Monday, March 26, 2012

March 26 Venus Jupiter Moon Big Lucky Love Wishes Ritual

That's Bernadette Peters singing When You Wish Upon A Star the Walt Disney version of Pinocchio in 1940.

This song is totally THE ONE for this special alignment of the Moon, our emotions, longing, feelings Venus, Love, and Jupiter big gifts! in Taurus

this evening. {Tropical astrology}

Venus IS that beautiful Evening "Star" Planet of women, love, art, beauty, luxury, values, considered to BE the Goddess herself by the Ancient

Greeks, Venus is in her home domain of earthy, practical, sensual, real, "the tools" TAURUS. She is at her strongest now.

Jupiter, King of the Gods, the Big Kahuna, distributes Good, Optimism, High Hopes, adventure, he's kind of like Santa Claus, Jovial, upbeat, he’s the good humour man. When Jupiter crosses your sign once every twelve years is your Big Lucky Time! You wanna do it big? You invoke King Jupiter.

The Moon, the planet of women, the ocean's tides, everyone's moods, feelings, instincts; unconscious motivations, bringer of dreams, sex, {usually at

night} fantasies, reveries, rules cycles of time, and fertility. Werewolves too.

Put 'em all together and you've got one sweet fat chance at a Make a wish Love- In

At twilight go outside in the west you'll see the brighter one closest to the moon is Venus, Jupiter is below and they will all be hanging under

Underneath the umbrella of the very famous 7 stars known as the Pleiades.

The Pleiades are among the first stars mentioned in literature, appearing in Chinese annals of around 2350 BC, Called MAO. Spoken of in the

Bible, as Khimah, and known to Arabic Astronomers, and in Iran. In Pakistan Urdu language their name "Parvin" means Beauty. The Ancient

Greek Hesiod noted them in 1000 BC as did Homer in the Iliad, they called them the flock of doves.

The Lakota Native American peoples and Aborigines in Australia claim their ancestors were star people who came from the Pleiades.

The Japanese carmaker Subaru is named after the 7 stars in their honor.

In Theosophy the 7 sisters focus the 7 spiritual rays. The Billy Meir case claims he was contacted by Pleiadians.

Many famous channellers claim to receive messages from these stars, Barabara Hand Clow and Barbara Marciniak and many many others.


Go outside at twilight, face west and connect with the beautiful Moon Jupiter Venus and Pleiades

You will need some corn meal if you have some, you can substitute popping corn, if you don’t have these you can use rice,

Give thanks for the beauty you see before you,

Close your eyes and begin to breathe slower, and watch your breath,

Be aware of your in breath and out breath,

Open your eyes again and give thanks for the beauty of the Moon Venus and Jupiter and the 7 stars, you see before you,

Holding the grains of corn or rice in your left hand, place it upon your heart,

Breathe into your heart, feel your heart expand,

Bring your right hand up and cross it over your left so that your hand makes wings over your heart chakra

Take as much time as you like to do this,

When you feel ready, and with real depth and emotion, from your heart true, say

I give thanks for the unconditional love and beauty of my Beloved,

He/she is within my heart, within my spirit,

Within my body within my soul,

Within my mind,

From all time, for all time,

We are eternally One, in love, joyous,

Giving and receiving the abundance

Of all the blessings of the universe

For ourselves and for the benefit of all others.

In the prayers we always say thanks for what already IS

Even if it seems you are all alone, destitute, unloved, a failure,

That is only the apparent dream/reality

It is not the entire truth of who you are,

So it is best to be open and non-specific, allow the Universe to take care of it,

When you are finished, you give sincere thanks of gratitude and offer the corn or rice

To the Mother Earth as a thanks giving return offering. For there is always a give and take.

Be sure that under this powerful Moon venues Jupiter Pleiades conjunction

Your Practical, stubborn, earthy, sensual wishes will be answered.

VENUS is the Real hi lite of 2012.

All the psudo-hype over the end of the Mayan calendar is an actual falsehood, that Galactic Centre alignment stuff happens every year,

One of the events that the ancient Mayan foretold is the crossing of Venus in front of the Sun on June 5-6 2012.
So better start working with the goddess now.

Need help?

Where is Venus in your Natal chart? And Jupiter and the Moon? Find out how the big 3 affecting your love, luck and feelings personally.

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