s the Black Hole at the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy. It absorbs and transmits incredibly vast amounts of electromagnetic energy, swallowing everything. The Mayans called this place Hunab Ku, the Sun behind the Sun.
Dec 21 2012 scenario is about the Sun conjuncting the Galactic
Centre and the Galactic Equator but it takes 36 years for the Sun to
cross the Vesica Pisces, the COSMIC VAGINA, at the centre of the Milky Way,the
nuclear bulge, visible to the naked eye, seen as a dark rift, called the Black
Road or Shibalba Be,by the Mayans.
whole Galactic Alignment occurs
only ONCE every 25,920 years.
The alignment began in 1979 and will
continue till 2015 I believe, so 1998- 2012 is more of an exact central target
zone.The big consciousness emotional shift is hugely triggered at this eclipse, especially with Saturn in Scorpio!
I have been feeling flattened the last few days because of this energy. The psychic elements floating before the hit- did you feel it to?
lots of shadowy EGO material coming up and out be seen and cleared,not pretty at all!but lets not judge it.
It’ll feel like your very own personalized emotional Hurricane Sandy, coming on, very sudden and catching you up in the maelstrom.
As the Moon blocks the light of the Sun it is always symbolic of the FEMININE UNCONSCIOUS feeling state temporarily blocking the heroic male ego consciousness. It’s encountering the dark side of the moon in broad daylight for 4 minutes.
SCORPIO,Feminine fixed water is the sign that Recycles, death, rebirth Fear of change is what to watch out for!
A TOTAL solar eclipse is a
NO turning back point from jettisoning your old emotional
Mars is also squaring Uranus – so huge
revolutionary changesSaturn is exactly Quincunx Uranus so the pressure for cataclysmic evolutionary change is GIGANTIC
Eclipses occur in cycles the last one near this degree was Nov. 13 1993 a partial solar eclipse.
where were you then? what was happening in your life? an entire cycle closes and a new one opens now
This is also a SUPER MOON, so expect huge tides, earthquakes and tsunamis around the date
Mercury is RETROGRADE at ZERO degrees of SAGITTARIUS opposite the May 20 Solar Eclipse
which gets re-activated again now
Mercury Retro is past thoughts and communications, memories,
Mercury is squaring Neptune in PISCES at ZERO degrees which just turned Direct on 11:11
conceive of a new dream, remember where you came from- SPIRIT- that’s PISCES
think a new dream, speak a new dream of spirituality, creativity, of a compassionate voice.
REMEMBER who you really are.Sagittarius is the truth the arrows aim to the Galactic Center
SCORPIO is also the Sign of SOUL, as is Pisces two aspects-Scorpio is the sexual soul mate tantric connection
Scorpio, 8th house communion is the dream of dying into the other, the petit mort
the total Scorpio eclipse triggers the reverberation memories of total Orgasmic consciousness
One of my teachers taught a group of women how to breathe through their chakras to have a complete whole body orgasm
Think of the Goddess and God principle as being totally in love with each other, the Feminine is the void- the Dark Rift
the Masculine is the Light,the Sun, when the two meet- their lovemaking is constant, eternal, orgasmic unity, which creates everything
and we can tune into this, without a partner, without genital stimulation, through breathing opening, concentration
RITUAL for the SCORPIO orgasmic consciousness
I saw the scene in my mind’s eye of Frodo the Hobbit casting the EVIL ring of Power into MOUNT DOOM in Lord of the Rings
The Ring of Power symbolizes that Scorpionic ego control, secrecy, obsessive energy
before the eclipse think of WHAT your personal RING OF POWER is made of,
list what drives you unconsciously,what your ego desires:
lusts after, power, control, sex, porn, money, fame, revenge, abusing others,hatred, anger, jealousy, feeling bigger than, etc.
or it could be the opposite, victimization, poverty,being abused, that is the other side of the same coin.
Write out your 7 deadly sins or whoever many there are on a piece of paper in a line,cut it out, take a yellow coloured pencil or marker and colour over it so it looks gold,cut it out to make the shape of a ring,
Prepare for your ritual Before the eclipse is exact
if you cant do it at exact time, anytime that works for you is good,
cast a ceremonial circle large enough for you to lie down
you will need a yoga mat or blanket, incense,
Light a candle for each direction, invite all the Archangels in, Michael east, Gabriel South, Ariel west, Raphael North to protect you.
You will need a small container to light a tiny fire, a bowl of water, earth and incense for each element
think about your personal ring of power, how it controls you, how it creates pain suffering, separation,illusion
sit in the center of your circle and bring up all the emotion,
breathe deeply to calm yourself and stay centered,
when you feel clear, calm, grounded take your “ring of power” and state your intention ou t loud
that you are willing to transform your egoic needs for power by burning your ring,to allow those unconscious emotions to transform
watch your ring burn, it will go quickly, and feel the negative ego’s control of you dying,
then breathe deeper and slower, make the circle big enough so you can lie on your back or sit on a pillow comfortablyBreathe into your root chakra and see a red flower open, send your 1st chakra energy down into the center of the earth, to Mother earth’s flame,
this is Her heart, breathe the fire up into your root chakra, it should start to pulse,awakening your kundalini energy gently.
Breathe into your 2nd chakra it is orange, feel it open, send that energy down into the 1st and deep down into the flame in the earth and breathe it back up again past the 1st and into the 2nd, feel your 2nd chakra pulse with kundalini energy. It will feel sexual, hot..
Breathe into your 3rd chakra 1 finger below your navel, it is bright yellow like the Sun, again send your intention and your breath down into the 2nd , 1st and into the earth and the fire in the centre and then breath the fire back up from the 1st, 2nd and into the 3rd . It will open, pulse and feel hotter,
Continue with your 4th chakra, at your heart, emerald green, and send the energy down past the 3rd,2nd, and 1st chakras into the fire at the center of the earth and breath the fire back up through the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and into the 4th. Your heart will open, beat faster, you will feet hotter more excited,passionate, with your eternal beloved,
Think about the love the Sun the Moon and Earth, the Goddess beautiful and the God have for each other, think about the most beautiful image of unconditional, balanced love between the Goddess and God image see and feel their desire, for each, how the Universe is made up of, and IS the union of the opposites, its perfect beauty.
Pay attention to your 5th chakra,deep blue, the throat, and open your throat, moan, or sound, again send your breath down into the 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st chakras down into the earth’s fiery core , and breath the fire back up through your root chakra, 2nd 3rd 4th and into the 5th, feel your throat open, pulsing merging faster.
Bring your attention into the 6th your 3rd eye, between your eyebrows, with your eyes closed you should see a purple flame, again the same breath and send your intention down into the 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd and 1st chakras. Send the energy down into the earth flame bring that energy back up through the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and into the 6th chakras, you should see splendid coloured lights, and sense the passion, the breath of the gods, their hearts beating.
Bring your attention to the crown chakra, the 7th and see a white light a crystal sparkling lotus open and breathe into this starlike energy breathe id down past all the chakras into the earth;s fiery core and breathe the energy slowly through all the chakras from the root up to the crown.
At this point you will feel very hot, open, your body may be rocking naturally and you will feel your chakras open and naturally breathing organically, feeling flashes of kundalini energy flashing up and all around your body. It is loving, orgasmic alive invigorating purifying cleansing, gorgeous. This breathing cleanses and purifies you.
Now from this higher conscious love bliss union awareness and receptive state of whole body awareness. Breathe in the new consciousness, the new karmic imprint, the higher conscious UNITY of SELF, with Galactic Center heart energy as Source, feel the Divine Feminine energy the void, the great matrix, the portal of light and oneness coursing through your heart your veins. stay with this energy.
you are being reborn, reprogrammed, renewed, you are rising like the PHOENIX the highest form of Scorpio transcendant, whole, complete, always in ONENESS with the Beloved,….
Stay as long as you like in the new bliss unity energy, anchor in your heart, in your chakras.
when you feel ready come back and open your eyes in your sacred circle.
see all is new
You are reborn. take your time. tap on your heart chakra lightly to keep centered…
you can do the fire breathing every day as part of a yogic practice.
You are whole and complete and interconnected with all. You have risen above all the old emotional egocentric driven mode.
just stay conscious, breathing, feeling constantly orgasmically happy and send love out to everyone it is a discipline.
need guidance? Get a reading
Dec. 21 2012,
emotional baggage,
higher consciousness,
Lord of the Rings,
orgasmic breathing,
sexual healing,
tarot reader,
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Blame it on Mercury Retrograde, Astrology for your toes
I was interviewed over the phone by VICE Canada about
a light-hearted look, I did talk more but it was edited down
I did say that all Mercury Retrograde’s in 2012 started going Retrograde in FIRE Signs
and All Mercury Retrograde’s in 2013 will start to go Retrograde in WATER signs
and speaking of 2013 I am searching my mind’s eye for the 2013 predictions…
Lots of water coming up, many planets will be in water signs
it will be very emotional with lots, huge changes..
I am seeing huge earthquakes in China, tsunami’s crazy weather patterns…
and huge shifts in consciousness beginning because of the believed consciousness shift at Dec 21 2012
but I feel it wont actually kick in till Feb 2013.
The two worlds are occurring, your thoughts and EMOTIONS! must stay very clear and very positive.
Instant Karma time, I know that is manifesting more and more
The trouble is, time and consciousness is shifting, I have noticed this for many months now
It is very difficult to see one certain probable future,
I know this sounds like it is contrary to what I do as a psychic but the “novelty” as Terrence McKenna puts it,
TIME WAVE ZERO is his way of calling it Dec 21 2012 tie in.
the Novelty factor, is increasing exponentially, there is so much movement, motion, information,and higher consciousness dimensions merging nowadays
that it all is changing moment to moment as it always has BUT we couldn’t see with that high a consciousness- till now.
So yes SHIFT is happening,
and this is all under Mercury/Hermes winged messenger of the God’s rulership
one must spend at least 20 minutes a day emptying the mind of the endless chattering and attempt to get still
not just yoga for fitness sake but real serious meditation, traditional although you can use those CD’s like Silva method and Theta state inducting ones,they work.
The calm in the eye of the storm, is the metaphor that was coming to me all this year, and look at SANDY and I keep sending energy to all the people who lost their homes.
with Saturn in Scorpio relationships will go through whip snapping changes, lightning flash turn arounds,
your head and emotional body will be spinning fast. so the need to stay grounded is all important.
The other day i slathered my tootsies in cream and put this beautiful rose soap my son Elijah brought back from Columbia. I need my toeses to smell like roses. Wow did it ever feel good.
Pay attention to your feet, they have many acupuncture points to all the organs on them,
walk on the beach and barefoot if you can, massage the soles of your feet,
kiss your toes, they arewhat grounds you and hold you up, allow you to traverse distances,
get Reflexology, soak your tootsies, sing to your tootsies,
Gotta get ready to walk on water…
GET A READING find out what is to blame for all the crap in your life…
By the way if you are in Toronto or viscinity Sat Nov 10
I will be at the opening of my husband Napoleon Brousseau’s new paintings show
RETURNING-Le Fantome de la Memoire @ Robert Kananaj Gallery 5:00 p.m – 9:00 p.m
Returning is another way of saying Mercury Retrograde and by the way Napoleon, yes that’s his real name, was born under a Mercury Retrograde. His art works are astonishing.
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