February 25 your Karma is multiplied for good or negative 10 million times.
Tibetan Buddhists celebrate the First Full Moon of the New Year of the Black Water Snake
it is the GREAT PRAYER FESTIVAL and Day of Miracles honoring the final display by the Buddha.
so be very aware of every thought you think and every word you say, SUN IN PISCES
every wish you send out is magnified 10,000,000 times.Turn your karma into dharma.
Ask not for yourself as wealth, spiritual wealth is all that counts.
The spiritual wealth will manifest as material wealth.
Pi ratio is divine harmony and seas/sces a pun for waters,oceans, unconscious.
Send out benevolence and compassion,see yourself as an EARTH ANGEL this is a VIRGO FULL MOON at 7+ degrees
BE THE LIGHT, The Light loves all the darkness and by that transforms it
Virgo is naturally the 6th house of service to others, work, pets, health, community.
Good day to access your health, diet and make whatever adjustments.
This Full Moon squares the November 28 LUNAR ECLIPSE at 7 degrees GEMINI/SAGITTARIUS
intuition inspiration and insights will be apparent right now especially for those born around Nov 28-29, May 28/29
and those PISCES And VIRGOS born Feb 25/26 and Aug 28/29
with Sun Neptune Chiron Mars and Retro Mercury all in Pisces in the natural 12th house.
VENUS is at 29 degrees of Aquarius and entering PISCES at 6:03 pm PST/9:03 pm EST tonight
making 6 planets in PISCES SPIRITUAL WATER SIGN, 12th house womb.
Submerge yourself in the HOLY WATERS of purification, self-love, self-acceptance, compassion
BE THE BUDDHA. Meditate on this day
RITUAL of purification to remove all negative Karma
Astrologically at 7:51 pm PST/10:51 pm EST
The VIRGO Moon at 11 degrees sextiles SATURN Lord of Karma @ 11 degrees SCORPIO which also sextiles PLUTO at 11 degrees CAPRCICORN
that’s 11 11 11
LIGHT CANDLES have bowls of water and beautiful flowers and incense,
use rose-water, lavender oil or Florida water from PERU if you have it to anoint yourself
aromatherapy uplifts your senses, Lavender is a protective
Call in the 4 directions and 4 elements starting in the east and always moving clock wise.
East = fire, South= water, West= earth North – air
some traditions do it differently, follow what works for you. On the West coast the ocean is in the West,
Breathe deeply follow the breath
put on meditative music I will put a playlist of spiritual music
Apply rose-water,lavender, or other pure oil to your 3rd eye and then on your heart and touch all your chakras starting from your feet
and going up. PISCES rules the feet.ending with the Crown chakra on top of your head.
Call in the Buddha you dont have to be Buddhist to do this.
The Buddha is non-denominational, visualize Shakyamuni in front of you
see him staring at you feel his total compassion for you,
ask you stare at him and feel the enlightenment emanating form his being
tell yourself you are now ready to release all your karma all suffering and ignorance
releasing all harm to self and others,
so that you may awaken quickly for the sake of all sentient beings. That is the Bodhisattva prayer,.
loving kindness is the root of what the Buddha Teaches
feel the toxins negative thoughts, 7 deadly sins leaving your mind and body
until you feel like an open vessel take as much time as you need
keep your consciousness in your heart chakra- this is the brain,the mind in Buddhism.
then state to yourself out loud that you are ready to receive enlightenment
non-duality, essence, cleansing and purification,
that you know you are already Enlightened and nothing exists outside of self.
You and the entire Universe are ONE>
send blessings for all beings who are suffering, animals, children, trees, the oceans,
it is all oceanic consciousness
really feel yourself expand to become the heart of the Universe.
Vow to do,one act every day to send love to someone, one-act of charity, compassion, help, assistance.
“Our hands imbibe like roots, so I place them on what is beautiful in this world…. And I fold them in prayer, and they draw from the heavens Light.”
– St Francis of Assisi
Be in the samadhi state, for as long as you wish.
every wish you send out is magnified 10,000,000 times.
and all comes back to you.
gatay – means beyond.
When you feel ready come out of your meditation.
give thanks
P.S. it is also the memorial birthday of George Harrison who would have been 70 years old today. George was a huge bridge from East to West
bringing Ravi Shankar’s Indian sitar music into western consciousnses. Sitar music means music of the stars, names after Goddess Tara, which is both my spiritual name and a transliteration of my middle birth name.
also ANANDA GIRI The Oneness Meditation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9uVYkpHJdw
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