Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy New Year's Eve, 2013 Astrology of the year

astrology by Tara Greene
birth chart Jan 1 2013
The birth chart of 2013 Jan 1st at midnight set for Washington, D.C.

Dec 31 2012 New Year‘s eve

should be a party hearty year as the Moon is in LEO -mood is proud, loud,dramatic,lavish dress, passionate
MERCURY enters Capricorn early this day- so thinking will be practical
perhaps there will be some kind of a last last minute solution for the fiscal cliff- but I doubt it
last day of 2012 is an easy aspect day- be careful about overdoing it with drugs and alcohol though as Mercury sextiles Neptune

Midnight Jan 1 2013 birth chart can be used to symbolize the entire year.

It will be a Void of Course New Year

the moon is in between aspects and the Moon is symbolized by the people
so this indicates that the populace, the instincts, the feminine moods will be “unhinged and unhindered
being in a more reflective, deeply connected to their own individual unconscious feelings and unaffected by outside influences
void of course times are always times of spiritual development and not outward doings
very interesting…..the Galactic Center Dec 21 2012 Winter solstice symbolizes the great Void, the Cosmic vagina, the great mother
a void void void void year! “Don’t avoid the Void.”- Tara Greene
With a LIBRA Ascendant peacemaking will be the flagship, beauty, fashion, relating in a more human way,
trying to keep things “nice”, ruled by Venus who is at the moment  in Sagittarius, she rules all
RELATIONSHIPS  and they will be more philosophical, more birds of a feather flock together,
lots of International peacekeeping or attempts to, going on
travelling will be big, lots of movement, a new educational platform will be introduced, laws granting equal rights to women will be put in place,
the ongoing Uranus Pluto square is highlighted even further in this chart
as URANUS is on the Descendant opposite the Ascendant and PLUTO is conjunct the SUN
at the IC or very roots and foundation of the year.
Pluto conjunct the Sun is a solar atomic bomb waiting to blow by revolutionary Uranus, toppling the everything is nice and OK Libran facade
PLuto conjunct the Sun indicates a shift from atomic power to solar, also danger from atomic energy- Fukushima is not over,
Pluto is Hades, Lord of Death, the Underworld, and the Sun is source,spirit, Psychologically and archetypal symbolizes the LIGHT is ONE with the dark side,the shadow, the unconscious,
duality, harmony, urge to separate, the Patriarchy’s power-over assumptions, are all highlighted in these symbols and they will be blown up as PLuto destroys what no longer serves the SOUL.
SUN  conjunct PLUTO symbolizes the death of the EGO, the lower side of the Sun is Royalty,pretense, Plutocracy,power-over
Uranus,the urge for freedom from past tyranny is squaring them both- the world-wide revolution is going to be even BIGGER this year everywhere
MERCURY – in early Capricorn -the communication’s planet is conjunct JUNO- the magic wand symbol- of Specifically Feminine Genius and the roots of that movement and squares URANUS in ARIES
is already planted and growing in the IDLE NO MORE movement of Indigenous people s in Canada,see-
again the Feminine is on the Rise, JUNO’s Feminine genius is what is needed to run government, business, corporations, to protect resources,
Venus in Sagittarius is Trine the Leo moon and newly minted Minor planet ERIS at 21 degrees of Aries- the  Discordia Goddess who blows the whistle on all who don’t do right. She is like Lillith. I wont go into detail about her too much here. Astrologers have to incorporate these new planets.
I feel this trine brings higher minded Galactic Center  educational Sagittarian energy to heart centered Leo, and Eris’s who can’t stand by and not bring justice to those who harm the child. Leo is the child. We are all the children of the earth.
Also shows easy to ignite International affairs,  political leaders and despots being mowed down in the fire of the righteous indignation of the people.
Saturn in Scorpio in the 2nd house of resources squares Mars in Aquarius in the 4th house
The NRA vs the 2nd Amendment-Mars rules all weapons, especially guns and explosives and the 4th house is the home literally
Mars in Aquarius represents the drive and energy for change, removal of Saturnian restrictions, old outmoded ways of doing things, freedom, revolution, group thinking and new technological advances. Mars in Aquarius can also shows battles about who controls the Internet, more Wikileaks type of actions, hackers bringing out the filthy secrets of high finance, insurance, and many class actions against huge Pharmaceutical companies.
Saturn in Scorpio in the 2nd house means less resources, spending money, time to penny pinch,laws which limit spending, increased taxes,
Saturn  is death, limitations, obstacles, maturity, seniority, Patriarchy, corporations, laws,morals,
this will be an ongoing conflict which could escalate into a civil war scenario over gun laws, gay rights, abortion,freedoms of all kinds which people have taken for granted.
Squares Chiron and Neptune in early Pisces in the 5th house of the heart,giving love, children, creativity and self-expression
Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius and Pisces traditionally, rules the 9th house and alsoInternational relations, publishing, education, laws, specifically higher spiritual laws
Jupiter’s energy is always expansive, optimistic,generous, can be risk-taking. A square is a friction producing action, Gemini is duality, communication, debating, Jupiter is weak in Gemini and Retrograde
Chiron is the wounded healer, in Pisces it indicates a Higher Spiritual Law is the only way to mend international fences
differences in religion, customs, by seeing our true oneness as spiritual beings first,
I know it sounds very New Age but Neptune is in Pisces now for the first time since its discovery in 1846, it was last in its home sign in 1847-1861,
the beginning of the Civil War. Note the resurgence in movies about Abraham Lincoln that have come out in the last year.
Neptune in Pisces is the spiritual Oneness that the Dec 21 2012 New Agers were talking about, it had nothing to do with a hyped up Mayan calendar end date at all.
The trio of Goddesses in the 9th house
VESTA conjunct LILLITH at 12 degrees Gemini indicates a communion of focus on keeping the sacred fire burning through honoring the
dark feminine energy that Lillith symbolizes. FOcus on what parts of ourselves have been banished, the wild natural beauty and sexuality of woman, which can never be tamed. Vestal virgins were sacred high priestesses, heriodules, who were the Goddess embodied who held very high positions. All women in Greek times served at these temples before marriage. They lived in the temples, praying, doing ritual with the cycles of the moon, keeping the sacred alive in their bodies which were used to cleanse men who had been in war.
Dwarf planet Ceres at 23 Gemini the Great mother herself is opposite Venus in Sagittarius.
She is in square to Asteroid Athena at 27 degrees Pisces in the 6th house of work
More women will hold power jobs in the workforce. Mothering will be respected as a real job with extended pay and benefits for stay at home mothers.
A new dialogue will open between how much the work place and home needs to be melded together, and also health issues causes by overwork because of
cheap overseas labour and how it affects job security, and all aspects of daily life in the rest of the world as well as  endangers those being taken advantage of in Chinese labour markets, children’s rights in the workplace in India and other 3rd world countries.
The North Node the highest spiritual goal is in Scorpio in the 2nd house  and square the Moon in Leo
The north node in the 2nd house in scorpio indicates a letting go of all that does not come from the Soul’s deepest and truest sources of power.
in square to the Leo passionate heart on its sleeve self-expressive open hearted Moon is a good one,
we will live or die by our hearts truth, our real passion for being alive this year.
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