The Main Astrology aspects for June 12-18
The week ahead, Main planetary events and Moon placements:
June 12 Moon enters AQUARIUS @ 4:45 pm PDT/ 7:45 pm EDT/ 11:45 pm GMT
AQUARIUS moon is a detached, Fixed, AIR element sign. Aquarius is the sign of higher consciousness, invention, lightning fast thoughts and breakthrough genius. We feel like rebelling under an Aquarius Moon, we get restless and are bored with the status quo and same old everything.
This is an airy trine that supports communications and love. It’s a good day to talk- a lot with partners on both personal and business levels. Seek answers to questions in relationships to bring them into a more positive balance.

Gemini and PISCES are mutable adaptable signs. Mercury is the mind and Pisces is the spirit. Mind directs everything, but the spirit is the basis for all. Think about your dreams, talk about them. Have an inner dialogue, write down what you want and what you don’t want. This is a good brainstorming day to listen to your moods, your intuition and your emotional and etheric body. Pay attention to your dreams on this night. Gemini is a dualistic sign and Pisces symbolizes that ALL is one. There is no duality that is just an illusion.
June 15 Moon enters PISCES @ 3:17 am PDT/ 6:17 am EDT/ 10:17 am GMT
When the Moon is in PISCES we are submerged by our emotions. It is the time of the highest psychic, intuitive, most spiritual as well as creative and dreamiest time of all the months. Compassion, charity, forgiveness, and martyrdom are at high levels. Be careful of all addictive parts of the personality under the Pisces Moon as your ability to judge realistically is off. Pay attention to your dreams under this moon as they will be especially strong.
SUN opposes SATURN in SAGITTARIUS @ 3:18 am PDT/ 6:18 am EDT/ 10:18 am GMT

Gemini SUN is dualistic, but the straight shooting arrow of the Sagittarius Centaur aims in one direction only. Saturn in any sign is always the heavyweight, his metal is lead, the densest of all. Gemini is like the wind or a butterfly. Gemini energy tends to be immature, childlike and curious for information.Saturn wants the cold hard facts. Saturn is maturing. The SUN’s opposition to Saturn can certainly lighten up the Saturn blues heaviness. And conversely, Saturn helps every nervous indecisive Gemini to make a commitment. That commitment can be to higher education, to pursuing justice, to travel, to teach, to buy a car, to get engaged or married.
June 15/16 MERCURY in GEMINI inconjuncts PLUTO in CAPRICORN

Benjamin West
All inconjuncts are between incompatible elements. It’s like the two planets are already filing for divorce. Yet this aspect as difficult as it may be to navigate requires a certain compromise to have these disparate elements and planets work together. Mercury is the mind itself, consciousness. PLUTO is the soul, the unconscious, the shadow aspects of the self. These two aspects must interconnect for wholeness to be achieved. Dialogue with your shadow, ask yourself to face the scariest parts of yourself. Opening up to your shadow allows hidden resources of energy to be tapped and transferred into consciousness. Better conscious than unconscious. This can also be done in facing the scariest aspects of those who hold power in the world.
June 16 NEPTUNE turns RETROGRADE in PISCES June 16-November 22

William Blake, Jacob’s Ladder 1806
Neptune turns our spirits, feelings, and intuitions back to review our dreams, to go back into our deep unconscious and spiritual realms to revisit old unconscious matters both positive and negative. Neptune Retrograde may bring back old nightdreams, nightmares, lovers, gurus, spiritual work, communes, charities, fears phobias and shadows. It’s a good time for therapy work especially creative therapies. Old addiction issues which we may think we’ve dealt with can come up again to haunt us. Old feelings of guilt, remorse, what you could have done may reverberate in your psyche. distinguish between things that you can change and those that you cannot. All Retrograde times are good medicine, they are healing. Practice active dreamwork, lucid dreaming and do go over dream journals during this time. Neptune in Pisces can revive an old artwork, creative project or something you need to go over and finish.
June 17 Moon enters ARIES @10:55 am PDT/1:55 pm EDT/ 5:55 pm GMT
It’s always the start of a new monthly cycle with the Moon in Aries. We are impulsive, impatient, headstrong, and rash under this month. It’s a good energy to start new projects. Aries Moon is a fiery initiating cycle. Headaches and accidents from doing things too impulsively are more likely. A love of speed and dangerous is higher now. We are feeling independent, strong willed and bossy. Anger levels are high as fuses are short. Burn off excess anger and or energy by working out, martial arts, or a heavy gym session.

This is a very important day for big ideas, inventions, revolutionary changes and freedom. Conscious breakthroughs from seeing things from a higher perspective are very strong. March to your own drummer and spark others to be free to do so as well. Join with others who are on the same wavelength and brainstorm away. You are much more brilliant than you thought.
MERCURY in GEMINI opposite SATURN in SAGITTARIUS on Father’s Day

If the SUN opposite Saturn didn’t make you commit on the 15th to something, then this aspect will. Serious ideas can be discussed with partners, mentors, or anyone older than you. Saturn symbolizes the father and it’s the perfect aspect for Father’s day. Yes talk to and communicate with your Dad. If you dad has passed on you can still talk to him. Mercury in Gemini is clever and inventive and always coming up with new ideas use them in a single pointed optimistic pursuit of higher knowledge.
Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene
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