Saturday, April 7, 2012

Scorpio moon sex power resurrection astrology rituals

Perfect alignment with DEATH, REBIRTH, TRANSFORMATION, RESURRECTION of these days
Entry @ 8:18 am PDT/ 11:18 EDT entry point
Scorpio the 8th sign symbolizes the immortal SOUL. Scorpio the 2nd water sign is concerned with all the Biggies, major life issues like sex, power, control, the shadow, death, rebirth, so it is totally a fitting emotional alignment for EASTER.

Easter or EOSTRE {  female ovulation} is an ancient PAGAN fertility festival. The egg and rabbits are fertility itself. These symbols have been added to Christs' ancient Archetypal tale of death and rebirth.  Ancient religions had the Goddess' son or consort, mate with her, and then be ritually tortured and sacrificed in order to resurrect the earth's new crops, the Goddess’s fertility.
During the Passover ritual one eats bitter herbs, to commemorate how bitter life has been for the Jews who were slaves for 300 years.  There is ritual dipping of   fingers into blessed wine and dropping a drop for each plague that God sent on Pharaoh and the Egyptians. One eats hard boiled eggs as fertility symbols, eats sweet crushed apples and honey with bitter radish to remember that life is the sweet and the bitter. This is a wise way to remember, by ritually making the memories physical, eating the memories digests them.
Allow yourself to be with the lunar tides, on the birth death resurrection themed super moon. Feel the full Moons’ lingering influence as soulful emotions ooze into the ethers.
Whatever cross you have had to bare, has you nailed to, hung up on…Where have you felt you were the sacrificial victim of YOUR OWN making, first? The someone else involved is only a projection, real but a reflection, like the moon, a  mirror of yourself.
By being real, open, coming from DEEP within your soul, this depth allows love, understanding, compassion and tears, are the golden tickets you need to learn from it. You can then, with consciousness and responsability,  acceptance and surrender, easily let go of those old rusty nails that you wept on while nailed down.
Allow death to work for you, surrender and compost that which no longer serves your new emerging self and bring rebirth into a new life.
Like the Passover, gather symbols of things that remind you, it can be food, items, photographs, music, whatever triggers those feelings around power, powerlessness, control, letting go, sex, money, abuses, shadows, revenge, hatred, obsession, competition, all Scorpio themes.
Allow the old karmic traps, soul cages and wounds to be understood, acknowledged and surrendered at this time. Allow yourself to pass over, to pass them on, to be over it.
Time and consciousness are expanding very quickly now. By simply creating a big pile of all the old memories, like crunched up old newspapers, and turning them into bubbles, allowing them to float away on a soft spring breeze. Like magic, Presto! You are healed, you are lighter,  free.
In some ways it can be as simple as that. Scorpio is about control of your feelings, your power. Allow the new to call your name, a name you may not recognize yet.
April 7 was my mother’s birthday. Thinking of you mom…
NOTE: I am currently presenting workshops in soulfully re-naming yourself. To schedule a reading. I will help guide you to your real name, your truth, who you stand for.

Copyright Tara Greene 2012-infinity

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