Monday, July 9, 2018

Venus in Virgo Clean loving Astology

Venus in Virgo Clean Loving Astrology

Venus enters Virgo July 9- August 6
Out with the VENUS in LEO drama and over the top passion, and time to get grounded, simple, slow down.  Venus is conjunct fixed Star Regulas at zero degrees Virgo for a few days now. This has benefits for early Virgo Sun Moon and other placements as Regulus is Archangel Raphael healer of hearts. 

                                   Jules Breton 19th Century French artists 1884
Virgo is all about perfection. Being humble, frugal, a servant, being part of a community and pets are all traditionally associated with Virgo the 6th sign and house naturally. They are natural accountants organizers nitpickers and very intelligent. They are mutable and adapt easily although not without planning and worrying all the time. 

Venus in Virgo women want to be loved for their intellect not just their beauty. 
Venus in Virgo is earthy love, why don’t we do it in the road? Too messy for a Virgo.
VIRGO is the HERMIT #9 in the Tarot and Venus is The Empress #3
We need to nurture our alone time with Venus in Virgo and learn to listen to our gut instincts. 
VIRGO is the trees, the harvest, the sacred ground, the oaks, the fruits of our labors. Virgo is on budget, practical, accountable, perfectionist.
Out with the VENUS in LEO drama and over the top passion, and time to get grounded, simple, slow down. 
Virgo, symbolized by the Virgin Harvest Goddess, is a very ancient and large Constellation. Health is a huge issue for Virgos, as they do worry a lot which can affect their health.  Their weakest body part is the upper intestines and they often have underlying health issues of this type.
While Venus is in Virgo you should very carefully watch your diet and health and avoid drinking alcohol, eating greasy, heavy and spicy foods. Venus in Virgo helps one be very disciplined and health conscious. You will love doing yoga, walking, working out and eating simple and healthy during this time. Go on a cleanse.. Give your body the gift of health care; do get massages, use natural herbs, naturopaths, Chinese herbal and homeopathic medicines which are not toxic.
There will be love reversals and losses. Many relationships will be stressed and end.
Women, love and values turn to earthy and practical;  Do they have good jobs? Are they responsible? Have good hygiene?  Do they have good money management skills? Are they intelligent? Absolutely.
Dress will be neater more conservative practical tidier and always bought on sale or on budget.
Virgo’s have time to date?
Co-worker love affairs are very strong during this time.
And beware exorbitant workaholism. This is a Virgo trait anyways. You will have to pry them away from their desks, as they are  married to their job’s
Venus in Virgo is rather dry and information oriented they may avoid intimacy by adoring their cell phones, YouTube, books, etc. Nothing is ever perfect enough not you or themselves. 
Mercury rules VIRGO’s we must always remember that.
This may be a great opportunity to take your cues from the Hermit and take time off and retreat into your room, cave, or preferred place in nature and be alone for a few weeks. 
Do clean up your mess, your messy house, desk, finances, health, relationships, colon. 
Famous Venus in Virgo peeps
John Lennon, Mick Jagger- started out studying economics, Sting, Pink, Gwen Stefani.
Rappers  -Eminem and Lil Wayne
J.K. Rowling- Harry Potter writer, the best-selling author in the world, ever
Robin Williams, Julia Roberts- earth momma at heart, Robert De Niro- known for being a perfectionist.
Robert Redford -living in the country in Utah, Catherine Zeta- Jones, Vin Diesel, Blake Lively,
Sean Penn, Mila Kunis, Bridgitte Bardot,  Kate Winslet, Patrick Swayze.
Catherine Deneuve, Charlize Theron, Antonia Banderas.
Film DIRECTOR’s -Roman Polanski.
PHILOSOPHER’s -Friedrich Nietzsche German philosopher.
Last: Kim Kardashian –she’s made a heck of a lot of money for no talent.
Please share widely 
All writing is copyright of Tara Greene
Need meticulous advice- get a reading with Tara

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