Thursday, February 16, 2017

Very rare 6 pointed star in skies, Magic Merkabah

Rare 6 pointed star Merkabah Feb 16-17

Feb. 16 First, there is a very earthy, powerful GRAND TRINE between CERES, now a dwarf planet/ asteroid in Taurus with JUNO, the Goddess of female genius in CAPRICORN and the NORTH NODE in VIRGO which perfects the 15-17th of February, and at the last degrees of the Sun in Aquarius. 
Grand Earth Trine, astrology, Tara Greene
This is a very fruitful, creative grounded energy. A Grand earth Trine blends the three Feminine energies in a powerful TRIANGLE, a magical container.
CERES, is the great Mother Archetype, she is mother nature, fertile and abundant. JUNO symbolizes female genius, a multi-tasking energy.Juno is not Zeus’s long-suffering wife.
The North Node of the Moon symbolizes the popular collective’s point of view and the highest elevated goal. North Node is our spiritual GPS.
Ceres is the great Mother Archetype, like Demeter, she is Mother Nature.
Virgo North Node is the Virgin earth Goddess herself. Virgo North Node is about being of service, humble, harvesting what we have sown.
Virgo is the sign of intellectual order, hard work, being of service, and perfectionism. Virgo is being on a budget, being humble, and paying attention to our gut instincts and our health.
Use this very powerful FEMININE energy to align with for prayers for yourself and for health. Draw down the easy balance of the Goddesses for the collective Feminine psyche, for Mother Earth, and to support women’s freedom over their own reproductive issues and environmental activism. International women’s day is coming, March 8th.
Feb 16
Moon is in SCORPIO a very deep feminine sign energy. Scorpio moons make us take the plunge. Mercury sextiles Mars in Aries. Mars is Scorpio’s original ruling planet. It may be easy to get detached
Mars is Scorpio’s original ruling planet. It may be easy to get detached about those power issues, the sex, control, obsession issues today. Use it well. I could certainly use that.
Moon inconjuncts VENUS in ARIES
Scorpio Moon energy is the shadow and can take over our rational feelings. If you try to control women today they will walk, they will fight back. Venus in ARIES is the warrioress and she is getting ready to go RETROGRADE, so she is packing a powerful weapon right now. If you push on any woman, or the feminine energies right now, she will push back hard. 
MOON TRINES NEPTUNE IN PISCES IN PDT/ early hours of the 17th EST and GMT
The Water trine connects with brightest star SIRIUS @ 13 degrees CANCER which is conjunct to the U.S. SUN. This creates a RARE 6 pointed star of David or Star Tetrahedron formation. This is a Merkabah, a vehicle of starry light to ascend to higher awareness through embodiment of who and what we really are. We are the stars.
Rare 6 pointed Star Merkabah Astrology Tara Greene
The star Sirius was chosen by the Masonic founders of America to be connected with the U.S. Sun. On July 4th the Sun is conjunct SIRIUS. Sirius is the home of the SIRIANS, who many channelers tune into for higher consciousness. These channels consider themselves to be the Lightbringers, way showers, Starseeds, walk-ins  and the like. I connect with these beings and the Pleiadians and Arcturians to. 
Tune into this higher consciousness of the physical and emotional realms in the Merkabah energy.  See Drunvalo Melchizedek’s writings on this. He discovered the Flower of Life. 
This is a very powerful energy to meditate with. We are creating and envisioning our new star births. Sirius mythology is connected with birth, death and resurrection. The myth of the God Osiris, who was killed, torn apart, lost his penis, his masculinity and was put together again through his sister/ wife Egyptian Goddess Isis’s love. This is an archetypal story about the wounded masculine, who needs the Divine Feminine energy to resurrect him and replace his broken phallic energy. But the phallus needs to be broken first in order for the feminine to fix it. We are at this stage now in the archetypal world. The Old Patriarchal order will be destroyed soon and the divine feminine will re-member it. 
We are in betwixt eclipses. The next one is a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE Feb 26 at 8 degrees PISCES. This time period is intense we are just digesting the last lunar eclipse in Aquarius.   I have been dreaming very lucidly and now feeling quite tired. Energy levels are up and down. Lots of shadows are being revealed. 
I just looked back and this Feb 26 Solar one is extremely pertinent in my life. The last total solar eclipse in this series was Feb 26, 1998 which was 6 days after my daughter Leah was born. Before then on Feb 26, 1979, was four days after I witnessed one of the most amazing magical mystical experiences in my life on Feb 22, 1979, on Isla Mujeres Mexico. I had two witnesses with me who saw the same thing. That was what I call ” The return of the Star Bird” you can read about that here on my site. 
If you have planets at any of the zero- 6 degrees of Earth Signs, you will be affected personally. If you have planets at 8-16 degrees Water signs you are also very strongly affected. As are those whose planets are in 90-degree angles to these 6 points.
Let me know how this resonates with you.
Please share widely, all writing is copyright of Tara Greene
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