Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Retrograde check,vulnerability is strength, Tara Greene Astrology psychic

Since Mercury is Retrograde I always do a little Retrograde Astrology bit- hindsight is always 20/20


Conjunction Opposition day Tuesday Feb 26

Makes you wonder how you keep from going under…

Mercury Retro in Pisces conjunct MARS. Connecting with your SPIRITUAL WARRIOR or SABOTEUR,

mind and libido,its like finding JAMES BOND living in your subconscious

James Bond astrology Tara Greene

Repressed anger, passive/aggressive. Secret enemies, you are sabotaging yourself!

All 12th house issues, undercover,secrets, get revisited. Aries people, rules by MARS may feel totally submerged.

Have you aired your secrets out recently?

Virgo Moon opposite Mercury & MARS in Pisces,
nit-picking over how when where & why your practical needs vs spiritual ones are met
2/27 MOON enters LIBRA @ 5:02 am pst/8:02 am EST

Moon in LIBRA quincunx moves affects Love & soulmates Venus/ Neptune.

No more doormat denial. Is he/she into you or not? Painful for those born Feb 18 19 or 20 of PISCES, confusion, in the fog.

A very big spiritual healing day Embracing your shadow allows healing. VULNERABILITY ROCKS!>

Shine that light bright like a diamond on the wounds. Sounds Like Chris Brown and Rhianna’s story doesn’t it?

LIBRA MOON OPPOSITE URANUS- emotional whoopee cushion effect
expect the unexpected Aries, emotional see-saw as Libra Moon opposes Uranus. Cancer’s and Capricorn’s also feel the jolt, mind your manners.

One nice TRINE in there for GEMINI as Libra Moon trines Jupiter.

take the good stuff where you can get it, after diner 9:35 pm EST

Moon in Libra quinunx Chiron in PISCES and the Sun late in evening PST/28th early am. EST

Relationships are really on the block today. LIBRA”s NEED relationships. PISCES is martyrdom and addictions. Can you find a balanced middle ground to be strong in? You can’t hide the hurt anymore. Self esteem needs to rise, begin to get in touch with your spiritual strength.

Which side are you on? the false front people pleaser’s or the forward feeling spiritual LIGHTS.
these are tough questions, PISCES SPIRITUAL WARRIORS are the strongest ,VULNERABILITY is true strength.

Vulnerability est maioribus vires

I never thought I’d be creating Latin quotes. How Mercury RETRO is that! LOL, I wasn’t raised Catholic.

Trust Tara’s guidance; get a reading

I also offer specific date choices for WEDDINGS, business starts, workshops, relationship readings,

career changes, – email

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