This Mercury Retro during holiday season is enough to drive anyone a bit wacko. If you havent realized how late in the year it is its OK. Time has been getting faster and faster and most of us are in the same boat. Just wait to do whatever Holiday shopping until after Mercury planet of communications turns direct on Dec 13th @ 5:43 pm PDT. But again things wont be totally smooth in the communications dept. until Mercury gets back to where it was when it turned Retrograde at 20 degrees plus of Sagittarius on Jan 1st 2012.
MAKE YOUR NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS AFTER JAN 1ST! If you plan to get any results.
Dec 10 Lunar Eclipse Gemini Full Moon occurs @ 6:38 am PST/ 9:38 am EDT/ 2:38 pm GMT
watch the animation of it here.
An Lunar Eclipse is a new beginning in emotional responses and instinctual habit patterns. The MOON rules the Unconscious,the shadows, the instincts,the people themselves. A Lunar eclipse is a SuPER DUPER FULL MOON. IT’s energy changes the fluctuations in the electro-magnetic fields. consciousness changes, old emotional programs can be erased. Eclipses mark important turning points and opportunities to grow.
Lunar Eclipses brings out SUPER werewolves, and makes you want to howl at the moon.
A Retrograde GEMINI LUNAR ECLIPSE is what this one is as Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and it is in RETROGRADE phase. Hmm. With the twins in shadow land this should be very interesting. It is considered to be a karmic phase as we are going over old ingrained conscious pattern of duality, separation, and oppositions. This is totally fitting after the 11:11:11 barely one month ago.
Squared by Mars in Virgo the sign which the Retrograde Mercury also rules. The message should be. OFF with yer head. That is forget all that head stuff, that Mercury rules and trust your guts totally. Mercury because of its retrograde influence will abide in Sagittarius sign of truth for doubly long a time moving through the arche from Nov 2 to JAn. 8 2012 which gives us an extra long time to expand out horizons, gallop off into the sunset, and grasp the higher truth, all with a sense of humour.
HI YO SILVER { moon}
An interesting light and shadow play. Get out the Indonesian shadow puppets to act this message out.
Shadow means, you know all those disowned and projected out parts of ourselves that we haven’t integrated, blessed accepted or loved yet.
occurring at 18 degrees of Gemini, obviously Gemini’s, Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo’s will feel the effects most. If your birthday occurs on or around Dec 10, June 10, March 10 or Sept 10. EFFECTS of eclipses lasts 6 ,months to one year. Also affects countries, cities, companies born inand around these dates.
Some countries which will be affected: These are their Independence Days:
June 6 SWEDEN. June 12 the PHILLIPINES get the direct Gemini Eclipse conjunction
FINLAND Dec 6. KAZHAKSTAN Dec 16. SOUTH KOREA on Dec 11 is the closest with the opposition.
NORTH KOREA on Sept 9, MACEDONIA, Sept. 8, NICARAGUA and GUATEMALA on Sept. 15, COSTA RICA sept 15,MEXICO Sept. 16 all get the Square from the Eclipse which applies pressure.
Watch all these countries issues to be front and centre in 2012.
NEPTUNE is I Tunes
Go to Neptune to try to tune in. The Mayan Calendar has ended already. It’s all about creating your own reality and opening up to Higher reality. Life is just a dream, so let Neptune be your guide.
Neptune is at 28 degrees of Aquarius, opposite the Fixed star Regulus which by the way has just entered VIRGO for the first time in 2,160 years!!!
REGULUS Aka ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL, healer of the Heart,
The “FIXED STAR” known as the Heart of the LIon, has moved out of LEO, and into Zero degrees of Virgo. directly opposite Neptune and Chiron the wounded Healer. More than the Mayan calendar in some ways a star ingressing into a new sign and element is a very big new show. A factual, real, verifiable, astronomically correct and approved one. OK OK this is Tropical astrology. It’s what most western astrologer use and it works.
URANUS the revolutionary planet who is behind the Arab spring is also still at that ZERO degree point of ARIES and will be Direct on Dec 9th just in time for the eclipse. Direct at Uranus, sounds a bit….
Jupiter is at ZERO degrees of TAURUS also Retrograde. Turning DIRECT on Christmas Eve, which is December 25 for the non Catholics and all you atheists. Jupiter rules the Sign of Sagittarius and Pisces traditionally.
Chiron just moved from ZERO degrees of PISCES on Dec 7th.
Saturn is opposite Jupiter during the eclipse, Saturn is at 26 degrees of Libra.
Mercury is at 4 degrees of Sagittarius having just crossed the Fixed Star Antares. Mercury the ruler of the eclipse is also squaring Uranus. Mercury is the earthy or real messenger, URANUS is considered to be the higher calling of Mercury, the Higher messenger, the one who takes you higher, the one who relates to quantum physics, future ideas, breakthroughs in consciousness.
So expect much more revolution,division, dissolving of boundaries both real and imagined.
ECLIPSES run in major cycles.
The last lunar eclipse closes to this degree was at 18 degrees 12 minutes of Sagittarius on December 9, 1992,the exact same degree as this one.
So where were you then? what was inspiring you then? what were your dreams and goals that you aspired to?
Dream bigger dreams with the Sun in Sagittarius, Tell the truth. Aim higher. Know you are connected to a much bigger Galactic Picture. Gemini is actually the principle of RELATIONSHIPS. seeming duality. The universe can’t know itself, experience itself if it can’t mirror back to itself. We are the very mirror of Universal Intelligence and Love. The Gemini eclipse point s the way for us to look deep into the mirror of Self in everything, every particle even in most of the dark matter in the Universe to find G*D our very Selves there and here. The twins, the polarity.
P.S. my husband, Artist Napoleon Brousseau pointed out today that we live in a bi-polar world, we have a North pole and a south pole. I know bi-polar is the “flavour of the month.” don’t worry about it. Don’t allow yourself to be labeled.
All is one. There is no other. no shadow.
Gemini Lunar Eclipse. says meditate on NON-DUALITY, on Self and other,
Cat Stevens sings MOONSHADOW
Need a guide? I can help, astrology coaching, timing of events, career relationship, just ask.
Celebrating 20 years of professional quality readings. SPECIAL oFFERS for the HOLIDAY AND NEW YEAR 2012.
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