Friday, June 7, 2013

Gemini New Moon June 8, lovers, double your pleasure

NEW MOON in GEMINI JUNE 8 @ 18+ degrees @ 8:58 am PDT/11:58 am EDT/3:58 pm GMT
Just Like M & M’s – Magical and Mercurial
GEMINI is the first human Constellation and features twins. Much star lore about twins exists in the myths of all cultures.  Gemini is always about doubles. Double or nothing, Double the energy, double your thoughts. Doppelganger’s, anyone? In the Tarot GEMINI is the Sign of The LOVERS. # 6, June is the month of LOVE. We are each sex in the other, duality is a necessary illusion.
The LOVERS Tarot Tara Greene
I found this image on TUMBLER
A light breezy,  dual natured/LOVERS, gender conscious New Moon. The NEW MOON features the Sun Moon Jupiter Mars and Athena Asteroid Goddess of Wisdom in the Dual air sign. That’s 5 “planets” in Yin/Yang relationships.
Mercury the ruler of Gemini is in Cancer focusing all that Mental Floss through EMO. We are “finking”  sensitive, feeling, your tummy will tell you. That’s Emotional Intelligence we need .
It’s more like Em & M’s.
MERCURY, the ruler of GEMINI and those 5 featured “planets” was also known as HERMES in Greek.  Mercury is the patron god of financial gain, comMERCe, also his name is in the word MERCenary. He  rules eloquent speech and  poetry, messages/communication , including divination, travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery and thieves. Busy he is, as he is a  Psychopomp, a  guide for souls into the Underworld. 
 Mercury God Astrology Tara Greene
Mercury, like HERMES wears lovely winged shoes and a winged  hat, and carries a caduseus, a staff with two entwined snakes that the Sun God Apollo gifted him. This is the same symbol modern Doctor’s use, it is a symbol of Kundalini-snake energy, and the major chakra’s – which have 3 channels. Mercury is also a healer. He was often accompanied by a rooster, a ram or goat, for action and fertility, and a tortoise, as Mercury invented the ancient musical instrument the lyre from a tortoise shell.
So all of MERCURY”S aspects and talents would be involved in any GEMINI {or VIRGO} lunar influence.
This NEW MOON carries an undertow wallop as MERCURY- who leads the pack at 11 degrees Cancer is opposed to Pluto Retrograde at 10 degrees Capricorn and square to Uranus at 12 degrees ARIES. We need to bring our souls, actions, ideas and feelings into harmony. The outlet of the T is the invisible opposite at 10-12 degrees LIBRA.  We may find what we begin on this NEW MOON bears fruit in the Fall when the Sun or other planets cross that point. If you have planets, angles, etc. at any of these CARDINAL points ,use this time to bring your mind into your gut feelings. BIG changes are happening for you, you know it in your gut.
Mars and Athena square Neptune urging you to intuit your dreams, Athena’s totem is the wise owl sits on her shoulder. Pay close attention to your dreams.
We are moving from AIR signs into WATER the summer of 2013.
The NEW MOON features the ongoing GRAND WATER TRINES of SATURN in Scorpio Neptune in Pisces and VENUS in Cancer.
The NEW MOON conjuncts RIGEL the brightest Star in the constellation of ORION, the 6th brightest star in the skies. Rigel facilitates the integration of spirit within matter, like the myth of the hero twins of GEMINI to connect head and heart.
RIGEL is know world-wide as a navigation star. 
You must get a sense that you and the “opposite sex” can transform and  become ONE, the other, that is the only way to be able to love. When you love yourself you can love another, and allow yourself to be loved.
Visualize your consciousness blending equally with your heart. This is NEW consciousness, blended, balanced. heart and mind. Mind divides, but mind and heart is balanced. THINK from your heart.
Put on your winged hat and shoes and fly around busy open, opstimistic, ever curious.
IF I WERE A BOY by BEYONCE   If I were a boy Beyonce

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