Rare Galactic Center New Moon Karma Clearing

Dec.17th @10:30 p.m PST/ DEC.18 @1:30 a.m/ 6:30 a.m. GMT
This is one of the most profoundly optimistic Karmic New Moons in many. With the Sun and MOON conjunct serious planet Saturn at the 29th degree; ending his past 2.5 years gallop through the fiery optimistic sign of politics foreigners travel immigrants judges and truth we are being told to grow up and learn the lessons of that journey. This brings to a close a cycle which began in 1988.
This is an amazing moment that won’t come round again for the next 29-30 years. Saturn planet of karma crossing the Galactic Center for the last few months and is now sitting at the last critical degree of SAGITTARIUS. If you were born in 1988 you are having a SUPER SAGITTARIAN SATURN return.
Saturn was opposite this point in 2002-2003 and you may want to look at what was happening in your life 14-15 years ago to find what you began then which is now half over.
The SAGITTARIUS DARK MOON Stellium with SUN MOON MERCURY Retro. +VENUS and of course Old father Time Satan asks us to get serious grow up make a long-term business plan but keep our sense of humor.
This is the most opportune time to GO GALACTIC. The vast BLACK HOLE at the Galactic Center; 24-28 thousand Light Years away is the cosmic vagina of our Galaxy. It is the source of higher consciousness. It is the veil between the worlds a gigantic void which swallows stars and crunches all matter into oblivion.
Take time to meditate to send your energy and intentions to the Galactic Center and explore.
This Galactic Cosmic Trash compacter gives us a huge opportunity to release anything that we have outworn and send it into the Void. You must do this using all four levels or elementals. Fire is spirit and energy action. Water is emotions; Air is intention consciousness and EARTH is physical.
Build an altar using all the 4 elements. Prepare in advance and write down everything you wish to release. You first need to understand emotionally spiritually and intellectually what the positive intention of learning these lessons has been for you. There can be an epiphany or lightning bolt of realization from this Galactic window of opportunity. When you feel ready. You must thank all the people involved in these lessons. You can thank your teachers and angels guides and assistants. You must see the value that your soul has gained from it. Then you can visualize taking all of the energy mentally emotionally physically and spiritually and send it into the Galactic Center.
Once you have done this feel the cleansing the fabulous emptiness spaciousness and clarity. Bask in this feeling. It is like being a newborn baby. Spend as much time as you like feeling lighter and renewed by the Truth of Sagittarius trust in a better future.
When you feel ready see your entire being on all levels rebooted shiny and new revitalized and ready to go into the next part of the journey with SATURN entering his home sign of CAPRICORN DECEMBER 19/20th.
In effect this DARK MOON ushers in a 4-day rebirthing journey as we shift gears into a new earthy reality.
SATURN in CAPRICORN December 19 @ 8:48 pm PST/ 11:48 pm EST December 20th @ 4:48 pm GMT till December 17 2020.
SOLSTICE is DECEMBER 21 @ 8:27 am PST/ 11:27 am EST/4:27 pm GMT
A new seasonal quarter begins. This is the shortest day of light in the Northern Hemisphere and the longest in the Southern. Christmas is based on the ancient pagan celebrations of the Return of the Light or SUN/Son which was integrated into the new religious beliefs of Christianity.
The SUN and SATURN conjunct on the 21st @ 1:08 pm PST/4:08 pm EST/ 9:08 pm GMT.
This is a serious double Capricorn timestamp.
The NEW MOON is squared by CHIRON in PISCES.
This is a truly karmic healing time. Chiron at 24 degrees PISCES helps us to release old karmic baggage and bring it to the G.C. to release it. This may be a painful time and many people are feeling exhausted by Saturn’s heavy lessons Feeling vulnerable and sharing our pain and our truths make us stronger. Opening up to our shame; the places where we have been broken allows the Light to enter and healing to begin. PISCES is the sign of oneness. Sharing our Sagittarian truths inspires others. If one person heals we all heal. The #MeToo movement was certainly a testament to that.
The chart ruler of this New moon is JUPITER in SCORPIO @ the 15th degree
Jupiter is alongside VESTA the GODDESS of sacred sexuality at this Dark Moon.There is an opportunity for great sexual healing. I will write about that separately. All the sexual allegations are emanating from Jupiter expanding and opening up all the dark dirty sexual secrets. Truth liberty and the pursuit of Justice are all SAGITTARIAN themes. We will need to keep fighting every day for the rights of women; the truth; justice; and to keep from having history rewritten to suit whoever is in power.
These fiery Goddesses who are disruptors warrior Goddesses and lovers of freedom are strengthening the battle for freedom.
PLUTO at 18 degrees is now in a Cardinal square with URANUS and ERIS + Athena
This square reawakens the Cardinal Squares of 2012-2015 on a higher level. With ERIS expect chaos disruption of “norms.” Everything is being made new.
We must follow our hearts and CERES helps us to make home in our hearts. We must love and cherish our children our strengths and our abilities to shine; each one of us like a star.
Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene
get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.comTara Greene Tarot Astrology Psychic Consultant
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