One of the greatest scientific minds a brilliant theorist on physics in our lifetime Stephen Hawking passed away March 14, 2018, at 76 years of age peacefully at his home in Cambridge England surrounded by his family.

Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease in 1963 at the age of 21 and given two years to live. He got married and continued to work tirelessly fathering three children with his wife.
A was a world famous brilliant theorist on black holes and the nature of the universe. In 1985 a life-saving tracheotomy saved his life but he lost his voice. He fought his disease bravely using a synthesizer to speak with one cheek muscle. I am grateful that I got to see the amazing Mr. Hawking in person in 1974 in Washington D.C.
His book A Brief History of Time sold over 10 million copies and was on the British Sunday Times best-seller list for a record-breaking 237 weeks.
Let's look at Mr. Hawking’s Astrology chart. I know he did not believe in Astrology or God.
Born January 8, 1942, in Oxford England- no birth time. Astrologer Noel Tyl has rectified Hawking’s birth time to 10:00 am BST. I am using that time but not talking about house placements.
Hawking was born on the 300th anniversary of the death of famous ASTRONOMER Galileo Galilei who Hawking said he felt close to. I believe there is a past life significance there-read on. January 8th is also the birthday of David Bowie and Elvis Presley in other years. Transits at the time of death are in green.

Stephen Hawking was a very determined earthy CAPRICORN ruled by the planet SATURN which gives maturity and seniority.Stephen Lived to an old age with a disease which kills most of the afflicted off young. He became a hero to those with disabilities. Stephen had to deal with the hard reality of the ravages of the disease for most of his adult life had 8 planets in EARTH SIGNS and many RETROGRADE planets
His Sun at 17 Capricorn was conjunct Asteroid ATHENA the strategist alongside MERCURY the brilliant trickster communicator.
This describes Hawking’s charisma will and intellect.
His MOON symbolizing his mother, instincts, modest temperament intuition and his health was @ 24 degrees VIRGO the sign of intellect, perfectionism, and organized workaholics.
Hawking’s MOON was conjunct NEPTUNE the planet of dreamers, idealists, creative people and romantics. Hawking was a very practical down to earth dreamer.
His highest spiritual goal in life @14 degrees Virgo is conjunct the Asteroid PSYCHE indicating the depth of practical in-depth soulful insights he brought in through his work.
His SOUTH NODE in PISCES @14 degrees indicates his past life as a very spiritual or religious person someone who was cloistered. He brought that creative imagination and dreamy spirit who had much compassion into this world. He could have been a very highly realized yogi who was totally detached from the world. His karmic lesson was to be scientific, anti-religious and thoroughly embodied. He also believed in Aliens.
Hawking’s SOUTH NODE sextiles his SUN, inconjunct CHIRON in LEO
This is a past life affliction. Hawking needed to heal his karmic wound by being the World’s Wounded Healer.
JUPITER the planet of expansion, teaching, and international travel squares his Nodes in GEMINI Retrograde at 12 degrees. Hawking was famous for having a childlike curiosity. “I am just a child who has never grown up. I still keep asking these ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions. Occasionally, I find an answer.”
JUPITER in GEMINI is the sign of great communicators. This aspect kept him young and could be part of the explanation for Hawking living so long. He could be very charming, had a dual nature, and the gift of communicating dualistic ideas.
VENUS @ 20 degrees AQUARIUS
His love of ideas, of being scientific and detached. A love of the STARS-Aquarius is a human sign pouring cosmic consciousness- the vast Universe which Aquarius symbolizes onto the earth. Hawking was a complete AQUARIAN original. An outsider, an inventive pioneer who sought to go to places no scientist had been before. He was always going to break the rules and live his life his way. He defied the doctor’s diagnosis.
VENUS squares his SATURN RETROGRADE @ 21 Taurus
ALGOL was traditionally the Star with the worst reputation in the skies and brings affliction. This SATURN-URANUS conjunction indicates a radical rule breaker and echoes the later Saturn Uranus oppositions in the mid-60’s when he was diagnosed with the disease. This aspect indicates body karma. Hawking lost the ability to speak in 1985 and Venus TAURUS and the throat. He used computer technology a Uranian item to speak with.
VENUS opposite CHIRON, the Wounded Healer in LEO squaring SATURN in TAURUS
Hawking certainly embodied that for the world. He couldn’t heal himself but used his brilliant willpower to overcome his disease. Stephen was destined to be famous. He was a charismatic, childlike, brilliant, original and stubborn as an ox.
This Grand Earth trine gave Stephen incredible strength, stability, patience, long life and earthly blessings of all kinds of rewards for his hard work.
MARS @ 28 degrees ARIES indicated the incredible energy levels he had. He was brash, risk-taking, competitive, wanting to live life on the edge and to be number one.
He had a brilliant razor-sharp wit and fast mind. He could be selfish and totally absorbed in his is work. Hawking said he was glad he got to live in his mind.
MARS inconjunct the MOON NEPTUNE in VIRGO
This indicates Hawking’s driven focus for his work to overcome his health issues. He was a romantic deep down and stated that the universe has no meaning without loved ones in it.
Hawking’s groundbreaking theories on Black Holes are clearly seen because he was totally intuitively tuned into them.
PLUTO is conjunct CHIRON opposite his MERCURY opposite CERES in AQUARIUS squaring MARS in ARIES
This is a super-powered T-square. Hawking was fueled by his drive for success with a sometimes maniacal willpower.
Asteroid Gehrig #5891 @ 23 SCORPIO
Asteroid #5891 is named after the famous baseball player Lou Gehrig who is associated with ALS the disease Hawking had. Gehrig died in 1941 the year before Hawking’s birth. I was curious to see how this asteroid played out in Hawking’s chart.
Asteroid Gehrig is in SCORPIO opposite his Natal SATURN/URANUS in TAURUS and square to his Natal VENUS in AQUARIUS. This explains his destiny to have this disease.
At his DEATH March 14, 2018, early in the A.M. GMT
Stephen was under numerous powerful transits.
URANUS in ARIES exactly transiting his Natal MARS in ARIES and Inconjunct his Natal MOON/NEPTUNE
This is unexpected energy which acted quickly. Hawking may not have been conscious when he passed.
Pluto the planet of death and rebirth had been applying to Hawking’s SUN for the last two years. Pluto was TRINING his Natal VIRGO MOON indicating health issues and the love of his family and children who he became close to again after his divorce from his second wife. PLUTO trining his NATAL SATURN and URANUS in TAURUS. His GRAND TRINE was empowered. He left the world satsified.
Transiting SATURN planet of Death in CAPRICORN inconjunct his NATAL PLUTO in LEO.
Stephen always lived every day as if it was his last.
JUPITER in SCORPIO @ 23 degrees
Jupiter turned RETROGRADE on MARCH 8 exactly on Hawking’s Asteroid Gehrig indicating his succumbing to the disease.
Hawking was an atheist was ironically blessed by planet NEPTUNE at his death.
NEPTUNE rules PISCES it was conjunct to his SOUTH NODE @14 degrees PISCES opposite his NORTH NODE in VIRGO.
This indicates that Stephen Hawking has gone back to spirit the same way he came in. PISCES rules the unconscious, the spiritual creative wholeness which all life originated from. I am sure that he is happy knowing that his consciousness did not end at his death but will continue on. His work-his North Node in VIRGO will certainly live on.
BTW GALILEO was born February 15, 1564, in the Julian Calendar at 3:31 P.M. in Pisa Italy. When looking for past life connections one would look for contacts to Hawkings’ South or North Node and PLUTO.
Stephen Hawking’s SOUTH NODE was 14 degrees PISCES. GALILEO’s SUN was @ 6 degrees PISCES his MERCURY @12, and PLUTO @13 degrees PISCES. This is so obvious a synchronicity as to be almost unbelievable. Pluto symbolizes the soul.
Thank you, Stephen Hawking for bringing your incredible spirit into this world.
Please share widely. All writing is copyright of Tara Greene.
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