Friday, July 12, 2013

10 EZY steps to dream healing and Lucid dreaming

 I feel that if you're like me that you have been having more vivid than usual dreams lately. Mine certainly have been.
DO YOU Keep track of your dreams? I’ve been keeping dream journals since I was a teenager. I have organized dream groups off and on for almost 20 years. I love and am fascinated by DREAMS.
These days you can use a voice activated recording device by your bed. You’d be amazed what jewels spill out of the mouths of sleeping dreamers. I want your feedback on your dreams.

PLEASE leave comments & questions about your dreams and what they mean.

DREAMS are the Royal Road of the SOUL according to Carl Jung and the basis for healing.  In Ancient  Greece if you were ill you would make your way to the Asclepius,where astrologers and diviner priests and priestesses would give patients herbs, and hallucinogens and one would stay in the Asclepion being treated and waiting every night for the HEALING DREAM to come, after which when the contents were integrated, one was healed.
My husband Napoleon Brousseau was near death from brain malaria in Indonesia years ago,this was before we were together. He had luckily had medicine to counteract it but he was in a very remote place and the doctor’s told him that there wasn’t anything more they could do for him, and they basically told his friend that he only had a few days to live they expected. He was hallucinating and he remembers that he had a LUCID dream that King Solomon came and healed him in the dream. after the dream his fever broke and he could get up. The doctor’s were amazed. He suffered no repercussions.
These days my dreams are mainly grand vivid LUCID dreams. You know when you have these because they are super VIVID in color and in tone. They are hyper real, SUPER HD, and often, super sensual. You may sense the feeling of cloth, feel very embodied,even smell and taste in your dreams which is a very rare factor.
The Grand Trines that are aligning now in the Heavens magnify the potency and power of everyone’s dreaming. Neptune the planet that rules Pisces which is itself the sign of dreams, spirituality, other worldly dimensions is in its home sign and will remain there till 2026. NEPTUNE in PISCES opens up everyone’s intuition. Everyone will be feeling more sensitive, telepathic, empathetic, but if you don’t know that that’s what’s going on, you may think you are going crazy. The combo of Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Scorpio sign of the Unconscious itself, are blending easily to produce great results.
Last night my dreams were so vivid. I could feel my Etheric Body, my soul body being weighty and inside of a physical body. I could feel my feet- PISCES Rules the Feet- hitting the ground. I could feel these very soft and comfy brown leather shoes I was wearing. I definitely remember feeling good, positive and affirming that in my dream. I awoke feeling great. Which has happened quite regularly these days.
In part of the dream I was cooking and tasting new recipes. The sense of taste and smell are extremely rare in dreams.
In another part of the dream I am with my daughter Leah and she is driving a white car, and I am sitting in the front seat beside her. She is presently only 15 and too young to drive, so this was some future scenario.
If you don’t remember your dreams. Don’t despair. Working with the Unconscious, the UNDERWORLD which is also Planet PLUTO’S Archetypal Territory along with Neptune takes practice. The TIBETAN Buddhists practice DREAM YOGA, a serious tradition. Much like shamans worldwide, and all “primitive” cultures do, dreaming is considered to be a very important part of daily life, something to be shared every morning. In Carlos Castenada’s books, his teaching from Don Juan a Yaqui Indian, whether it be fiction, still relates basic shamanic principles of the dreaming yourself awake, seeing the world as a dream. Zen Buddhist teachings also see the world the same way such as the classic Chinese Quote of ZUANGZHI.
” After waking up from a dream where I felt I was a fluttering butterfly I awoke but questioned. Am I a man dreaming I am a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming I am a man?”
butterfly tattoo Harry Styles
Butterfly Tattoo apparently on Harry Styles
JAMES HILLMAN modern post Jungian Depth Psychology scholar wrote much about the Dream world, going back to very ancient ways of working with the dream in as literal an Archetypal sense as possible and making analysands aware of avoiding the ego’s interpretation at all costs. The dream is dreaming you.
Steps for remembering your dreams.
1. don’t eat a heavy meal before you go to bed. Your stomach needs to be empty so that your body can focus on the non-physical side of sleeping more.
2. taking melatonin, available at any health food store, enables one to go into deeper relaxed and dream states. I usually take 3 mg. it is safe. Other herbals aid sleep, like hops, sleepy time teas etc.
3. state your intention in your mind as you lie in bed. “I will remember my dreams.” State as well, “I will be awake in my dreams.”
4. You can incubate a dream question. CAll in the HIGH PRIESTESS she is the Archetype of the Moon Goddess in the TAROT. Trump # 2. She is literally a guardian of the veil between the worlds. Phrase your question carefully. It should be  like what do I need to go further? keep it open but directed.
Tara Greene High Priestess
5. You will need to set your alarm a few minutes earlier than you normal. Let softer music awaken you. You want a soft landing and transition.
6. Don’t move a muscle when you wake up. Don’t open your eyes. It only takes 30 seconds to lose a dream, and moving and going into your head and starting to think lets the dream slip away from your  experience. Stay in your feeling body, the body does remember.
7. Ask yourself  ”where was I just now?”  Keep your mind quiet. SImply allow whatever you can recall. Allow whisps or full-blown recollection to come through. If at first you don’t succeed, try try again. It takes practice.
8. State your intentions of incorporating your dreaming into your daily life. So ask your unconscious to trigger your dream memories during the day.
9. Sleeping takes up 1/3 of your entire life and every night you do dream, So you are wasting almost 1 third of your entire lifetime by not tapping into and knowing Where YOU really are at night when asleep. Your soul is awake and unfettered by the physical body when dreaming. It is as close as you can come to your true spiritual reality while alive. Resolve to value your dream time every night.
10. Get a dream journal, intend to write down something even if at first no memories come through. You will get numbers, scenes, feelings. Some people’s’ dreams are like 3 hour movies in great detail every night. Every day they write pages of details. Your dreams are vast and work on different levels. You can tell when you are dreaming about something you just saw on TV, or had a conversation about the day or so before. The body also send health feedback in a dream but usually in a symbolic sense but often it is literal. Dream work in puns. You can dream into the future, In the dream state there is no time.
There is so much to know about dreams, they are a universal archetypal landscape. Don’t let anyone else interpret your dream for you. Tapping into your dreams gives you a clearer knowing of the SOUL’s intentions, of your true self. Basically treat every thing, object, action, person as a part of yourself seeking integration.
Send me your feedback.
get a dream interpretation with TARA GREENE

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