Predicting the best date to give birth with Astrology for Amal Clooney
June 3 The SUN,the source, the LIGHT, our STAR which creates all life
The GEMINI SUN trines {120 degree aspect} JUPITER in LIBRA on the 3rd @ 9:12 am PDT/ 12:12 pm EDT/ 4:12 pm GMT @ this is one of the best days of the year.

At 13+ degrees GEMINI/LIBRA it’s beneficial for relationships, Love, marriage, optimism, travel, higher education, bargaining, balance and really GOOD LUCK. Use it wisely.
Check out where 13+ degrees GEMINI and LIBRA are in your Birth chart by house and the aspects they make. If you have planets @ 8-18 degrees AQUARIUS, you get GRAND AIR TRINE benefits.
There is a Fixed Star at 13 degrees AQUARIUS called DORSUM. If you are born February 3 you have this star conjunct your SUN. “Constellation Capricornus has a great influence over human affairs portending major changes in such areas as climate and political customs. Along with the sign, the constellation is also noted as the “Mansion of Kings”-Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.51.
PLUS hours later VENUS in ARIES trines the NORTH NODE IN LEO @ 28 degrees, conjunct to Fixed Star REGULUS, the Heart of the LION, which was traditionally the Star of King’s and Queen’s. Regulus has since moved into zero degrees VIRGO now but it’s still in effect. An excellent day for love, romance, partying and lots of drama.
Astrologers traditionally consulted for King and Queen’s about all matters. These days finding the best date for a wedding, launching a project or the best day to give birth based on the mother’s astrology chart and transits are the thing to do.
Amal Clooney, as your hypothetical Astrologer Birth Doula, I’d advise you to be induced or to have that Cesarean on June 3rd. It’s one of your best days of the year. Amal’s Natal SUN is at 14 degrees AQUARIUS conjunct VENUS is super positively affected by the SUN-Jupiter Trine. Also, this aspect favors invitro-fertilizations and hi-tech interventions, like surgery. She may elect to give birth by Cesarean June 3 or the 4th with these very positive aspects still in effect.

Mars enters the Sign of MOTHERHOOD, CANCER on the 4th @ 9:16 am PDT/ 12:16 pm EDT/ 4:16 pm GMT.
Plus VENUS in ARIES trines Amal’s Natal SATURN Rx at 28 LEO. This makes the blessings and the birth doubly karmic. Amal’s Natal Saturn is on the Fixed Star which was traditionally the Star of King’s and Queen’s.
Transitting SATURN, the planet traditionally associated with responsibility, maturity and everything on the material plane, like giving birth is opposite to Amal’s JUPITER in GEMINI- she was born to have twins! A Saturn-Jupiter opposition is very good. Her Natal Jupiter is conjunct to the NORTH STAR. This is another super beneficial aspect for these twin babies ot be born under.
CHIRON in PISCES is squaring Amal’s Natal JUPITER and SATURN.
Of course carrying twins is double the weight and Amal may be feeling additionally tired during this entire pregnancy. I am glad that she has been resting. Her children will be incredibly compassionate, charitable champions of the underdogs and great debaters like she is born under this aspect.
Amal was born with Mars Retrograde and Out of Bounds, a relatively rare aspect. Mars is now Out of Bounds and conjunct to Amal’s Natal Retrograde JUPITER. Mothers and fathers and their children usually do replicate the same astrology aspects and pattern, it is literally the family lineage and is an unconscious manifestation.
Transiting JUPITER is conjunct to her NATAL PLUTO in LIBRA
This is always a big positive super powered billionaire’s wealthy balanced transit.
Transitting NEPTUNE is Squaring her MOON in SAGITTARIUS and her Natal NEPTUNE
Amal must feel like she is living in a dream. She must be very careful about getting anesthesia during the birth as her body is super sensitive anyways and especially so right now.
Amal’s natal MOON is conjunct to the Great Attractor which is at 14 degrees SAGITTARIUS. It is the most powerful space anomaly there is. She can attract and manifest anything in her career as a lawyer, political activist or leader as well as in her love life. You see that she has.
The MOON, which governs a woman’s fertility and menstrual cycles and the mother is in LIBRA now and will cross Amal’s North Node @ 7 degrees LIBRA, on June 3rd, 10 hours from now it’s 1:01 am EDT as I write. This would be an incredibly positive time for her to give birth as it symbolizes a karmic fulfillment of becoming a Mother, bringing balance and double the love into her life.
I wish Amal and George Clooney all the best. It’s best to try to hold those twins in as long as she can so they can get bigger. June 3 or 4th is one of the best days for Amal to give birth. Otherwise, I have predicted the Full Moon on the 9th as another possible birth date for Amal as well as BEYONCE, as Jupiter turns DIRECT. The Moon will be in SAGITTARIUS and conjunct to AMAL’s Natal VENUS. This is another major blessing time for Amal to become a mother under.
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