Saturday, March 9, 2013

emotional rescue, karmic ritual,how to Void of course moon Astrology

Hope you had a Great International Women’s day.
The Moon went Void of Course yesterday on that day at 2:08 pm PST/5:08 pm EST
which is interesting as the Moon rules and is synonymous with WOMEN.
Women and the MOON are all about connecting and relationships.
The Moon carries ALL emotional feelings. Every bodies, including yours.
During V-O-C periods, the acronym, Moon is between connections, she is liminal, in the Twilight zone, resting and renewing.
The Moon hasn’t entered another sign, she isn’t ready to engage just yet,
V of C times can last only minutes, sometimes a day or longer.
When the Moon is Void of Course, every  couple of days, she can be considered to be “naked”
like the Goddess DIANA, the ancient Greek Goddess synonymous with the Moon, she is doing her ritual bathing and cleansing in order to renew Herself.
Shabba Syria Mosaic Diana
Shabba Syria Mosiac Goddess Diana and Acteon
be like the MOON- get naked emotionally NOW! ESPECIALLY with 6-7 PLANETS in WATER SIGNS – a very RARE event
it’s an EMOTIONAL RESCUE!  very karmic with 12th house PISCES SIGN>
the VOC  Moon happens every couple of days. There are APPS and  lunar calendars you can check.
MEDITATION, dreaming waking and sleeping, using your intuition, visualization, allowing your Higher Self to talk to you
NOTE on NEW MOON March 11 with 7 planets in PISCES
the MOON goes Void @ 12:51 pm PST/3:51 pm EST  - March 12 when Moon enters ARIES @ 4:17 am PST/7:17 am EST
Be like Diana- bathe, cleanse, renew, REFLECT. Especially under a MERCURY & SATURN RETROGRADE
It is a perfect  time to wash away old emotional patterns
You know that old song from the 50′s musical SOUTH PACIFIC?
“I’m gonna wash that man/woman right outta my hair”
You want to go back to the Unconscious, the womb, the ocean, memories, in  meditation.  Zone out. Walk between the worlds’.
This is great for any V O C MOON TIME
dreaming, intuition, visualization, creativity, sound, art, photography, communing with the cosmos are all super strong.
Ever done a bath with ritual cleansing intentions? Run a very hot bath, add epsom salts or Himalayan PURE salts,no fakery,
put a few drops of lavender oil because it wards off negative energies, add rose oil if you wish.
Turn off the electric lights and use candles, sprinkle rose petals if you have them,
have fresh clean towels ready. Allow yourself lots of time. Sink into the bath.
Close your eyes and relax, breathe in slowly through your nose and out your mouth,
tell your  unconscious  that you will remember what is holding you back from
living your highest spiritual self-loving potential,
tell yourself that all your past misdeeds, sins, self- abuse,  emotional pain,
and denial are being cleansed away and you will step put of this bath, renewed, purified.
Allow the HIgher Self to work through you.
PISCES IS FAITH, so have faith that it is being done.
Allow, surrender.  All that water dissolves all hardness, all calcified karmic old feelings.
Stay in the bath as long as you can, you may fall asleep, the deeper you can relax the more powerful the healing.
Step out , dry yourself off and go lie down,sleep and dream.
I will write about HOW and WHERE all the PISCES energy affects each sign next  & PISCES 7 planet NEW MOON for March 11
MOON enters PISCES MArch 9 @ 10:19 pm PST -March 10 @1:19 am EST.
DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME begins MArch 10 @ 2:00 am
7 planets in PISCES
need a lighthouse through the PISCES FOG? Get a reading

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