Monday, July 8, 2013

Daily Inspirational Card, remember to breathe

July 8 Inspirational Card of the Day
The Knave/Page/Youth/of Swords
knave of swrods tarot Tara Greene
Hexen.2 Tarot
The Knave of swords is traditionally a very young teenager shown wielding a sword. He is just learning, open, gullible. He has lots of energy, is naive,idealistic, unformed, he is perceptive, curious, constantly seeking answers.  He is always questioning, and has a tumultuous energy, he is a bit like a small whirlwind. He loves information. Swords are the element of Air and the mind, which are meant to discern meaning. He may think he knows everything before he knows anything. He is quick to fight, defend his ideas which are still very new.
Another Tarot deck shows the Knave as a FEMALE Goddess DIANA/Artemis
Artemis Goddess Tarot
From the Universal Goddess Tarot
DIANA/Artemis is the MOON Goddess Herself.
She is a young ever youthful virgin Goddess who belonged to no man.  She was a huntress, always carrying a bow and arrows and running in the woods  at night to hunt with her dogs. She is Mistress of wild animals, as she derives from a very ancient cult of the BEAR, or the Big Dipper constellation. She is patroness of wild animals. She protects women in childbirth, and protects women and young girls from disease. The dear and the cypress tree are two of her symbols.   She symbolizes virgin ONENESS, as she is whole unto herself. Other attributes of the Goddess are trust and innocence. She is associated with water, the heart, feelings, emotions. She ritually renewed herself in a sacred spring . One of her main temples was in Ephesus Turkey, where the Goddess is shown with hundreds of breasts down the front of her body, symbolizing unconditional nurturing.
When I first chose the card, the first image that popped into my head was Edward Snowden, now safe in Venezuela. Like the knave of swords, he is a brash brave, curios, information gatherer, and a 29th degree Gemini to boot, who used the pen as a weapon,which is way mightier than any sword.
The 2nd version of the Card, the Goddess version seems to seamless blend with the NEW MOON in Cancer symbolism which I wrote about in my previous article. The Goddess Artemis, is a young wild, exuberant Goddess. She is associated with women, water, nourishment, protection.
Emotions will be high on this New Moon. Mars is the ONLY planet in an AIR sign, and sometimes our emotions can overwhelm us. The element of air as detachment is necessary so that we can witness our emotions and not be engulfed by their immense power.
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