Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Resolve to Escape | Stuart Wilde

Resolve to Escape | Stuart Wilde

Stuart Wilde is one of my favourite spiritual teachers. He is irreverant, funny, super smart, he gets it, he tells it like it is. I totally resonate with his way of seeing and understanding the Universe. It is what I remember and know.
I'm off to Las Vegas Aug 31- Sept 3 to see Stuart once again, my 3rd Stuart Wildstock event.
then I will continue on to Sedona my old home where I was told to go to in 1986, its my old karmic spiritual watering hole.
I will sit and meditate, listen to the red rock vortexes and the creek and watch all the stars at night and the Milky Way and hike and visit old friends and new ones and the wolves and make offerings, and prayers.
I am also offering a limited number of special Sedona Psychic Readings while I am there Sept 4-10
see for more info
Blessings Tara

Monday, August 20, 2012

Toronto Psychic Transformational spiritual WORKSHOPS with Tara Greene

   Transformational PSYCHIC workshops for women

Under the power of the FULL and NEW MOON CYCLES, learn how to enhance your PSYCHIC and spiritual 6th sense.

Workshops are designed to create sacred circles for Women's psychic empowerment, protection, ritual magic, dreaming and healing.

As we head into Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice 2012 it very import to awaken and embody the DIVINE FEMININE within. The Divine Feminine works through intuition, with the heart, listens, reflects.
Working with Grandmother Moon's cycles is the ancient traditional practice for women's magical and psychic practices in all culture's around the world.
These lunar sacred spiritual circle workshop/ceremonies are life changing and may radically transform your life.
Are you ready to OCCUPY MAGIC? 
Through ritual invocation women gather to anchor the New DIVINE FEMININE ENERGIES.
Invest in your Goddess Self. Empower your Psyche.
As you participate in your own empowerment, you createscircles of abundance, spiritual wealth, health and growth while greatly expanding your energy, vibration and intentions.
These workshops are designed for all levels,
beginners, intermediate or advanced women wishing to enhance and empower themselves.
We will co-create sacred space, powerful psychic allies, protection and beauty all around.
The 5 workshop ceremonies will include
 * Guided meditations, healing circles, dream work,drumming rituals.
 * Learn how to work with the Lunar cycles to manifest everything you wish.
 * Learn how to build a mesa and alter.
 * Working with your dreams, creating rituals and images to make your dreams a reality.
 * Using visualizations to unblock chakras, change past traumas, create a positive flowing heart centered NOW.
 * Sacred chanting and sounding, building a cone of power,weaving a web of protection, connecting to the Matrix.
 * Learning and using the Medicine wheel for centering, change, self renewal, birthing, self-esteem, being the Divine Child, Mother and Crone.
 Course will be offered inperson in Toronto and online.
 Register now! Space is limited to 9 women in Toronto location.
 New and Full Moon workshops begin on the New Moon September 15
and continue till November 13.
Saturday Sept. 15 - VIRGO New Moon - 2:00- 4:30 pm  afternoon
Saturday Sept. 29 - ARIES Full Moon - 2:00-4:30 pm     afternoon
Monday Oct. 15- LIBRA New moon - 7:30 -10:00 pm   evening
Monday Oct. 29 -TAURUS Full Moon - 7:30 -10:00 pm  evening
Tues. Nov.13 New Moon SCORPIO Solar Eclipse 7:30-10:00 pm
Location: The Sacred Arts Centre
1792 Dundas Street East Toronto M4L 1M3
{Dundas and Coxwell area}
Commitment to Series of 5 workshops creates an empowered intention.
Your investment for yourself is  $250.00
You may also pay in installments. If in financial need please contact me.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How to Clean up the Pineal Gland ~ RiseEarth

How to Clean up the Pineal Gland ~ RiseEarth
cleansing is so important if one intends to see visions. Many things must be eliminated from your body.
1. Mercury fillings
2. Fluoride, vaccinations
3. pesticides
and more

Friday, August 3, 2012

Perseid meteor shower set to put on a great show - Astronomy Magazine

Perseid meteor shower set to put on a great show - Astronomy Magazine
I love to watch the night skies, it was the original "religion," I always htink of the thousands of nights and tallying of record keeping over thousands of years. AUg 11/12 is the annual Perseid Meteor showers.