We have Five times the Psychic power now

As SUN enters PISCES Feb 18th the Luminary joins MERCURY in Pisces and VENUS exalted in PISCES and NEPTUNE ruler of Pisces and CHIRON too we have FIVE TIMES the psychic dreaming and spiritual power available.
Five planets in PISCES feels like we are overflowing with our emotions with compassion inner visioning dreaming creativity and oversensitivity. PISCES is the last and most spiritual of all the signs; deeply feminine the symbol of the womb the ocean and the formless source of all creation. It is hidden and mysterious-a sign of retreat. It would be a great time to step back and go within. Do a mini-vision quest go to a retreat or yoga retreat. Spend time painting quietly reading spiritual text chanting and doing mantras will soothe your weary over stimulated worldly soul.
Five planets in PISCES greatly enhances our psychic skills; open up our third eyes makes us easily telepathic and tuned into our soul mates and those we love more keenly.
The number 5 and the PENTAGRAM the sigil most associated with pagans and witches is actually the ancient symbol of planet VENUS demarcation her 8-year cycle points. So this is a perfect QUINTUPLE VENUS symbol/sigil. VENUS and NEPTUNE are both in their strengths.
Five planets in PISCES enhances our psychic skills; open up our third eyes makes us easily telepathic and tuned into our soul mates and those we love.
We will feel very compassionate until March 6th when both Mercury and VENUS leave PISCES. We will be feeling all the violence and imbalance in the world much stronger. you may need to make sure that you have extra strong boundaries.
Use this time well to work with your dreams. They will be extremely vivid with a long stretch of time to be easily pulled into the Dreamtime at will.
Feb 21 VENUS conjuncts NEPTUNE the most romantic idealistic day of the year
Feb. 25 MERCURY CONJUNCTS NEPTUNE also a key date for meditation praying creativity and dreaming.
Feb. 27 VENUS sextiles PLUTO which also enhances the ability to go to Pluto’s domain the Underworld or dreamworld.
This is a triple blast of PISCES energy. The conjunction with Chiron indicated a great healing in the collective unconscious.
I would use these dates specifically.
“Buddha Shakyamuni often told his disciples to regard all phenomena as dreams. He used many examples, like an echo, a city in the clouds or a rainbow to illustrate the illusory nature of the phenomenal world. Dreams represent just one type of illusion. The whole universe arises and dissolves like a mirage. Everything about us, even the most enlightened qualities, are also dreamlike phenomena. There’s nothing that is not encompassed within the dream of illusory being; so in going to sleep, you’re just passing from one dream state to another.” – Shugchang, Padma (editor); Sherab, Khenchen Palden & Dongyal, Khenpo Tse Wang (2000). A Modern Commentary on Karma Lingpa’s Zhi-Khro: teachings on the peaceful and wrathful deities. Padma Gochen Ling. Source: [1] (accessed: December 27, 2007)
Here are some pointers on how to induce Lucid Dreaming
Yes there are various schools of Dream Yoga or Lucid Dream Teachings or meditations from many cultures. The practice of Tibetan Dream Yoga requires certain Mudras or hand positions meditations mantras breathing and practice practice practice. Carlos Castenada in his books about the Yaqui shamans of Northern Mexico talked about various techniques they used to induce being able to time travel and specific medicine planets as well to go into other dimensions and lose time in the normal temporal world. The Australian Aborigines are the great masters of the Dream Time. Every indigenous culture would have their own dreaming techniques as this is the most ancient spirituality there is. Related to shamanistic techniques for being able to travel through the various worlds. There are anthropology books written about this. There are books on incubating Lucid Dream teachings to know how to be awake in your night dreams conscious that you are dreaming and being able to direct your dream ego or soul. It is always about your intention you can incubate that thought before you go to sleep at night.
Practically you can listen to binaural beats chanting mantras and specific resonances of sounds or traditional native drumming to induce shamanic trances are also techniques that could be used. You don’t have to be asleep to time travel or go into dream worlds or other dimensions. You can do this in a “waking Dream” or meditation. You would first smudge or cleanse your aura. You can sit in nature by a tree meditate and ask to go into the future. You need to read learn to meditate get grounded then practice practice practice. There are techniques to wake yourself up in the middle of the night to recall a dream then to go back into the dream and pick it up. It takes a lot of spiritual mental and emotional clarity to be able to steer your dream soul where you want it to go. Often we do go into other dimensions and possible futures in dreams and forget. A Deja Vu can also be a dream recall when you are awake. Happy Visioning and Dreaming.
Please share widely so that more can learn.
All writing is copyright of Tara Greene unless otherwise indicated.
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